I'm told Fox News is biased,
is this true and is there any unbiased news source?
I'm told Fox News is biased
Yes fox news is biased, no there's no real unbiased news source except perhaps CSPAN™
Reuters is ur best bet
fox is the least worst of the big 3 on cable. you should check out one America news, it's pure unbiased journalism
i've heard RT is good, is it?
some would say it has a pro-kremlin bias, but I just think they have a pov that Americans aren't used to hearing
Every time I watch it i think it's pro trump...
Try cnn
All news is biased. Now comes the part where you the viewer has to be able to discern fact from fiction. Some news will tell the truth on certain things while others will misconstrue it. That is the case of every single News organization.
I get my news here.
Just read whatever Glenn Greenwald is writing. The rest are corporate shills. Journalism is dead.
RT is good for international news. I think Associated Press, C-Span and Reuters are the best news sources in America. You might also want to check Drudge Report.
Also Al Jazeera used to be good but it's too left-wing now, however it's still the best Middle East news source.
styx is my man
gotta shill 4 my meme turf
It's slightly biased towards not letting the country be overrun with shitskin vermin, like any rational person.
Fox News is very biased.
To identify a news source that's non-biased (or at least, tries very hard to be non-biased) look for language that isn't just hard factual statements. Anything that editorializes is promoting a narrative. Fox promotes a Christian-right view of the world, so the network will adopt an outraged tone whenever something happens to contradict Christian-right values or a smug tone whenever something affirms those values.
Generally, the Associated Press, C-Span, and Reuters are safe for the US. I've found that the BBC's coverage is also generally fair.
Papers like the WSJ and the Economist are good for fairly centrist in-depth analysis of issues.
Yes fox news is biased, no there's no real unbiased news source.
Lol, its literally controlled by the russian govt. can you poibt me to an article where RT criticizes putin in any meaninful way?
Reuters and the AP are biased as fuck muh dude
OAN is as unbiased as it gets, except for their editorial programs
except perhaps CSPAN™
CNN is unbiased
FOX = republican establishment (Bush type)
CNN = democrat establishment (Hillary type)
MSNBC = Radical democrat (Obama type)
Unfortunately, there is no MSM that is pro conservative/nationalist. Only online outlets.
free news are biased
This. AP, Reuters and WSJ all do a pretty great job of reporting facts and leaving commentary to the opinion pages
AP and Reuters went full retard lately
You can't spin stories that have nothing to do with Russia into a pro-putin article
How so? They stick to facts, don't editorialize, and generally get both sides of a story. Both have built their reputations on not picking sides.
I used to have Reuters on my feed, during the election cycle they were using the same shitty clickbait type headlines Yahoo news used, and they were definitely in favor of Clinton as well
AP is owned by a big donor to the Dems as well
Rupert Murdoch's (((mother's maiden name)))
Its literally russian state media. They report on putin all the time. Exactly the way he'd like them to report on him. And when they report on the rest of the world, they portray the narrative that they think best serves their interests. Prove me wrong
>They report on putin all the time.
Never seen it. They just don't talk about him.
Reuters and AP are left biased. They're just more competent/careful with how they present or say things than a lot of other left-wing media.
Take pic related as an example of Reuters' propaganda and how they twist the headlines.
Sorry where does MSM lie on your list? did you mean MSNBC?
It's Putin's mouth piece, but it's alright.
Fox News are populists.
If the American president is Republican globalist, Fox News will definitely suck up to that.
If the American president is Republican nationalist, Fox News will hesitate, but ultimately decide to suck up to trump now that he has won.
So you can't quite trust them always. They side with the agenda of whoever is republican president.
For example, I have never seen them broadcast anything the criticize (((NATO))):
When has Fox News for example ever broadcast this?
There is no unbiased news source, but there are sources that post fewer opinion pieces than others.
I check AP News, but only for reporting of objective facts. Stuff like X was confirmed in the senate to lead the Department of Y.
