What are the chances of the United States invading Iran?
The United States invading Iran
Well considering Drumpf is president and considering he filled his cabinet with hawks...
Extremely low. It's all hype.
Just sink their navy again that will shut them up real quick. No need to invade.
Unless Iran is dumb enough to attack a ship, chances are zero.
It will never happen. Invading another gulf country would snowball into world war 3 - especially IRAN. Putin wouldn't tolerate that - even with Trump in office.
We will need another 9/11 to justify it, that's all I know.
considering trump is a kike lover..i'd say 90% and Sup Forums will be cheering for him because Israel comes first...always
Nothing will come of it
If he does he's 100% confirmed a Kike puppet and is compromised
It's more likely that Israel will bomb Iranian nuclear and missile sites while the US goes "that's terrible, we'll enforce a no fly zone over the middle east (except Israel) to defuse the situation".
And it's the right thing to do.
We going in somewhere, prolly multiple somewheres.
Start with Australia. Literally half day job for a marine brigade with air support. Then Iran. Two days aerial massage then three days to the money shot. No police action, just destroy and leave. Whole region will collapse in on itself. Let the Saudis take Yemen. Israel chops larger chunks for itself.
North ko next. Obliterate pyonyang, 3 hours. Carpet bomb the masses into China, one day. Gotta help our pals the South Koreans.
Get the Indians to start massing on the Chinese border. Tell the pakis if they fuck with India we nuke them. China deploys defenses to the Southwest, we come in from the north east with the Japanese. Taiwan declares independence and attacks. Vietnam and Indonesia also attack from the south. Russians attack from the north. 4 week affair, each attacking country carves out new borders.
Tell Mexicans vassal state or else. They agree. Nothing changes as we still need our drugs.
EU bitches to UN. US withdraws all forces and hangs welcome sign for Putin. Russia takes over in two weeks through Ukraine.
Something like that
Less than zero as long as Trump is president. Assuming of course Iran doesn't invade someone else first.
Nonzero like it's always been. Likely increasing given that Iran has been expanding its influence and nobody other than Obongo wanted to just sit back and let it happen.
happened back in the 2000s
OP confirmed underage.
They're trying to call his bluff so I think he'll have to slap them somehow. Invasion, obviously not.
There are obviously ways to buy Putin support but Donald just won't do this. I think he agrees that we had enough of that .
There is no way to buy the oil access and friendly seaports.. Russia has a lot of skin in the IRAN game, and IRAN needs Russia as they have no one else.
With the Iranian question, you can't just buy Putin to put him out of the picture, because this deals with Russia's power projection. It's within Russia's interests to maintain a pro-Russian regime in Iran. Power projection is not something you can just substitute with shekels, as doing so would mean Russia relinquishing influence in the middle east to the US. Not going to happen. If America tried to invade Iran, the Russians would become involved before any shots are fired. From there, it's WWIII or nothing.
>What are the chances of the United States invading Iran?
>implying Iran and Russia actually like each other
Let's see, we have military bases to the east and west and a naval fleet to the south, so maybe.