Excuse me,
Why does "President" Trump have a portrait of a former slave owner in his office?
Excuse me,
Why does "President" Trump have a portrait of a former slave owner in his office?
He wants to own slaves.
Time to get runnin' boy.
Because he is a racist bigot who wants to keep a brotha down.
Fuck Drumpf !
By the way can you borrow me some dollars ?
I will pay it back when we are kangz again.
Probably because he's allowed to put up whatever the fuck he pleases.
nearly every president before Lincoln owned slaves if i remember.
it doesn't make it right but you shouldn't base your opinion on someone in the past only for doing something seen as acceptable for the time.
Do you even $20?
that person you've reduced to "a former slave owner" was a great American, a tremendous intellectual, and an honorable man.
Always subtley flipping the bird towards the press.
Would you prefer Harriet Tubman?
Why do you carry pic of a former slaveowner in your wallet OP, you some kind of raycis?
He's a liberal, he doesn't have a job
You wouldn't just download a slave would you???
Hey, no wifin' in the club!
Because there aren't any good modern American slave holders to post on the wall
Who cares about the niggers?
We are aiming for the kikes!
Because you're an idiot, that's why.
>portrait of Andrew Jackson. One of the most badass presidents of all time.
Based af
>founder of Democrat party on his wall
WTF! NeverTrump was right! He's a closet liberal! I'm a CruzMissile now
Plesse tell me Trump will cancel her bill
when they putting tubman on the ebt card?
I'm gay and you have to pick me cotton for my wedding hatefag
obviously troll.
lurk more faggot. you're shitting up my board. or, better yet
Because Trump is the first president since Andrew Jackson to actually take on the Washington elite.
I have a lot of respect for Andrew Jackson, he wasn't perfect but he fought a tough fight and won.
Pic unrelated.
i know this is bait OP, but almost every founding father held slaves
no, her bill will stay
It's not a portrait, it's a mirror.
because it's black history month duh.