I think AP is only biased if you read their "fact check" articles. The rest seems to just be reporting verifiable information.
>No goy, moderation is boring and doesn't move shekels
be careful with AP too
this is most accurate, what about abc?
By the way, RT is in the wrong category. RT is "it's happening" tier, but with a left-wing bent.
There are times I seriously question if they're not actually american propaganda disguised as russian propaganda.
You prolly think that because you are living in a "post truth" fantasy land
You know C-SPAN is the most neutral because it could put a gnat to sleep.
ABC is Hillary
CBS is more centrist but still Hillary
No it sucks.
Here's one example of AP: Reuters is insanely bad. It's no different than CNN. They have clickbait and editorials all the time.
For the looks of it, WSJ and AP are quite neutral, though AP fucking lied about the "bad hombres" shit (which could cause a hysterical reaction from other countries).
I don't know anything about WSJ. Is it any good?
Alex Jones
Yahoo news didn't used to be THAT bad before the election. I used to see a variety of news stories from left and right wing websites and the comment section wasn't censored.
Now it's all left wing all the time.
WSJ is under a paywall, leans slightly to the right, and even leftists trust it
Is it not possible that both the US and Mexico are trying to cover up a dumb gaffe for diplomatic reasons?
This. They did surprisingly well early on. I was skeptical but was pleased they took it seriously.
Then, they went full cuck. They have outright lied on many occasions. Worse than CNN sometimes.
RT allows the most open and honest discussion. It doesn't censor anything other than super critical stuff of Russia.
They actually do say some unfavorable things about Putin, but they always give the Russian perspective - they admit mistakes on his end and stuff so it doesn't seem as obvious. I'd say it's 80-85% news. 15-20% propaganda. Still a hell of a lot better than CNN.
Fox News is easily the best of them. They always cover every negative thing Trump does. 60% of the newscasters don't like him. Shep, blonde bitch on the 5, black guy on the 5, old dude on the 5, Brett Baier, and many others have blasted Trump even up till today. They constantly question his inexperience, call him foolish, etc. The upside is they don't straight out lie - sometimes they'll gloss over things to make something sound a little more positive, but overall, it really is pretty fair coverage. Some stuff has always been a hit piece. Remember Megyn Kelly? She was calling him a sexual predator.
MSNBC is an absolute disaster. If there had to be a terrorist attack on US soil and they forced me to pick a location to target or they'd blow up a city or something, I'd pick MSNBC studios. The people are absolute vomit trash. Rachel Maddow is severely dishonest. She warped from an actually decent journalist to a hysterical propagandist. She weaves these elaborate stories and makes everything sound like the biggest scandal to hit politics, she over exaggerates, misrepresents, and states conspiracy theories as facts, often claiming, "We have an exclusive. This is the only outlet that has this information. They are saying that it's alleged that Donald Trump has been accepting payments from the Kremlin." She never apologizes when she airs false material. Chris Hayes is equally disgusting.
OP was asking if FOX was biased. So I listed the main stream media networks based on their bias. Basically they are all bias. But FOX could be considered an outlier because it leans right. The rest are left
nah, AP fact-checking levels went to the garbage
Today they reported some celebrity was pregnant and it was fake news too
ABC is also owned by Disney.
It's not that Fox is biases, but they intentionally lie and try to manipulate their audience with actual, intentional falsehoods.
Besides, what real news station would interview and not really challenge birthers when the state of Hawaii, newspapers and actual people already verified Obama's birthplace?
Obama's birth certificate was proven a forgery 2 months ago. Get on with the times.
They are all biased
Literally Russia
If you want unbiased news, you have to watch/read an article on the same event from multiple sources and draw your own conclusions. There is no such thing as unbiased news except on Sup Forums threads where people from all walks of life argue out the truth to be honest. That's why this place is the new mainstream media for 3.6 million daily unique posters.
