Petition: Declare Antifa a Domestic Terror Organization
Petition: Declare Antifa a Domestic Terror Organization
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Nobody sign that shit...
It don't go to Trump, it goes to Soros, and he sends a hit squad to kill you.
bump. The Sup Forums SS (Safety Squad) has to do something about this.
>t. Soros
Worth a bump
get it over to the_donald and it has a chance
What utter and complete faggotry.
The only thing that works is standing your ground.
why is there only one signature on this? What's wrong with it?
fuck off back to Ancapistan, Javid.
I'm gonna call in to the Alex jones show tomorrow and bring this up to him. Only way it's going to get any real coverage. Babbitt or Tucker might as well but I don't have any direct acces to them.
These petition never worked when Obama was in office.
But Obama's not in office anymore, doesn't hurt to try.
Why are you shilling a petition that obviously doesn't work?
Point to their website. Looks like a domestic terrorist organization to me.
The petition was just created, it might take awhile for signs to be verified or whatever. I'm not sure how the site works.
I signed with my real name and email. Eat a dick soros
As much as I hate to say it. This is a good idea
alright, I'm in
is this petition for americans only???
Yeah, because Soros really operates that way. Who exactly is employed as his muscle?
He would much rather just stir up confused radicals than draw any attention to himself by ordering a hit.