what is his end game? is he /deepcover/ ?
this apoplectic 'prof' sure is a good image for the tolerant left
what is his end game? is he /deepcover/ ?
this apoplectic 'prof' sure is a good image for the tolerant left
why did his jaw stop developing after age 8
Pterodactyl down.
He's not /ourguy/ though so who cares.
lmao this nigga actually in the warzone.
>i hate those fokin storewam fags
Kys the_donald.
This guy aint /ourguy/ but he is for our cause
but remember:
>first they came for hitler
>then pterodactyl
>then you
It is a side effect of timeline jumping
honorary /our guy/ when he tossed the shekels in the air
that was funny shit
Kek has spoken subtly
this is a board for politics faggot. fuck off
yes, I agree. how is this political?
a known communist shows up at a political rally.
okay, and?
Can you read? That's related to politics
>literally no discussion of politics
known communists attends a political rally- more information on the 10 o'clock news! Can I post a picture of my shit if I am a known right winger, since that'd be related to politics?
no shitposting. that's our job
>Can I post a picture of my shit if I am a known right winger, since that'd be related to politics?
LMAO I’ve never seen such a pathetic fucking thread. You’re losers, all of you. You get up here on this stupid celebrity camera whatever and think you’re hot shit, then all of a sudden when you get BTFO every. single. time. you just say “LOL lefties btfo” like a bunch of mouth breathing autistic sperglords. I feel insulted by the very notion that this thread could ever actually amount to anything more than a childish attempt at political dick measuring like it is right now. But, you’re all small manlets, and Shia has his BBC rolled out and ready to crush. I can only imagine how much pussy he’s getting from this. Know how much your celebrities are getting? How much pussy beloved “milk man” is getting? None, that’s right. Fucking disgraceful performance, Sup Forums.
This stream isn’t the best but your attempts to shut it down are laughable. So, I will take that advantage, and lean back in my seat and sip my chai tea while laughing at you disgusting forum-goers. I have r/politics open right now, by the way, and I’ll be sure to send them screenshots of your angry responses.
nice pasta
>I finished my latte, now what were you saying?
old vinny should've been there
Why single out Milkman?
He's pobably sucking on a big pair of milktits RIGHT NOW.
>you will never see Rose for the first time and be super nervous before you man up and stumble your way through asking her out
>you will never take her out on a date where you can't help but intertwine your fingers with hers for the entire time
>you will never walk her home and then awkwardly pause when its time for her to go inside
>you will never get lost in each other's eyes for the first time as both of your lips move closer to one another
>you will never realize that even though the both of you want to take it slow, you can't help but move fast because it feels so right
>your relationship with Rose will never go into something beautiful
>you will never be held by Rose when you've had a bad day
>you will never look into Rose's eyes and understand that she makes all of the pain go away
>you will never let Rose cook for you and have to lie and say that her food is delicious because of how in love with her you are
>you will never run up behind Rose while she is doing the dishes and surprise her by putting your arms around her and softly kissing the top of your head
>you will never take Rose out for a surprise vacation to liberated Europe where you will propose
>you will never see Rose choke back tears as you begin to doubt your decision to propose before she jumps into your arms and whispers yes into your ear
>You will never see Rose on your wedding day and realize that this is what you have been missing all of your life
>You will never have a large family with Rose and watch them grow up as the two of you grow old together
feels bad man
Is the dude with the anime shirt SKELEHANDS?
How thefuck is he not our guy?
If you say shill I swear to god.
I just rewatched that day Nick showed up and gave the same bullshit story to like 7 different women who were all loving it.
fucking kek
Take the sleep pill.
Deprogram your self.
Take the sleep pill.
Denounce these e-celebs.
Take the sleep pill.
Masturbate daily.
Take the sleep pill.
Milk is mucus.
Take the sleep pill.
LMAO I’ve never seen such a pathetic fucking thread. You’re losers, all of you. You get up here on this stupid celebrity camera whatever and think you’re hot shit, then all of a sudden when you get BTFO every. single. time. you just say “LOL lefties btfo” like a bunch of mouth breathing autistic sperglords. I feel insulted by the very notion that this thread could ever actually amount to anything more than a childish attempt at political dick measuring like it is right now. But, you’re all small manlets, and Shia has his BBC rolled out and ready to crush. I can only imagine how much pussy he’s getting from this. Know how much your celebrities are getting? How much pussy beloved “milk man” is getting? None, that’s right. Fucking disgraceful performance, Sup Forums.
