Cruz is a great debator! He will surely win

>Cruz is a great debator! He will surely win
>lost to Trump

Sanders has this

Other urls found in this thread:

trump is an outlier

But Sanders lost to a nasally, unlikable hag
Even Trump, one of the most hated men in America, was able to beat Hill lmao

Who gives a fuck? Neither of them won the real healthcare debate and both lost the election. If they stay true to their values, nothing that they say will be enacted. Obamacare will be repealed and replaced regardless

Ted Cruz had no chance against Trump. How can a man think to stand up against a god?

Trump is literally superman.

Who cares? Fuck CNN and fuck these fags.

A perfect matchup. Two men, hungry for delegates.

They're both going to suck.

Cruz is going to say stupid lines he thought of 3 weeks in advance.
And Sanders is going to agree with Ted like the cuck he is.

Screencap it.

Because Trump is high energy

Bernie is a low energy cuck who backed down to let some BLM fags hijack one of his rallies.

Even Jeb! never backed down like that.

Trump sucks at debating but was pushy and dominating, ((((Bernie)))) sucks at debating + is a pushover and cuckold. El Rato has this in the bag.

>The most loved politican in America vs the most hated man on Earth

Surely, one of these people has more to gain than the other. Why did Bernie even agree to do this?

wow i actually laughed at a leaf post

The only difference between the two is one has an army of skeleton delegates, skelegates, if you will.

Sanders was cucked by a woman. Leaked emails proved as much, as still he didn't care.

Rato's got this.

>Cruz adopts Trump's debating style
>Begins shitting on commies from such a height
What would your reaction be?

He only lost because Trump warped the debates into a reality show.

Depends on the audience though, who most likely will start orgasming when Bernie calls Ted Cruz a bigot and racist.

if we actually manage to get an intelligent discussion of healthcare policy out of this, ill be very happy

who am i kidding though, it's gonna be a shitshow

This is a non-canon episode they plucked out of early season 2 and threw in as exclusive content for the Blu-Ray box set.

I'm just watching for the memes. Don't care what happens.

Do You Miss Me Yet?

Trump's debate style is basically denying and pivoting, it's not real debating.

>CNN loaded questions
>Low Energy Ted

Gee, this totally won't be a bernie blowout.... Nope not at all!

>Sanders repeatedly ass raped by Hillary Clinton.

The guy is a loser who lost to a loser.

>drawing in millions of supporters and millions of dollars
>low energy

you can only choose one

>BLM hijack one of his rallies

that was a social security event and the two women that did that were sarah palin supporters

>I have an interview with Princeton
>coming off of it I'll be able to watch Raton crush Bernie

>Cruz: *well articulated arguments and points*
>Bernie: "Duh wun puhcent. Millyunaires. Billyuhnaires. Puhgressive."
>crowd erupts into enormous applause
>applause won't stop, everyone cheering and freaking out
>moderators declare Bernie the winner
>CNN declares Bernie the winner

Cruz doesn't stand a chance

When he's not fighint off all the moderators, it's dropping a vague yet obvious fix all and then shitting on everyone else on the stage for not coming up with it

Here's how Bernie can still win!

He didn't lose to Trump,the moderator just gave 90%of the time to Trump because of ratings. A real debate is boring.

>The most loved politican in America
>Lost the Democratic primary to Hillary Clinton, arguably the most hated politician in America
Pick one.

Aside from that, Trump is probably both the most loved, as well as the most hated politician in America.

CNN will of course rig this shit for Bernie, but I think he'll get fuckin wrecked anyway.

Cruz is a cunning muthafucka. He's probably getting tips from Trump on how to handle Bernie too.

On a more serious note, is there a way I can watch this on some non-CNN stream so I don't have to give CNN money/viewership?

This is how Bernie can still lose.

What does this matter? Neither of them can do anything to stop or save Obamacare. That being said Cruz is such a pathetic fuck I find it hard to imagine anyone losing to him in any kind of conflict.

No. Trump was there to turn a discussion into a cage match, and it predictably ended up working in his favor. For lack of a better expression, when you fight with a pig you both get dirty - but the pig likes it. Sanders is going to try and legitimately debate Cruz, which probably won't end well for Sanders.

Bernie drew millions of dollars from college kids who wanted him to forgive billions of dollars in college debt. Basically the same thing as Saudi Arabia giving millions to Hillary so she'd give them billions in arms deals.

"it is a disgrace that in 2017 america still does not provide free healthcare to undocumenred workers!"
cue the reddit circlejerk

>Trump - aphorisms
>Hillary - Soros narrative painting
>Bernie - half-baked, Marxist appeals to emotion
>Establishment Republicans - complete unrelatability

Damn, even get a glance at the alternate timeline.


Hey, Dahnald. I made some new friends.

They're called the Bogdahnoffs, Dahnald. I can feel their vast intelligence send ripples across the dimensions.

With our powers combined, Bernie will have no choice but to hand over the podium.

After that, nothing will stop us from obtaining the fabled galactigates.

This is the priesthood rising, Dahnald.

they were BLM the fuck you talking about?

