need to build my aryan girls in wheat fields folder, help Sup Forums?
Need to build my aryan girls in wheat fields folder, help Sup Forums?
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Use google image search, not /pol dipshit
I want the good shit.
Here's one.
Didn't take long for the 'xDDDDDDDDD's to come in.
I'd masturbate in that field every day if I had land like that.
>tfw this is my fetish]
Here's the source.
I just wanna hump her, is that too much to ask?
also, how do I convince my gf to dye her hair blonde or at least put some highlights in her hair?
Be a man. Tell her it'd be hot to fuck her as a blonde.
dump the current gf and get a blonde you faggot
She doesn't like it when I tell her to do it. She also says that it costs a lot of money (like $140)
Wheat harvest deity coming through. Can't have wheat to harvest without Holo the wise wolf
>use google
blue pilled
Horo is my waifu!
my humble collection
Ok that one is really good. I want to live a simple rural life with a qt farmgirl gf
I'm pretty sure if Sup Forums had an official waifu it would be Holo.
alright you dashin' goys im out of ammo
I'll contribute something other than Holo. This isn't a wheat field but I'd like to believe this girl lives on a farm in the American heartland. The picture gives that vibe.
Possibly but Satsuki from KLK would be good too, for a more authoritarian bent.
Libertarians definitely prefer Horo!
I, too, like talking politics with women in wheat fields.
user want milky
>tfw I remember seeing this pic on Sup Forums years and years ago
>tfw this chick is probably pushing 40 now
Don't talk like that.
That's weird.
Perfect 10. probably the most beautiful woman on the planet.
>dandelion feild
Not going to lie here, I have no idea which is more beautiful
>these women
she's lying, hair dye is like $30 at walmart
Checked the image properties in my files. First saved it in 2012 but probably first saw it in 2010/2011. She used to be posted all the time on Sup Forums.
She's probably like 26 now.
she wants it done by a professional at a salon if she's ever gonna have it done
fuck do i want it done, her light brown hair, although nice, it's just not for me. And I can't help but feel selfish for wanting her to change her exterior for me
Some blondes
If she's white it's fine. Brown hair is fine.
S-sniper Wolf?
Another one
Huh? Who's that?
Plenty of gluten-free pics in this thread, too many of the good wheat field pics have stock photo watermarks all over them.
Pay for it you fucking poor fag, she's clearly asking you to
Obviously she's white, she's pure blue eyed Polish and I'm pure green eyed Eastern Slav Russian.
We will breed at least 4 children. At least our children will have blonde hair I think. Her family is half blonde.
Still, I wanna see her have her hair blond in any way
mmmm fills my aryan testes.
that's just it, i'm a poorfag for now
I will later though when the cash comes rolling in
>why didn't you come to church today user?
>She doesn't like it when I tell her to do it
Who is the man in the relationship user? Just tell her.
Like I said, it costs money, and I guess it's true that if I want her to dye her hair, that I should pay for it. She's right though, we don't have just $140 lying around. It'll have to wait.
But just so you know, if I paid for it, she would gladly obey me and do it
Real talk though, does anyone ITT have a girl even close to the ones being posted here? Be honest.
>he has to save for $140
lol she's gonna cheat on you
>piercing across the bridge of the nose
inna trash it goes
incoming 777777 get
lol no, not even on her mind. girls are idealistic creatures and they seldom fall for the shekels when it comes to love. You just gotta know where to look.
So these are all Ukrainians?
What the fuck is going on down there, are they engineering these qts in some lab under Chernobyl???
They have way too many for it to be naturally occuring
Mine wife is. No, I'm not going to post her. And no need to tell me, I know you won't believe me.
I don't know if they're all ukrainians. I found them one night looking for pictures like this.
Yeah I have my waifu
Holy shit it's happening
Looks like it from the site
I believe you user, good on you
get real
n-no, not my gf
This is Sup Forums, not /s/
Fetishistic morons.
if you mean traditional/nationalistic then yes i know one.
Don't hate. I love Irish girls, too.
Trump said he would make anime real though. He has been delivering on everything so far, only a matter of time until it's at the top of his list.
what about in terms of beauty?
Here you go
Not like the ones on these pictures, but pretty still.
>blonde hair
>green eyes
>that trigger discipline
Well, good on you man, hold onto her! You might not get another
Look blue too me...
That is my dream girl...
Just gotta find her :(
Fucking gross.
Ukrainians (peasants especially) don't have a history of arranged marriage - people married for love, meaning they married for physical attraction. This is why Anglos look like they were beaten with a hot shovel and Ukrainians don't.
That is corn. Submission discarded.
My girl compares, she's a farmgirl from central Alberta, met her at university. Good values, takes care of herself, looks 20 but is 28. Good girls are out there man. Just keep looking.
Good on you lad. Alberta is based just as well.