when Sup Forums comes to Sup Forums my mood lifts
When Sup Forums comes to Sup Forums my mood lifts
DSP hates anyone with a higher IQ than him
which is everyone.
Is DSP really that bad at video games or is he merely pretending to be retarded?
Even DSP recognizes that Humpty Drumpfty is bad
He's awful at everything except ST which he's actually pretty good at.
That guy looks like the man for superman 2
What is ST?
>yfw LTG is dsp's bull
Super Turbo, Super Street Fighter II Turbo
I don't get how someone can only be good at one game, but suck at everything else?
Lol DSP loves Trump and Pandalee hates him and its hilarious
Prove it then
I used to play ST at a high level myself and it's a game where to be good you need to put an absolute fuckton of time into it. In my experience a lot of people who play fighting games just play fighting games or even just play one game, I had a friend who only played 3rd Strike, just 3S, nothing else.
He masturbated ok stream by accident
he hated obama too, he's literally said obamacare fucked him in the ass
He noticed that being bad get shim more money so he stays bad.
>reddit rewrites history