I barely know anything about H.P. Lovecraft but I have been hearing his name on Sup Forums A LOT recently.
Can we please have a Lovecraft Thread?
I barely know anything about H.P. Lovecraft but I have been hearing his name on Sup Forums A LOT recently.
Can we please have a Lovecraft Thread?
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Read his anthology book.
Lovecraft was both highly autistic as well as a retarded conservative. He would fit Sup Forums.
Someone give me the quick rundown on him, Is he more powerful then the bogdanoff brothers?
Radish just had a massive article on Lovecraft. Anyway, yeah, Lovecraft is based. Fantastic writer, completely logical. Bit of a loser IRL though, which is probably why he was autistically logical enough to come to all the right conclusions.
He had a brilliant imagination, his paranoia really seeps through the pages. I think his plots arent great though, all heavily signposted twists. He's best when he gets more mystical and into the human mind, Hypnos is his only story I found genuinely scary because it's about losing touch with reality through dreams and hallucinations, much more relevant than a spoopy squid monster.
I guess Sup Forums likes him because he was racist but that's honestly the least interesting thing about him.
I remember reading that he would get into fits of rage walking down the street in nyc seeing influxes of naggers, and his girl would have to restrain him and calm him down. He believed that black people were inferior apes.
>Hypnos is his only story I found genuinely scary because it's about losing touch with reality through dreams and hallucinations
Great taste detected.
I recently read Hypnos and I love it, but most people don't mention it when talking about "the best of lovecraft"
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
-H. P. Lovecraft
bogdanoffs bow to lovecraft
He bows to the Bogs just like all the rest
honestly his shit is the only light reading i'll do in the last 10 years
more than that, he thought all shitskins were hellspawn and danced to the tune of some ancient and omnipresent evil. Niggers would never have survived on their own, so who is organizing them, controlling them, breeding them in an attempt to destroy the world?
MFW I realized that Cthulhu is the jews.
>want to know more?
OG badass writers like Lovecraft and Robert E Howard were lucky to write into their stories a slew of things considered racist today.
Eg for Howard, genetic differences in race being paramount to the superiority of certain races (Conan the barbarian),
For Lovecraft, white people are in general more intelligent and academic, superior for the unfolding modernity.
Plus these 'weird fiction' writers (also Clark Ashton Smith and a few others) wrote during a time where the whole earth wasn't known, sciences were young and less complete, things we consider impossible or mundane were mysterious for them.
Today's people who write in their weird fiction style (not named Thomas Ligotti) aren't nearly as enjoyable despite all efforts. Rarely is weird very good if it's not from the first half of the 20th century
Plus many of them are faggy irl like poppy z Brite and China meiville and love intertwining their edgy writing with their preachy political and social beliefs.
Do you want to talk about azul Alfred the mad arab and his book the necromicon?
Did you heard about out lord ctuhulu?
Once he saw a nigger and was so upset he went home and didn't leave his house for a week.
So he's /ourguy/
>Thomas Ligotti
Absolutely patrician taste.
Every thing you need to know here -
We're you hoping for a quick rundown or pol cliffnotes user? Maybe try reading some of his work first and fuck off from shitting up this board, it's bad enough as is.
sorry to interrupt your "HOW CAN WHITEY COMPETE" threads
in driving around the regions he cited as some inspiration for settings in some stories I found myself imagining very similar tales
almost like there was soemthing actually resonating in those hag craggy woods in Oakham, Whately or in Vermont up above Wilmington where The Whisperer in the darkness took place...
Lovecraft warned about the modernity and the abuse of scientific research, he is the Spengler of the Fantasy literature.
One example is the civilization of the Elders which was destroyed by their own scientific abominations called Shoggoth.
Other is that many of his civilizations(and even locations like Insmouth) were stagnant, hedonistic, rotten and ruined , where the beauty vanished and was replaced by materialistic horrors.
read Houellebecq's book on him and you'll see he's a Sup Forums hero
Niggerman was a good kitty. Lovecraft was also autistic as fuck about cats
Cat from the story 'The rats in the walls':
Nigger Man: A cat owned by the narrator. He could detect the spectral rats. When the story was reprinted in Zest magazine (1950s), this name was changed to Black Tom.
Lovecraft is amazing. Liberal douche Stephen King is a big fan, a successor of sorts.
Lovecraft was indeed conservative and he'd be quite sick with America today. One book kinda has a subtle theme of the virus of urban cities swallowing up surrounding areas.
Yog Sothoth rules
is he, dare i say, /ourguy/?