>friend posts a link to the irish slave video
>doesnt make any political comment about it
>white liberal girl immediately tells her Irish slaves arent "real" slaves and are irrelevant
why do SJW not want to admit irish were slaves too?
>friend posts a link to the irish slave video
>doesnt make any political comment about it
>white liberal girl immediately tells her Irish slaves arent "real" slaves and are irrelevant
why do SJW not want to admit irish were slaves too?
Because they are idiots who have never touched a history book in their lives, the only thing they have touched is buzzfeed articles.
I had an argument with your shitty liberal college students back in the day when I mentioned that slavery in Finland was much worse than it ever was in Africa when comparing the total populations. Of course they lost their shit because they spent a great deal of time trying to convince me that I'm privileged, solely because I happen to look white
Fucking hate San Francisco, that place could burn to the ground all I care. Start sending your retards to trade schools instead of college.
but a-user.. my (((teacher))) said buzzfeed is a reputable source
If you think that's funny start mentioning the Islamic slave trade that has been going on since Islams inception.
Mahran, one of Muhammad’s black slave, was made him to carry the belongings of Muhammad and his companions while on a journey through the burning desert as Muhammad said: "Carry them, for you are a ship." Thereafter, he became known by that surname, Safina ('ship'). Relating this own story, Mahran said:
"The apostle of God and his companions went on a trip. (When) their belongings became too heavy for them to carry, Muhammad told me, 'Spread your garment.' They filled it with their belongings, then they put it on me. The apostle of God told me, 'Carry (it), for you are a ship.' Even if I was carrying the load of six or seven donkeys while we were on a journey, anyone who felt weak would throw his clothes or his shield or his sword on me so I would carry that, a heavy load. The prophet told me, 'You are a ship"' (refer to Ibn Qayyim, p. 115–116; al-Hulya, Vol. 1, p. 369, quoted from Ahmad 5:222).
The awful truth is that Arabs ravaged Africa for nearly a millennium engaging in enslavement of Africans on a grand scale before the Europeans began exporting black slaves. In fact, the Arabic word for 'black' ("abed") is also the same word for 'slave'. This is because, the black Africans became synonymous with slaves to Arabs. Over 120 million black Africans were killed by Muslim in one of the greatest holocausts in history. Some 75% of slaves perished on their way to markets thousands of miles. To ensure that black men could not have children Muslims castrated them; many died in this barbaric cruelty. This is the reason there are no Blacks in the Middle East.
It wasn't just the Irish. Barbary pirates raided coastlines for slaves all over the place.
the liberal girl who started shit was one of those girls who was fat in high school, suddenly lost weight after graduation and started posting gym selfies every day and lecturing people on how to eat right and they they should work out like her.
well shit dude she worked hard and earned herself a good body, she earned the right to be smug about it
I love being Irish. Whenever someone tells me that I have no idea what it feels like to have had oppressed ancestors, I just tell them "No Irish Need Apply." When they bitch about me not knowing how it feels to be stereotyped, I ask them what they'll do on St. Patrick's Day.
Unfortunately I'll never know the joy that my roommate feels of bringing up the question "You're right, what would a SLAV know about SLAVery?
>diet racism
Slav means Glory, lad.
Is it true that the irish and chinks built the railways because blacks were too valuable?
Collegehumor went to shit a long time ago m8
>too valuable
You mean too lazy.
They were supposed to help build but instead bitched and sat by watching the lightskins do it.
You know black man historic role is satisfying that lusty hot housewife that white hubby too beta to touch
That feel when my ancestors were deported to Georgia in 1691 for supporting Jocobites, so they escaped later in 1705 to Des Ark, to practice Catholicism in French country in peace, but you fucking niggers had to fucking buy the territory and create Arkansas. Fuck you Anglo, I never forgive.
What about Slavs?
They were enslaved by Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Germans, Russians, Hungarians, Mongolians, the Muslims nearly genocided them several times, their daughters were kidnapped and raped and their sons castrated and taken into the Turkish army.
The English world slave literally comes from the word Slav.
Yet you do not hear Slavs whining about how they were treated for the past few thousand years.
Bu...but Russia is evil!
niggers had it easy compared to slavs
An aside, I literally heard this excuse in class at one point, saying that Russia (which is all of the Slavs I guess) negates the suffering of Eastern Europe since they colonized Siberia and the Caucasus. When I asked why wouldn't they when their civilization was destroyed by the Golden Horde and they were raided for years by Khans who raped and killed entire cities, they said historical wrongs don't matter and you shouldn't seek retribution for the past.
With a straight fucking face they said that in a class talking about slavery.
>My family never existed to SJWs
Lol okay idiots.
>Don't seek retribution for the past
>But fuck white people for colonization, imperialism, slavery!
Its because the Irish aren't people
normies are so based
don't you have an emu to prep?