>open and honest discussion
>sensational and highest viewership
pick one and only one
>protip: thanks, capitalism.
this is what self-promotion looks like. styx is equally as much a faggot as megyn kelly.
haha yeah, it would be better to have 1 government source called "truth" :DDD
>I'm told Fox News is biased,
>is this true and is there any unbiased news source?
The most unbiased is C-Span but they still have biases.
This is bait.
Even bigger bait.
Every news organization is biased. C-Span is the least biased because they are government funded and purely factual. The issue with being purely factual is that the average human doesn't have the intelligence or the time to process these all the information. This is where the news organizations come in. Their job is to process the information for you and make it consumable. They make it consumable by putting it in perspective which cause it to become biased.
>"Think about how stupid the average person is, consider the fact that half the worlds population is stupider than that person." - George Carlin
>being this dense
Wtf cares about or expects accuracy in the gossip columns?
Sounds to me like they reported leaked information that does not perfectly match the "official" version of the story that both governments would like to publicize. Those scoundrels
ABC and CBS are in the democrat establishment category. I will add tho, CNN has been making a left turn lately almost putting it in the Radical democrat category (Obama type)
This is correct. The WSJ is also a good source of information. I'd CBS can be trusted some times, at least they investigated Pizzagate.
I have to admit that I used to like TeleSUR, but now I hate it since Libya fell.
They have accuracy nowhere
Oldest fallacy in the book. At least you tried.
Teen Vogue
Stop fucking kids, David Brock
It is funded directly by the Kremlin.
>comparing an actual investigation with your regular literallywho youtube happening
>Dictator at war vows to do something so i take it at total face value
Well done m8
Lawrence O'Donnell is horrible. An embarrassment to his profession. He's a complete hack. He states things as facts just like Rachel Maddow - and the seriousness with which he stated it is pretty convincing - until you realize it's all fake news.
Probably the one I hate most of all is AM Joy. She has slandered Trump probably more than all of the others. Outrageous coverage. I hope this nigger bitch is killed in a mugging. She's such a horrible human being. I hate everything about her. Her voice, her face, her demeanor, her Delivery, EVERYTHING. I pray she dies a horrible death. She really deserves it. I don't even know her full name, but she's that nigger bitch who was on that panel on Real time with Bill Maher who was laughing when Ann Coulter said he would win the Presidency? You know the bubble gum-lipped, thick gums, wide nosed, jungle bunny baboon nigger bitch on that panel? That's her. I hate her so much.
Politico is "forced" neutral since it has to sell the magazine on capitol hill to both parties. It's however very focused in it's scope around US politics.
There's a better version of that image where the bottom is a tweet from days earlier on Assad's forces fighting ISIS
Breitbart is literally the only unbiased source
AP is dropping the ball lately
Stop. Fucking. Kids.
Sometimes RT covers some stuff which American and western media tries to hideSo that can be useful to know. But it's always good with a bit of skepsis to RT.
Fox is heavily conservative
Everyone is all liberal
I knew you would say that - I just knew it and had this image prepared.
You can't even read and are as predictable as a turtle. Our discussion is official over and you lost.
Yes it's biased. It's bias is America however which is a bias we all agree on. Whereas CNN is leftism and anti-American which can go and take a hike.
This bitch:
It's like Pavlov's dog effect but for anger. I get enraged watching her. I hate her that much. If you can watch more than five minutes of her, you are a saint.
>believing the russian defense minister
The more I look at this, the more I'm thinking it really is completely irrelevant
Because for example, Fox News is definitely shill central, and isn't even all that right-wing. But move it to the center and you make them look unbiased.
Left/Right dichotomy itself doesn't make sense anymore. It's more like Globalist/liberal/Conservative/Nazi and even that isn't accurate. There's too many variables involved to just dump this into a simple chart.
it depends on the anchor, don lemon is def obama type. But i think anderson cooper aint that bad