>Socialism Induced Death Sydrome

Does this mean Bernie still has a chance?


Isn't this old news?

also, when will they start calling "SIDS" what it really is?
>neglectful parenting


First, the death of a child is never funny user. You're better than that.

Second, it's more than likely Hillary Clinton had the baby killed because she didn't like Bernie getting the good PR.

It was probably crying and they threw money at it.
Thats all liberals can think of doing.

Picture of the parent

To be honest, dead or alive, Id fuck that baby.


yeah more like the mother had a nervous breakdown and smothered the baby

Using an infant as a prop for deviant adults

Sanders Isn't Dapresidentbecausetrumpwon Syndrome

Can Bernei still win though? Just got some money from my childs father.

>liberals being retards killed their own baby
what a surprise.

Holy fucking shit, that's horrible.

Did he at least endorse Hillary Baby first and use the kickback to buy himself a new crib?


that's terrible to laugh at that, user. Shame on you.

holy shit its real HAHAHA

the baby self-terminated when it realized its parents were retarded


>take baby to loud drug filled rallies all over the country

poor baby, RIP

>jack carter as middle names
>hyphenated last name
Absolute disgust

That's not funny.

very old news

> butterfly effect

Don't be this way, OP.

That's an innocent baby. Have some fucking decency. It had no say in all this.

the ctr carefags are out in force tonight

I hate reading about white kids dying, even if he probably would have grown up to be our enemy. Every white child lost is a terrible waste

The baby got lucky in the long run.

Well, it WAS an innocent baby.

I thought Hillary supporters liked baby murder

Going to have to go with this OP, the baby didn't ask for faggot parents

let the babies hit the floor

let the babies hit the floor

let the babies hit the...


You're pretty much right on. When i had my first, i was super fuckin worried she'd just die for no reason, suddenly. Did some research... turns out it's usually the baby is unusually weak and cant uncover it's face or turn it's head, or the parents put too much shit in it's bed, and can't get their head away for air. I read one where the dad fell asleep with the baby on his chest and it suffocated. That's not "sids", that's being retarded.


literally an excuse for irresponsible mothers to be cleared of all blame

That baby was probably handled by hundreds of people and touched by even more.

Poor child couldn't live a regular life because his bitch of a mother decided that parading him for her own attention was more important than his health and safety


IDC how they voted. Losing your child must be the worst-possible thing that can happen to a parent.

Fuck, guys... please don't laugh at this. :-(

Yeah, this.

> Severely Insufficient Delegates Syndrome


We should have the same respect for children as our islamic brothers fighting the good fight against Assad.

>i dunno, he's just died.

Bernie gave him Jew aids.

>sleep with newborn at night
>rollover and smother child
Muh SIDS are in outer space

Babies that are unable to not die deserved it.

It's nature. It's normal. It's necessary.

wew lad

This is old as hell

How's the kid doin' now senpai?


This, he probably got some super obscure and rare infection that's only dangerous to babies because he was passed around to total strangers

SIDS'd 12 times in the back of the head after Clinton got wind of him.

Yes. It happened to me, I'll never get over putting the kid face down on a comforter on our bed while I went to watch a fucking football game on tv and my daughter dies. I'll never be whole again, nothing to joke about though.


Seriously just a cover for a mother probably smothering her communist infant.

Who has the socialism induced death syndrome pic?

That is sad. Death came for Bernie and got the wrong one.

"Jesus Christ, these cucks are already talking about making me transgender so they can virtue signal to their cuck friends"

>baby smothers itself into the blanket

what'd he do? suck the life force out of it? never lend your baby to a socialist.

I'm done


Death probably couldn't tell the two children apart :/

Is SIDS just an excuse for shit parents who neglect a baby?

How can they do this to a kid?

TestI can't wait for the day someone makes fun of someone losing a child in my near vicinity or within my reach which covers 3 states.

I'll tell you a story.

My best friend old man...this was 20 yrs ago he took me in helped me get distance from junkie friends. Until I could stand on my own.

Story 1.

Jim had a nine yr old daughter, and older sons. Neighbor used to treat his kids like shit while he worked 2nd shift. Ball goes in yard neighbor takes it.

Jims daughter got leukemia, died slow and hard.Nine years old.

Months later jim and wife pulling out of driveway neighbor out in yard flips jim the bird.

Jim exits car beats him to pulp, neighbors wife breaks broom over jims back, she barely makes the door before shutting door on jims arm. Door locks....jim confessed if he could have got to her death would have been possible.

I hope I get to meet some of you heartless fuckers irl I'll show you pain you never thought existed.

Love ya jim wherever you are.

Watch me shine so bright, the sun turns away.

Because Obama made sure they could remain entrenched in Aleppo as long as possible

moderate muslim rebels

>yo how many names you want famalam
>just fuck my shit up
>say no more
>Oliver Jack Carter Lomas-Davis

Okay now I hate Bernie as much as the next guy but that's just horrible.

If we're going to defend innocent kids like Barron from getting dumped on then please don't drag this poor kid into it too. Let it go.

What the speck?

so is that what Sup Forums has got?

laughing on a death of a baby?

We learned in my psychology class that SIDS Is just a polite way of saying "we killed the baby" like a realllllly late term abortion.

That same teacher had us watch John Oliver in class. Really made me think

>is bernie sanders dead


I get it. We're on Sup Forums so anything goes...

This is edgy though. You're a cunt.

you're all a bunch of whiny cunts

God that woman looks evil.

Hillary takes another victim

>all the redditors in this thread still so easily offended


I hate bernie enough to hope he dies of ass cancer.

That aside I would pay hard currency to have you hacked and then have hired muscle break your legs, your not human therefore you don't deserve anything less.

You should be careful crazy people with resources and the ability to act on their impulses lurk in these halls, keep up you might just arouse their interest.

I just keked at the thought of you dragging yourself on two broken legs after being tossed out into the street from the trunk of a car.

yeaaaa, this is not funny. It's one disgusting thing to make fun of people's death from around the world, but it's another to laugh at a child's death. That's fucked up.


Brown "people" aren't people, news at 11.

I'm scared.

Kek apparently doesn't fuck around.

Died of a broken heart

Bravo Lucas. It's pottery.


That was the most disjointed, rambling, mumble-post Ive ever seen. Nice work user.

Also checked

Fuck off. A fucking baby died. A baby, Nigger.

Didn't get through passed 'i hope someone's child dies within my vicinity'

Fucking sicko.

>lib kids obsessed with le wacky dead pool character
>can't take dark humor

I don't get it. You'd think they'd be cool with it.

Holy shit lmao


As a dad it brings me to tears seeing dead children now because i put myself in that situation :(

I still can't sleep in the bed if his mom decides to cosleep.

Holy fucking shit my first trips.

Story #2

Jim worked at an aerospace machine shop, they made the brakes for the space shuttle.

One day after jims daughter died he sees a guy writing numbers in the frost on the outside windows ....winter time.

Jim asked what he was doing.

He replied that his son was killed in a car wreck the previous week and he was figuring out how much money he would have left from the insurance after the funeral costs were paid.

Jim beat this man at his workplace so bad he barely could walk, after he finished he whispers in his ear...if you ever speak of this I'll kill you.

Jim was a good dad, mine wasn't.

When I was 21 I exiled my own father to his face, take a good look this is the last time you see my face.

That was twenty years ago.

Jim taught me what it really meant to be a man, I got soft for a while.

My badass self was always my best self, I'm starting to see him staring back in the mirror more and more, feels good.

Thanks Sup Forums for showing me feels again and truth.

I honestly feel for that family.

That's their kid, man.