Is Fox News /ournews/?
Is Fox News /ournews/?
No but you can't cuck the Tuck.
The only one I can watch without cringing
yeah trump watches them therefore they are our news as well
Only when Shepard Smith isn't on. That liberal faggot belongs on CNN.
I'd trust Fox a little more than the rest of the MSM. When I was younger I remember hating on them so much.
Everything everyone accuses CNN of doing now, Fox News was doing during the Bush and Obama administrations
Can you elaborate on this?
Nothing on TV is /ournews/.
fuck off you shills
Fox business is my favorite on tv, pretty comfy capitalist reporting
They only pretend to like Trump because they would lose their viewers if they opposed him.
not even close shill
Sup Forums happening threads are the only news we need
I think CNN and Fox News swapped credibility levels.
Along with the credibility of the political parties.
Don't get me wrong, Republicans are full of shit, too. But Democrats are EXTRA insane. Out of their fucking minds.
I remember this, in fact people still hate on them for this
>mfw CNN is the Fox News of this generation
I watch Fox for Jenna Lee on ITS HAPPENING Now
Controlled opposition.
Their late night radio is pretty removed from their network and fucking comfy to have on in the background though.
If Sup Forums and Sup Forums merged, this would be /ournews/
Hackers on steroids
If you watch fox news you are just as much a sheep as people who read huffington
It's good to have as background noise. Any other major channel needs to be shut down for treason.
That being said, Trump having a convo with the #2 stakeholder of NewsCorp in pic-related. Murdoch use to be a Clinton person, though he supported Trump this election.
21st Century Fox/News Corp. ranks ninth on the list of the top “corporate and union donors to the Clintons over two decades,” according to a little-noticed list compiled by The Wall Street Journal in 2014.
Murdoch knows he has a niche with right wing news, he's a businessman, and a lot of people on there are based, but Fox News as an entity are not our guys.
Right. Murdoch seems to be a mostly about business and maximizing profit as opposed to pushing an agenda like Soros.
He owns The Sun newspaper in the UK and they are notorious for flip flopping to match popular opinion of the working class. They used to support Labour but when they fell out of favour they switched to the Tories and also supported Brexit.
As far as (((they))) go, Murdoch appears to be one of the less insidious ones.