Explain this:

>fun loving
>understand a mans place
>loves to cook/clean
>loves to please
>supports trump

Hey Sup Forums, why on earth haven't you taken a qt Cuban-American gf?

Other urls found in this thread:



Her names Kathy ferrerio

Not impressed by her other pics. Kinda gross actually

Ik it's kinda catfish but either way there are exponentially more beautiful Cuban girls

that ass is probably fake too.


"si papi, si. oh, rico. rico. si papi, mi culo papi, mi culo."

Screw that. Boner killer.

>that plastic face
I guarantee that ass isn't natural either.


much of her isn't natural.
but hey, she probably is making money off of it on the internet. probably works as a striper too

typical hispanic wannabe redneck from miami
can confirm OP is a pussy in real life


Fuck your thread just just explain that ass


They only live in Florida

My dad fell for the Cuban-American gf meme- that's how I was made.

For every hot one, there's like 5 mulatto 3/10s. We're still better off than the Southwest, because Dominicans and Puerto Ricans are far superior to Mexicans.

Not true, there's a shit load in North Carolina, Jersey and San Fran.

Because her brother is always a fucking psycho.

>why haven't you gotten a qt (non white ethnicity) gf?

these threads are fucking trash

Because they're literally crazy. Literally. Fucking. Crazy.

This. But females are even worse.


no, definitely. her tits, ass and face are all fake and it's not even up for debate

angie is true cubanafu

because cuban american gf's don't like white guys.

>Jardin de Busch
>What a lucky monkey
>Tu pene tan caliente
>Me vendre en su toto
>Try to imagine I'm the gorilla
>Eso trasero nina
>Fucking lucky gorilla
>Si, ese soy yo.
>Wowwwww vesame
>beso dulce
>That ass makes me want to eat you up

What did they meant by this?

Explain that to my mom.

i don't like Cuban sandwiches

why do people like cellulite asses?

I hope you're not falling for the latino meme. I would go find a wife to Oklahoma if I were you.

why? i don't get it.

>brown eyes

This. THIS. If you piss off her relatives you're fucked.


My wife is Cuban.


I live in Miami, lots of Cubans, some don't bother to learn English and most are dumb as hell. Speeki espani?

Can't because Obama basically stopped Cuban immigrant to the USA. The left never complained though.

>Hey Sup Forums, why on earth haven't you taken a qt Cuban-American gf?
Because they're loca, cabron

Controlling nightmares.
Also 100% Caucasian ...


Cuban brother here, dad right meng you better treat her right meng.

I like cuban chicks because they love anal.

I don't know why this is, but I have been with 3 cubans (used to live in miami) and they all offered their ass to me within a couple weeks, without even being asked.

The one used to like it when I would fuck her butt in the morning, so that she could 'carry me around with her and then drop me off at home at the end of the day'. Kinda gross in retrospective, but still hot. The idea of a chick being so into you that she wants you to cum in her ass so she can hold it in and cherish it.

Love cuban chicks.

If they've been here 10+ years and are under age 60, those ppl are a damn shame tbqh

Most people im America didn't even notice this, the media almost never covered it as much as it does with the muslims

l i t e r a l l y perfect to be honest


florida fag here
you can find a lot of hot sluts everywhere, even on my campus it's ridiculous
but you can still find lots of cute girls who aren't that way

>being fat is being what the Jews wants
>Working for the Jews is unamerican
>Being fat is unamerican
Kill yourself nigger lover

>Dems handed out Spanish I voted stickers
>still couldn't get enough Cubans to win the state



literally everyone loves white guys

>t.non-white guy

Geraldo Rivera said "Obama ended the unfair policy blah blah blah"


Except their is no legal way to immigrate from Cuba, and its a communist dictatorship, so it not really unfair.

Alsl they should extreme vet them like they do Muslism, I'm Cuban so i KNOW many are Castro spies/subversives.

I actually think its good he ended it because the new arrivals are all mentally fucked due to castro, they only understand communism and want free stuff, its sad, they just arent the same Cuban I know.

But Obama did it for the wrong reason, he did it because Raul wanted him to, because their people are like human capital and Cuba is the plantation.

"Cubans" from Spain are well off and mostly white.
Example: My family is "Cuban", but actually from Lugo, Spain...

She gotta be thicc to satisfy BBC!

>Hey /goy/, why on earth haven't you taken a qt Cuban-American gf?

thank u merchant :DDD

Why does a random American territory have its own flag on Sup Forums?

Thats only true on bangbros where the women are paid, and only the most disgusting of Miami beach whores.

Otherwise Cuban women hate niggers almost as much as some white pride shirt wearing south carolina or alabama country girl.

merchant loves that flag :DDD

gtfo here with that lame ass immortal technique shit

Because miscegenation. If the white races do not stay pure they will be blended out and the kikes will win.


