What are we going to do about these faggots? They've awfully uppity. Kinda seems like they're winning, senpai. Anybody else kinda scared of Antifa?
>inb4 shill
What are we going to do about these faggots? They've awfully uppity. Kinda seems like they're winning, senpai. Anybody else kinda scared of Antifa?
>inb4 shill
Other urls found in this thread:
Nah they are scared of guns
Fuck of shariablue. Sup Forums is a board of peace.
If you're a polack then stay safe and don't engage.
I'm definitely scared of limp-wristed, shit-eating cuckolds. They're terrifying.
Yea, but when are we gonna start using them? They're cucking us left and right.
>streetshitter opinion
So, you'd run into an antifa mob?
They're only doing shit in cuck states that have the worst gun laws, let's see them do that in the south, they won't last long.
Where exactly are they cucking anybody?
Apparently so is the alt right. Take your beatings, punching bags.
Come give me a visit
>So, you'd run into an antifa mob?
We don't have those here because people would shoot them dead.
Would like to organize against them, but would be labelled a nazi or fascist to anyone not familiar with them.
No where. Any time they face a force of more than ten men they crumble. Prime exhibit is Sacramento.
All Antifags can do is sicker punch and nig out on some fat neckbeard in groups.
It's an antifa faggot trying to get this board to admit they plan on militarizing. They don't even know how to use this board's vernacular right. Stop responding
I posted this in another thread but i'll post it here too.
I actually AM scared of them
No shit this dude just got TACKLED by 3 guys at the protest. This guy in a black mask straight up sliced his fucking hand open and started flicking his blood at people shouting, "DIE NAZIS DIE NAZIS DIE DIE DIE"
That's some scary shit, why are they fucking doing that shit??
apparently I just found out these psychos have HIV and are trying to infect people.
Berkeley. Kinda cucked Richard Spencer
OK, well, we do have them here. So, how should we address them?
We need to keep biding our time until the right day.
Stockpile now, shoot later.
So the middle of nogunz libtard land
Lets get them to try some shit where CCWs are allowed.
Niggas will get blown away and some nazi will get a medal.
Nope. They get massacred at every turn.
The thing is, we don't actually need to organize.
Antifa are the sort of vermin who crumble against any kind of force. In Sacramento, the trads were caught totally off guard and outnumbered, and they still managed to blow antifa the fuck out.
Wouldn't you like to know :^)
I think this is the best option. This is what Hitler did. Similarly, he was attacked, in the early days, when he gave speeches.
buzz off, faggot
Yea, same. I don't wear my trump hat out anymore.
>apparently I just found out these psychos have HIV and are trying to infect people.
Prolly fake news, desu. Right wing fake news exists too, senpai.
It only seems like they're winning because they can operate more openly than people who are in the "alt-right" because alt-right people have the Nazi label slapped on them, whereas, Antifags are just "freedom fighters."
This thread is fbi
>Antifa are the sort of vermin who crumble against any kind of force. In Sacramento, the trads were caught totally off guard and outnumbered, and they still managed to blow antifa the fuck out.
You're not ready for primetime, go lurk 4plebs until you have a grip on the vernacular
Those people exist tho. One of the reasons I despise faggots. They purposely infect themselves and others because they're so unhappy.
Nothing. They're one of the best recruiting tools the far/alt-right or whatever you call this shit has.
Why would the FBI support a terrorist organization like Antifa? Would that not make them terrorists as well?
Google you tard
A band of chronic losers with the collective muscle strength of a 12 year old girl.
I fucking hate you people, honestly. You're all deranged retards. FYI, the left already thinks we're alll nazis plotting to kill them, fuck off.
Yea, I was thinking that today. They have be bringing, at the very least, a good amount of people to the alt-light.
Aww are you scared of the poison you lonely white boys flooded the world with everyday online with your anonymity? Aww thats so cute leper. Because before I was like All men are created equal. But now I am life white ppl are ashamed albinos because they are genetic trash. You did this, and you all are going to pay the ultimate price for it. You should be afraid. Look back at all that hate you made, just take a look. Its will crush you in a tsunami when it comes for you. You will not escape.
>((((ANTIFA)))) destroying their own ((((COLLEGE)))), ((((STARBUCKS)))) and ((((BANKS)))) as a temper tantrum against (((((MILO)))))
How is that winning?
lol. You're gonna lose and it's gonna be really really bad for you.
This is your brain on antifa.
