I want to #BoycottStarbucks, but here's the problem...I'm really craving a Green Tea Frappucino. What do I do, Sup Forums?
I want to #BoycottStarbucks, but here's the problem...I'm really craving a Green Tea Frappucino. What do I do...
Drink some real coffee.
Just smash the place up.
You'll be welcomed into the antifa ranks as a savior of multiculturalism and not Nazi and shit like that.
I'm not in the mood for coffee, I want my sweet matcha ice cream bullshit.
What are you even talking about? I'm against multiculturalism and support cultural assimilation.
their stocks plummeted after they announced that.
Drink an Iced Cappuccino from Tim Hortons
ask faceberg you troll
Make one yourself you lazy bastard.
But aren't refugees doctors and teachers? Why are they working at Starbucks?
Go to some other coffee place. Or maybe learn how to make one.
stop being a faggot
>le ebic americans are lazy meme
Actually a good idea though
>I'm really craving a Green Tea Frappucino.
>What do I do
you could always quit being a faggot?
Get a coffee maker, a bag of coffee, and a tin of loose leaf tea.
Stop drinking the toxic jew. Drink the way God and/or Nature intended.
>I'm really craving a Green Tea Frappucino. What do I do, Sup Forums?
>Green Tea Frappucino
You might wanna stop being a faggot.
You can buy a fucking blender, green tea, milk and sugar and make ice for less than the cost of 2 of those things nigger
It's not made with loose leaf tea, it's made with matcha powder and cream
>Be any race working at starbucks
>fired and replaced with refugee
>sue them for racial discrimination
I was a 5-6x per week Starbucks guy.
All week I've gone to this smaller independent coffee shop. Pain in the ass to get out of my truck, but feels good to stand up for principle.
Stfu leaf, bet you drink maple syrup frappe
Yeah that's what I'm gonna do
wtf i hate coffee now
I wish there was other coffee shops near me but bumfuck suburban California sucks ass
I honestly think Hortons is dog shit. The coffee taste like gas station shit, but it's $2. The breakfast sandwiches are lukewarm, if that. The donuts are meh.
get that powdered Matcha greet tea and then you don't even have to brew the tea leaves
Frappacucko in literally 30 seconds
I would suggest killing yourself.
Stop being a faggot
This activated my almonds more than it should.
go to Dunkin Donuts
I got slightly out of my way to avoid Starbucks. Might take some effort. Starbucks has their locations down to a science. There must be a smaller independent shop near your commute.
>drinking lil girl drinks
faggot. either make your own BBC coffee at home or go to 7-11 like the rest of us.
>.I'm really craving a Green Tea Frappucino
Go to the Coffee Bean instead. They're a million times better than Starbucks
Jerk off your boyfriend and go to sleep
Yes, but you get to fuck up starbucks.
Either boycott starbucks, give them your money, or fuck up their shit while screaming "YOU'RE NOT HIRING ENOUGH SANDNIGGERS!" at the top of your lungs.
Which one do you think will redpill the company?
prune it
tell them to hire americans for american jobs
not migrants for american jobs
americans=citzens with rights
american jobs= jobs for americans
>drinking the caffeinated jew
>starbucks hires 10k muslim refugees
>donald signs a bill to allow businesses to reject serving people on religious grounds
>refugee starbucks barristas refuse to serve half their clientelle base
>starbucks loses money
what dimension of chess is this
Make your own. Just get matcha powder and throw it in a blender with milk and ice or ice cream.
Stop being a numale cuck and drink tea without the faggy frap
Tims is shit. And they're fucking sausage breakfast sandwich is $1.49+tax.
Why would you buy that, when you can get McDonald's sausage McMuffin for .99? And by the way, McDonald's is shit for sure, but no one can trash talk their sausage patties. They're godly.
Hmmmm... that's a tough one. Have you tried killing yourself?
>get starcucks giftcard
>use it
>every. single. morning. the place has a long ass line, and takes forever
>even if you got a plain black coffee, you have to wait for every fucking faggot with a special sugary garbage drink first
>black coffee literally would take 1 second to pour
how the fuck can people wait in those rank lines for overpriced drinks? we are so culturally fucked.
But is starbucks even halal?
>Green Tea Frappucino
Fucking kill yourself
haven't been to a Starbucks in probably a decade.
Do they serve any pork or other haram products?
make that their best seller
If I put peanut butter on my face and dye my beard black, will they hire me?
Yes, but that was always the case at Starcucks
that's one of the legitimately best cartoons Garrison has done.
Make your own, faggot.
The green tea frapp is objectively the most disgusting thing on the entire menu. Well, second to the "green tea latte" which is a fucking oxymoron and is even worse tasting.
Starbucks is the most disgusting thing humans have ever made. They tried to open stores here but they were so shit people chose Maccas coffee over Starbucks.
Cool. Might as make a few bucks. Better start working on my middle eastern accent too.
Be careful not to bite your tongue off when Mike Pence increases the voltage.
>none dimensional
Fuck Starbucks. Buy a blender.
I didnt mean to imply that he was going to make it with the things I said. (If I did I would have said green tea)
Because he was talking about tee from a coffee shop I just assumed he was going to want tea and coffee at some point or another so he might aswell get both, its nice to keep both on hand.
I don't give a fuck about coffee especially not fagged up shit coffee brewed by shit crusted muslims. enjoy your cultural enrichment tea SHART BOY
Stop beeing fagot and have some coffee.
Then don't buy their coffee, ffs
I'm worried why we are even taking in these people, why can't they stay in the middle east? The damage that has been done is immense, it scares me.
Don't even drink coffee.
>unironically drinking starcucks
I have news for you buddy, you're a faggot
do you have a blender, good now go to a bulk food store and buy matcha,
add milk and honey and ice cubes to matcha and have exactly the same thing for less than a 10th the price,
source i am a proud weeaboo
This "boycott" will blow over in a month.
You know damn well Trump supporters dont even drink Starbucks.. The people boycotting Starbucks are people who don't do business there in the first place.
>cheaper than Starbucks
How do you even find it?
target sells it and so do most grocers (at least down here in civilization)
In the ethnic aisle at the grocery or an asian food store.
Don't be a faggot and drink your coffee black like a man.
>No furries
Shes okay with me.
correct answer
But it's too red pilled for most
>No furries
Why did that make me laugh so much?
>wants to go to starbucks and drink fag drinks
Just off yourself immediately.
You should boycott Starbucks for shorting you on espresso and selling you burnt garbage for more than it costs at a local place that actually makes good coffee
Starbucks is shit. Boycott it for being an inferior product
Do you not have a Seattle's best affiliated shop or a Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf?
Or even an indie shop, though most are lefty libshit owned and operated, it's still better than feeding a corporate SJW entity
Still, why dont people realize that Starbucks plans to hire refugees in Starbucks OUTSIDE of the U.S.. they have Starbucks all over the world.. And here in the U.S., they DO hire vets and their spouses.
just buy hacked starbucks accounts from me for 15% of the account value (ex: 35$ account for 3.5$) bitcoin only email at [email protected]
Wtf is a green tea frappucino?
There's a reason the government of Canada is about to range ban their own citizens from Sup Forums altogether