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WTF is this?
So what's in his pants? I don't get it.
These comics actually make me hate trannies more.
feminine penis and a felony if you try to touch it
This """guy"""? Did xhe just assume someone's gender?
Where's the leaf in your flag? Did you drop it?
I am from Thailand where we surgically turn man into woman and i don't get this
The Trump suporter in the cartoon is pictured as a crybaby and the transgender thing is pictured as a proud hero/role model
Isn't that the beauty of it all? These "people" are so fucking stupid they make their own enemies. All they know is crying and being victims so once they actually get appeased they don't know what to do. What do they decide do? Continue "drawing attention" to more and more ridiculous non-issues until even normies get tired of them.
On the one hand this redpills normies, but on the other it "affirms" to these "people" that they're actually right and their attention has "brought out the bigots". Like I said they're fucking stupid.