> found the bait
> found the nigger
> shill fbi thread shut it down
Indians seem like they're more of a man now these days cool why is their ego boosting
on Sup Forums lol
Then why are you so afraid? Too bad your white skin couldnt keep your parents marraige together. Too bad it didnt count where it mattered, mad all the time for the rest of your life white boy.
Whites are just albinos and ashamed of it. Cuz albinism is a disease. Because youre not superior. Youre deficient. And ashamed. I will drown you in that shame. Waterboard you with it. I will show you the price of your actions leper.
You want to be vain? You lonely white boy subhuman leper? You who brings nothing to the table? You aint shit and neither was you daddy.
Im not even black but you cowards go well out of your way to show your fear of the black man. I will raise black ppl above you, and even my own ppl. Black ppl are the best in my eyes. They are not ashamed of themselves like you albino. They are perfect. Haha you so mad. Its just the beggining leper. Im coming for it all.
>Police say the violence was started by the left-wing counter-protesters[3] while many of the counter-protesters disputed this claim. Ten people were hospitalized for stabbing and laceration wounds with the majority being counter-protesters.
woah......................so this...............................................is antifa...........................................................
k nigger. Have fun not being intelligent or successful, despite private and public handouts.
How are they winning? They destroy property in leftist cities. They have no avenue for political change as the new status quo opposes them. Even if they were to win a Communist revolution they would quickly be Che'd at best or just outright murdered at best for being useless.
That's what happens when 30 nazis go against 300 antifa
Maybe if they had 3000 antifa may have a chance.
Reported for autism.
this is totally a shillllllll>seems like they're winning,
They aren't winning anything, they have already lost. So they beat up a few innocent people, nice work. What exactly does that win them?
Fight Fire
>Freedom Fighters
Fight Freedom
No Donnie, these men are complete cowards.
>Anybody else kinda scared of Antifa?
not really. i played in a band for a few years with an anarchist dude, who actually became a good friend of mine since he had a good sense of humor about things, but we played with a lot of anarcho bands, and often at times at far-left events.
and from my experience, the great lot of them are pussies. most of them try to scare you by an image, but what you don't see is that they all, almost universally, rarely live the life they want you to think. they're not working class, they're usually spoiled, and most of them have stories of getting punched in the face by an neo-Nazi, but rarely the other way around.
they're only scary when they form enormous mobs, as they'll arm themselves with blunt weapons and use swarm tactics to make up for their lack of individual strength. but if you had a grap even a quarter the size of theirs, a few good hits would make them run like rats, as they act opportunistically and will disperse at the first sign of a disadvantage.
gud point
>scared of live action role players
Not even once
Make a petition and/or get Donald Trump's attention to make Antifa labelled as a terrorist group.
Once that happens, the general public, especially family-oriented people across the US will think "terrorist" when the name Antifa pops up. This will also deter anyone from joining or being affiliated, because anyone with half a brain would not want to be part of a group labelled as terrorists because of the stigma and the legal pressure.
Also, because of this, police and homeland security would essentially do many searches for any Antifa members and throw them in jail. Nightclubs would be searched, punk shows would be monitored, raves would be watched, and warehouses would be raided. Essentially a legal gestapo without the bad image. If we do the same for Arabs in airports and big cities, we can do the same for Antifa.
Remember, that Antifa are more than just vandals and people who harass innocents on the streets. They're also involved in illegal activities, especially in San Francisco where they're involved in selling drugs to people at punk shows and raves, including minors if rave nights are all-ages. They're also involved in numerous cases of statutory rape, one member alone having approximately 730 accounts. They're also known squatters allowing fire hazards.
So, here's the thing if you get them labelled as a terror group and the police remove them. You'd be removing the following bad qualities from communities
>Less drug peddling, inluding the drug solicitation towards minors
>Less indoctrination and recruiting towards communism and anarchy (less propaganda venues)
>Safety such as less fires and innocents killed with less Antifa squatters (safe spaces)
>Less innocents assaulted on the streets
>Promotion of freedom of speech
>Less businesses vandalized
>Less cars vandalized
>Less police deaths
>Less fires from arson
>Less corruption towards youth, giving them a future
Screencap this. Copy and paste.
Absolutely nothing.
They are the most effective redpill for the normies.
fuck off
get out shill scum
When are you guys going to MAGA?
Wheres the right wing death squads when you need them?
>So, you'd run into an antifa mob?
>Yea, but when are we gonna start using them?
Obvious fucking shill. I wouldn't run into a mob of angry midgets, that doesn't mean I'm afraid of midgets, it means running into mobs is stupid.
