she refuses to take me seriously any time I try to talk about politics as you can see. But she's also not totally anti-trump. How should I proceed?
How can I redpill my gf?
I admit I got a little too emotional here
She's already naming the joos senpai
you sound like a meme this is kinda sad. at least she's a good sport about it
>ever being emotional with your gf
>ever sending more than three word texts to a gf
you are doing it wrong
Literally noone cares you faggot. You are weak and pathetic for faking this conversation, weaker still if it's real.
You will not be spared on the day of the rope
In a sane world you wouldn't have to since women weren't expected to know politics and didn't vote.
Are you really afraid when you go outside? Bulk up.
She's soaking wet, move in
stop posting your private messages with a partner on a public board, if you respect anything about her. It sounds like she cares about you but that you are obvioulsy becoming unhinged and should fukcing take a chill pill
>the internet and social media was a mistake
GF seems pretty redpilled to me
Her response tells you everything you need to know. Modernity has given her a political responsibility she cant handle (maybe dont mention this to her)
give her the bogpill whether she wants it or not
this desu
What are you, a liberal?
a colt 1911 would change that boy
she left you long ago...
Women are immune to the red pill by nature. Don't bother. They will fall in line with your beliefs if they like you enough though.
Are you seriously publicly bitching about how your woman doesn't "respect my feelings"? Sack up you faggot. You have to ease people, especially women, into things like this. Don't go full holocaust was a lie on her. It took me 6 months of slowly chipping away and my wife stands with me on just about EVERY topic other than cigarettes and beer are degenerate. I mostly agree with her on that last part too.
rape her and say "This is what niggers are doing to white women"
Stick it in her butt and pee
your gf sounds based, why are you a faggot op?
>starting to think the internet and social media were a mistake
i would KILL to meet a girl that feels that way
>tfw i've started to use the crying/laughing emoji to fit in
She sounds aight as it is if she's bringing up the joos by herself and hating the interwebs.
There's a reason women shouldn't have the right to vote. Look to male friends for political discord. Let her say something stupid and alpha-respond the fuck out of the bitch, make her cry, then hatefuck her to show her who's boss.
She can't handle real life. Also why are you not making enough money to support the both of you? Why is she working?
Hahahahahahahahaha oh kek please be fake
Wow i thought she was alright until she said t bh. She's a nigger lover
Playing the victim dries up pussy faster than you can blink.
She's right you idiot.
>my political opinions are that I'm persecuted for supporting the person that actually won the election for president of the united states
I wouldn't take you seriously either you're a fucking retard.
I will not get the sex if I talk about the Donald.
marry her and you essentially double your voting power
10/10 grips
0/10 flashy niggery engravings
Kek has spoken. Do it, OP
sounds like shes the redpilled one being productive and striving toward happiness and youre the whiney preachey sjw that can let anything go.
Tyrones fucking your girlfriend
Theres no way she finds you alpha
This. Why is OP such a faggot?
Also Trips don't lie.
her job is now an escape from you. good work, user.
Dude you're a FAG
top kek you fucking queermo
get some muscle for intimidation factor
and carry a gun in case you need it
the end
>waah waah i'm skared of le ebil leftists ;___;
How is she the one who can't handle real life if its her who is telling him to get out into the real world and stop worrying about the internet so much?
Just grab her by the pussy.
>too emotional
any level of emotional is too emotional
women speak about their emotions. men bottle them up until they go columbine or drop dead of a stress-induced heart attack at age 40
>maybe that was the jews too like you say [shitposting emoji]
woo boy, don't overdose her now
redpill people in increments, first easy shit like the corruption of hollywood, then intermediate shit like Swedish rape statistics, then full fucking bore with explaining how we summoned an ancient egyptian chaos god through pseudo-random numerical posting on an anonymous image board dedicated to chinese cartoons to put a billionaire nationalist in office.
This has a pretty easy solution that no poltard could imagine.
Dick her
I feel like a genius with girls when I see these morons on Sup Forums posting screenshots.
Is it that hard to pretend to be a normie?
This amount of autism is unbelievable. This is 100% fake, or OP is pretending his caretaker is his gf
Send her a wall of text containing a list of youtube links that would take a total of 27 hours to watch the entirety of.