I must go nao Dahnald, for the universegates AWAIT!

they should have got rand paul instead

I'd fucking pay to see that

I just hope Ted can articulate how fucking stupid free healthcare and it's economic implications are, and how his fat ugly wife bankrupted a university and end this Jew once and for all. All these millennials tuning in to watch their instant lotto God need a reality check and if Ted bites his tongue and tries to appear modest his redemption arch will be in vain and he'll be downgraded to an establishment globalist shill who threw in the towel.

Heh... You want to get to Dahnald? You'll have to get through me first...

Trump didn't debate him, or Hillary. Trump knew that he was outmatched when it came to policy (which was expected, because they were career politicians and he was a businessman), so he took advantage of his large charisma advantage and the general public's dislike of politicians. Hillary was better prepared for it, but how were those Republicans, who had never seen him debate, supposed to prepare for him hitting them with one liners, deflecting everything they said, making fun of them, giving them mocking nicknames, and shit talking the audience when he did something to draw boos?

Hillary had time to prepare, but Cruz and the other Republicans never really had any chance because nobody had ever seen anything like that before.

>lost to Trump
Everyone lost to Trump. The man is being used by God.

>Bernie "I am also tired of hearing about your DAMN e-mails, madam!" Sanders
The DNC will probably have this rigged against him too.

Nice now I can finally root for Mr. Doubtfire

Daily reminder to support Vegeta in the Redemption Arc.

Third place must go to Cruz.

Fucking this
I hated on him in the primaries but he wasn't that bad honestly, I even thought he could win after New Hampshire.

cringeworthy motherfucker though


It's going to be funny to see the eventual copycat. Either in 2020 with the Democrats or in 2024, someone is going to try and copy Trump's tactics.

Cruz had the best memes of this election season.
Bernie was a close second.

Fuck Trump and Hillary, this should have been the presidency battle. Too bad your country is so obsessed with celebrities.

Sadly this will happen. No matter what El Rato will say it will be stacked against him and Bernies cult will spam non stop how he won even if all he did was pander and virtue signal

Uhhhhh why the fuck is this a thing?


Bernie was right about pretty much everything though.
Don't you want the working class to rise up and seize... decent lives where the corporations who rule them without any accountability have to pay them livable wages?

Cause trump was upfront and didnt billshit with us said what needed to be done, ted and sanders are career politicians.


once bernie dies all those bernouts will turn to the antifa movement and the fucking war will happen. can't wait lads

Ted Cruz is /our rat/ he's gonna win.

Reminder that Ted Cruz went to space to save the election

I want Bernie to drop a "Lyin' Ted"

He's crazy enough to do it

Crazy as a bed bug!

Sanders is no match for Cruz, now that he has perfected his forbidden delegate technique after going toe to toe with a God.

You do realize this spells doom for Trump, right?
Cruz can't argue his way out of a match against Socrates, once Sanders wins, people will simply vote for him next week and Trump will be impeached.

What is bernie even going to say? Even Democrats were admitting Obamacare was bad. It's pretty indefensible, the whole "WE NEED IT" thing is just an anti-Trump meme from (((Soro- I mean """the left""".

Bernie is going probably just going to go off on some idealistic ideals that make him sound nice, but not defend the actual legislation.

Ted Cruz has a proven record of a Constitutionalist Lawyer. If Trump wasn't there, Cruz would probably have won the nomination.

Bernie spent tens of thousands of taxpayer money on redesigning a street sign or something similar and lived 40 years on welfare.

Place your bets accordingly.

Not to worry, Master Cruz.

I will use the skills you have taught me to enter Sanders' subconscious while you distract him on stage.

Then, the Galactigates you seek will be just one step away.

>bernie is a great debater! he'll surely win
>lost to hillary who lost to trump

I've mastered your technique master. He stands no chance.

>Bernie argues with feels
>Cruz argues with facts
>People are fucking stupid animals so feels will win again
Has Persuasion Man taught you nothing


Bahrron, my apprentice. I have taught you so well.

Come. It is time for your final lesson.

Let us go master

You're crusin for a brusin

I thought this was from a different timeline when these two were the nominees

How would Trump vs Sanders turn out?

>debate night between two failed presidential candidates

Literally why

Failed candidate vs failed candidate on failed policy by failed president via failed news network.

Because neither of them are irrelevant. Watch politics that do not 100 percent pertain to Trump.

With my army of Skelegates, Buhrnie will be no match. Obahmacahr will be a thing of the past.

>the future of Obamacare
That shit is dead.

I miss the ted cruz memes desu

I actually predict CNN will attack Bernie more based on how the DNC leadership thing is going.

This debate is completely irrelevant. Why are they doing this?



Heh.. Pathetic. After my battles with Dahnald my power level went up immensely. You won't stand a chance.

This, Trump might not a great orator, but at least you know what he's trying to say.




>Implying Hillary didn't rig the primary
Bluepilled as fuck! They don't call her crooked Hillary for nothing.


>The most liked Presidential candidate lost to a loser
Really makes you think

not saying they are irrelevant. But this particular debate is going to be a snoozer. Cruz needs to lick his wounds and get back in the fight. Bernie needs to take a one way flight to North korea.

ron paul vs bernie would be way better
he would make liberals into centrist leaning right if they did

I might add that he actually lost to a loser who won

ron paul vs bernie would be super tight.