Moreover, it's like you're trying to gauge how close we are to responding violently to their (your) provocations. We're content to let you keep hanging yourself. Every time someone mentions these protests I get to tell them about Soros and his personal armies and escalation methods. You're just hanging yourself on rope and justifying the inevitable crackdown from Trump.
shill plz go
beating up a bunch of liberal hippies in a gun control state just makes you look like a pussy not like you're "winning" whatever
That's literally attempted murder. I wouldn't be afraid to be honest, if some shit like that happened just go to the ER, they have stuff for that if you've just been exposed that flushes your system. If I end up positive for hiv, deus vult! I'm now a fearless martyr who has nothing to live for but vengence and Christ
Is this the type of shills CTR hires now.
Fucking terrible,
>What are we going to do about these faggots?
Just let them burn out.
Also show them that the right wing (or whatever) doesn't need to use violence, nor set fire to rubbish bins.
Obviously, if you are attacked then you must defend yourself. But don't initiate force. They burn cars, smash shops, and the (((media))) label them as 'protestors'. They are not protestors. They are criminal rioters, vandals and thieves.
Peaceful protest is recognised in the first amendment of the United States Constitution. They have a right to freedom of speech - to express themselves. But not to break the law and be violent.
My country has no written constitution. It's complicated. But free assembly and peaceful protest is guaranteed. We don't have Holocaust denial laws; you can say what you think about that and not get arrested. Our laws are based upon English common law which is based upon precedence. US law is also based upon it. You can protest as much as you like, but don't damage property or life.
In most of Europe, they have the Napoleonic Code. It is very different from English common law. It's one of the reasons that we're leaving the EU. UK is not a democracy as most people will have you believe. It is a constitutional monarchy.
People think that the monarchy has no power. That's wrong. The money that we use has the queen on it. Even some of the food I eat has the Royal Crest; "by appointment to Her Majesty the Queen' is printed on loads of food.
Learn from Mike Pence. Bring tasers to events and give antifags shock therapy.
FBI mass indictment after months of infiltration and flipping witnessess before mass prosecution on 25+ year terrorism offences
NYU is within the NYPD 6th Precinct
Contact them on twitter at
The New York FBI Field office is
If you come across Antifa crimes online tonight:
>ADD @NewYorkFBI @NYPD6Pct to your tweets
My name is Ian Miller.
I think it's fun to blindside people and potentially kill them for having different political views. My friends list here is a who's who of ANTIFA on the West Coast, and also to some degree nationwide.
That's why they only attack people inside of gun-free safe zones like university campuses and cucked cities.
bumping this reply
>We don't have Holocaust denial laws; you can say what you think about that and not get arrested.
I could have sworn that just changed.
They're also scared of fair fights, thus why they show of force in numbers and gang up on people.
>What are we going to do about them?
They are nearly nonexistent in my state, here it's completely legal to gun down a person who attacks you and we're one of the most gun-free states in the Union.
>Kinda seems like they're winning.
They've achieved zero social change, they're making the left look more and more wrong to the average person, and they've managed to give a right wing celebrity a massive shitload of publicity which is what he thrives on.
>Anybody else kinda scared of Antifags?
Nah CREW, the left doesn't intimidate me in the least, if an Antifag ever attacks me I will defend myself as is my legal right. Antifags are fascists LARPing as revolutionaries.
We'll be fine.
Kek that guy was born to be a cuck
Why is CTR 2.0 trying to push so desperately for a physical confrontation with antifa?
keep trying antifa, you're doing the god-emperor's work
"Antifa" threw my great-grandfather in a cell and tortured him for two years. They claimed to be "for the people", but tried to murder my dock worker grandfather and tried to rape my schoolteacher grandmother. These bastards can go straight to hell. We'll die before we let them do here what they did to our ancestors' homeland.
with wins come attention, so many fucking retards on this board now that Sup Forums is in the news so frequently
hopefully you nigger swill just get tired and fuck off
not wearing your trump hat for security purposes means that you are at war, like contractors in Iraq not labeling a vehicle correctly
>they've awfully uppity
You're the dumbest faggot who's posted on this board tonight, kys
Have you ever heard the phrase "Give them just enough rope to hang themselves," shill?
Well they're tying the noose right now.
When the zerg rush happens, take your nazi stim packs (based aryan meth) and you'll be a-ok.
CTR should fire your stupid ass, lurk more before you post
Hitler confirms amphetamines the best stimulant.
Hahahahaha.... Oh man... My fucking sides hurt... This is great. Keep it up! You should have your own YouTube channel.
Fuck off concern shill.
It was a typo. Relax.
I feel like I am reading dril while he's on a meth binge or something