This stream isn’t the best but your attempts to shut it down are laughable. So, I will take that advantage, and lean back in my seat and sip my chai tea while laughing at you disgusting forum-goers. I have r/politics open right now, by the way, and I’ll be sure to send them screenshots of your angry responses.
Nah, he's Vampire or something.
holy shit vinny
I have some of those shekels, I'll never let them go
>like a real jew
Bjorn at 14:22
He is a Gavin proudboy, he is a normie pretending to know and post on Sup Forums
I think that trap scammed me out of feet pics.
If Paperboy tries to start shit with Uncle Vinny, he's gonna get completely destroyed
>my fresh pasta is spreading
Thanks user
oh boy looks like im watching the stream all night
Post tits.
Where are /ourgirls/ today? A lot of people came today but they were all guys.
he's never pretended to be user btw
Fucking sperg.
I love that the quiet mexican guy is starting to develop more. He's underrated.
This was totally uncalled for. There's no need for this hate speech right before I go to bed.
Any time user
Sal never pretended to know Sup Forums, he's openly said he doesn'teven know what Sup Forums is.
I don't really have a spiritual view of it. I have a scientific maybe? Not really the proper term but... personally I find sexual thoughts tiresome. But being a male they seem inescapable - especially when my hobbies all have attractive women in them (tv/movies/games/anime/comics/manga). Given the choice I'd gladly never have such a thought again - it wastes a great deal of my time and mindspace.
Ahh yeah I found him in the wiki not much info I see.
Filler episode confirmed.
Non canon side story, Tales of Uncle Vinny
What was the story?
Nick may be a lot of things, but he has the easy confidence that comes with a life of (((privilege))).
Oh my mistake, i was thinking he was baked alaska
Ctr 2.0 (crew) pls go
>The food I ordered is taking forever
I'm gonna burn down a church soon
lmao can someone link me to ptero getting arrested? I dont see anything about it on his kikebook
t. user that messaged sal about furfag to warn jackie
Who the fuck cares if he is from Sup Forums or not. Pterodactyl proved to be one of the best guys during hwndu, actions speak louder.
hey guise why isnt uncle vinnie back home with his family?
at least its still triggering normies
idk user its a pretty good shitpost, dont read into it too much
nah fuck baked alaska, now that dude is a true shill and a fraud who thinks he knows Sup Forums
ProudBoys get alot of shit for some reason, mostly because its painted as some fanclub.
But alot of them are /ourguys/ and Sal's at least getting his hands dirty. Alaska runs from any conflict while filming his fuckin periscope.
Take the Shia pill.
What was it that made him great? Wasn't he part of the normie crowd?
yeah alaska is a faggot
Someone needs to do a Red Hood pizza/narrating inane shit compilation
trips get confirms this is the truth
The guy in flannel? That's ISISanon. Guy in the scarf if Vampirebro.
>Milk is mucus
whos this cunt
native american or mexican dyke just here for the free pizza?
Anybody have the full stream of the Viper's View guy?
oops, missed the pic
No thanks.
His free shekels bit was pretty GOAT. And I'm fairly certain he's the one that started the MY WIFE'S SON chant
did he ever buy any pizza?
That is the guy who re-enacted nasheed with Jackie.
I think this is talking about how there's hormones in milk
Shia is going to be in a new movie about a pill that makes you get smarter. Everything is going great for him, but then the pills side effects kick in and everything goes to shit. haha. This should be fun.
Yeah alaska is a fucking coward, especially in that periscope when he ran away, if some dude threatens you, you let him do it and fuck his life up by losing his job and getting arrested, see if they have the balls
He had $20 and could only get one pizza
No clue fell asleep been asking that same question myself
Come down and get sum
Reminder that fascists are EXTREMELY afraid of bjorn
Where is Brittany?
Legit tho where that boi pussy at?
fuck off
burping, somewhere
I wouldn't extend the respect you have for Sal to the Proud Boys, reminder that Sal originally showed up with two other PBs that hardcore tried to antagonize and memespout. The tall gingery one hit a girl within 5 minutes of arriving. (she may have hit him first)
Staying at home, hopefully.
The truth is hard to swallow; I understand.
Banging Naruto
>trying to wrangle up some goys so I can cash in.
Fuck this asshole.
spamming threads with her pictures
Tfw you will never see Naruto kiss Brittany and complete the love arc.
Saving her tummy gases for someone else