I went to Miami and snatched up a nice Venezuelan immigrant. She's been living with me for 6 months.
>Speaks perfect English
>Beautiful Spanish, not shit tier like Cubans.
>Family Values
>Hasn't been brainwashed by american education
>Fled her country from socialism once so doesn't want it again
>Hates lefties and commies
>Fucks me like crazy without using "papi, rico, culo, aiii, etc. boner killers"
>super hot
>good taste in everything
>I could go on
>worthy of my seed

are you retarded? He was normalizing relations between Cuba and America so that they could visas like the other countries. He didn't ban cubans?

Jesus Christ, what's wrong with Puerto Ricans? How come you're all retarded/.

Because I don't live near any cubans so I had to settle for a Korean.

>not knowing Cuban / Venezualan spanish is the most similar

Honestly it's gonna be interesting what these girls are gonna be like when they get older
Even with medicine, cosmetics, and modern crazy health diets slowing the age process i can't imagine they'll look good into their 40s, or even their 30s and even if they do men who want to fuck sluts always like young girls
it's gonna be a fun time in the next 10 years

because they are not gay

You're an actual faggot

lol not a pussy, would beat your gringo ass, but the rest could be more false

>so that they could visas like the other countries
Lol thats what Obozo maybe thought

Just like nuclear deal was so Iran wouldnt get nukes.

Cuba doesnt want to risk more ppl escaping. Like a slave owner.

Cubans are the most attractive out of the Latina races, we can all agree on that. I've seen some ugly ass smelly Dominicans and Puerto Rican's, and all Dominicans are black or mulatto

A lot are fine tho

Cubans are white stupid Asian cancuck

Their are white dominicans but its rare.

Lots of Puerto Ricans in new york mixed with actual niggs and are just absolutely disgusting tier over there. Some are similar to Cubans and white, some.

LOL they love a fit white boy with nice blond hair and blue eyes more than anything. What else would they like? A skinny ref?

t. nigger tier intellectual

not really, Cuban's will say shit that's just grammatically incorrect (ya tu sabes) and their slang... que asco. not as shit tier as puerto rico, dominicano, but still shit tier.

Cubans aren't mestizo you fucking idiot. Jesus, this is coming from a Chilean. Every one of you I've met are brown Indio inca rock trolls

Lolwut he did that wet foot dry foot like last month. They're not like you pwertocucks, they stay mostly in Miami were they belong. They don't immigrate everywhere like roaches

oh well you must know why so why don't you enlighten me. was it because his dad cheated on his mom with a cuban girl? was it because he is the product of a white male cuban female relationship? is it because his mom's sister chose a white guy? which is it all knowledgeable swede?

Fuck you, what is that flag, stay away , stop spreading lies and sodomizing our Miami women you Asian ladyboy bitch

> he is the product of a white male cuban female relationship

they've never meet an actual white guy, they're more obnoxious than niggers about "lol white people jokes"
but when i tell them they're white they just get stone faced
spics don't even think they're white
though i'd imagine a tall white guy who isn't an awkward faggot will do pretty well down here since most people in South Florida are short

Kek, Cubans are mestizos, I've been to Cuba and it's just black people and mulattos.

eh, not all cubans are white. pic related is cuban and is definitely mestizo

but a chick like angie, even though there are 1488 types who will say she's not white, will have light eyed objectively white kids if she ends up with a white guy.

>being so racist that universally sexy terms in a foreign language terrify you
>can't get turned on by foreign bilingual sexual conquest because pol said so

kys go back to Ross you doral/Weston asshole



>been to cuba
Retard, all the redpilled white ones left to miami,that's why communist niggers stay at the island.

Stop talking Che, you're stupid. INDIO TIRA FLECHA KEKE JAJA

Most Cubans are not white. They're almost all Mestizo.

You know when she hits 22 that thing's going to look like a jack-o-lantern the day before thanksgiving.

I know strong blond hair blue eyes pure Cubans, many.

She in the photo looks a little mestizo, but historically, there is no reason for a pure Cuban to be mestizo. There was no living Indians when colonization set in

a good number are blonde

>ad hominem
Kill yourself, never mix with a Latino. Latinos are the worst thing ever and I'm probably whiter than you anyway.

Also Che is for Argentines.

"""""american white"""""



>Che is from Argentina
You would know, che

>never mix with latinos, they're brown like me

We're not all rock trolls like you pal. Hairy arms are proof of your macchu pichu genes. The self hate is laughable, just renouncing your latinosism and go full inca, your almost there

I live in south dakota where white is blonde hair and blue or green eyes.

we're starting to get mexicans up here, and the "mixed" kids from marriages with whites usually have blue eyes and light brown hair. the horror!

Average girl in Hialeah looks like that pal

You realize that you are arguing with the Cuban equivalent of a chicano, right?