>then she'll be all yours Op
Give her to her black Kangs and find some one not so degenerate and derelict
Or convince her that she is not empty on the inside and that you truly love her
One of those should work
You honestly sound like a paranoid schizo. You're not gonna get anywhere saying shit like that. If you really want to redpill her then you counter any leftist argument with facts.
The problem here is you're trying to insert politics in places it's obviously not wanted. The way your text messages play out makes it sound like all you are is walking political rhetoric. Any chance you have to redpill her will walk out the door if you don't tone down the autism.
Don't bother man. They don't have the brainpower to reason or rationalize. Only text to confirm logistics. Enjoy time with her physically in reality. You exist to protect her. Protect her from politics. Lead by example.
dont let anyone tell u u cant be racist.
I feel your pain brother. No solution I've found yet, hopefully they both are worth it...
Dude I'm red pilling my gf as we speak but u gotta say the JQ for the very end. It shouldnt be a question whether it's true or not when u drop that
You're too much of a beta cuck, user
go do sport, go to the cinema, do shit with her before you engage politic. you can't just shove a red pill down someone's throat, especially if it's just your girl friend who wants to have a good time, she'll just fuck off if you keep being a sperg about it
Stop being a self-centered melodramatic man child. Your girlfriend is subtly trying to stop you from spilling your autism all over the place, but you just push back like a faggot.
Learn to be civil and stop being so emotional. Life isn't fair. Man the fuck up or she will cuck you for sure.
If you don't stop aggressively pushing your beliefs down her throat she's going to dump you bro. You need to slide them in softly. Girls don't like it full force all day holmes
jesus christ
Keep the memes on Sup Forums buddy
Yea, I feel bad for her. It sounds like she could give a fuck, which is totally hot and she deserves a man like ME, who will whisper the truth in between the cunnilingus licks without overbearing her with a constant stream of emotional ranting. Stop pushing your shit on her, just push back when she says some brainwashed bullshit.
Convince her to watch The Greatest Story Never Told with you. Assure here that you're "pretty sure the next chapter is the one about cats and decorating" every 20 minutes.
Why don't you kids relax a bit, you're too young for politics.
Sup Forums=politics time
girlfriend time=girlfriend time
It's that simple. Enjoy life a little and forget politics when with the gf.
She's gonna dump you if you keep it up, that's almost guaranteed.
She's already fucking Tyrone you beta faggot.
Jesus Christ maybe we won't win the meme war after all.
My advice - thank her for her suggestion and take a 3 week break from news and social media.
It will be great for your relationship, also for your current anxiety levels.
you are literally bawling to your girlfriend, telling her to make it better, and then attacking her for being "blue pilled" when she doesnt fix everything for you. you got a lot to learn bro
This "trump voters are the persecuted class" meme needs to stop. If you guys are the picked on minority, how did he win? If you guys aren't racist, why are the only people really happy jobless white men?
>she names the jews
>she needs to be red pilled
You are fucking pathetic.
This thread reeks of normalfag subreddit refugee.
Your relationship is already over. She will never respect you.
You are not in the same page with your gf, she probably just wants a guy that doesn't ramble about "dur world HAPPENNINGS" every second of her life.
You are destroying your own relationship for a meme.
this fampai
establish a dominant grip
u must succeed
i selected construction vehicles for you
>being afraid of liberals
>whines about politics to his gf who obviously doesn't care
>unironically using the term bluepill outside of Sup Forums
I really wanted to like this thread but you're a faggot, sorry to tell you that mate
redpill yourself first. Womens are too emotional to use logic. I don't want to say they are stupid, but they are. Fuck her and use game to change her mind about certain topics. Only that.
you're an idiot
forget about trump and politics and get your gf pregnant and marry her
you have more important things to do than worrying about who's sitting in some chair a few thousand miles away
Easy, just put your dick in her mouth.
>fucking, fucking
go back to r/the_donald you numale faggot
>maybe that was the jews too like you always say
lost my shit, i dont care if this is real or not
This has got to be bait. No man in earth would ever say this shit to his SO.
If it isn't, your relationship is over.
shes pretty much there desu. keep subtely bushing the jews and the rest will follow