Why do boys do so badly in school compared to girls...

Why do boys do so badly in school compared to girls? Are they just as smart or is it the curriculum being geared towards females?

More girls are starting to identify as boy's thanks to identity politics, and now they're making us look bad.

Sexism. Gender caps when?

I recall reading something on this. In general its because girls act mor mature at a younger age you know do to hitting puberty faster. So they get dotted on and treated better in the early years while boys get punished harshly for being boys like roughhousin at reccess and drawin army guys shooting each other. In short girls get a head start followed by the apparent disadvantage of girls they get even more special treatment. This ends in college I went through prealgebra in college up to DFQ and engineering courses. There were way more girls in lower level math classes but come calc 2 and above it was a massive switch being mostly male.

More likely to question why they should do what they're told and averse to doing retarded shit. Also more interested in non-school things, like vidya sports music etc

>relating school to smarts
found the girl

Men require a competitive environment to thrive. School is too touchy feely now.

The system is very much geared towards female success. Women follow instructions and do what they're told, while males want to do their own thing/can't stand sitting at a desk for 6+ hours a day.

>sit down
>be quiet
>why cant you act more like girls
>these drugs will shut you up
>lol we mutilated your dick but society will relentlessly focus on female oppression

hurr durrr why are boys failing?
why cant you be successful like the baby boomers who robed you?

Does the report take into account the difficulty of the class?
>Guy with 3.0 AP Calc vs girl with 4.0 in normie math 4
>le guys are dumb

Despite the above, the majority of people are low IQ scum and women need to do better in math & science in order to get an office job.

Agreed. School system is daycare. We shouldn't have had to do 8 hours a day in soviet-style cattle buildings to be served the same food fed to prisoners while niggers, roasties, obese cunts, sjws, and lefty teachers constantly surround you. NOTHING did more to kill my drive to learn more than school.

>Girls get better GPAs
>Girls get better reading/writing test scores
>Boys get better STEM test scores

Girls do homework, do class work and read diligently so that they can repeat it back. Boys do less work and learn more. Their GPA is lower because they never turned in their homework because they fucked Sally while Jill was doing her homework, then they went and fucked Jill after she was finished and while Sally started homework. Then the boys went to bed, got up 10 min before the bus came went to school with no homework then aced the test. The girls on the other hand woke up 2 hours before the bus to do hair and makeup, turned in their homework and didnt do as good on the test because it was a closed book test and they had no fucking clue what to do without the answers already provided to them.

Males are demonstrably not as good at modular learning. our entire education system is based on modules rather than narrative

The only thing that is relevant is the top 5% because everyone else will certainly be bourgeoisie wage babysitters, while the top couple percent do all the actual work

I actually remeber doing parts of this not the sex part sadly but I never turned in any homework but aced tests all the time. I was a C student cause I didnt do my homework I actually got called in to talk with a consular and I simply asked whats the point homework is practice but I clearly dont need any. I didnt even get a real response back.

I think it's because girls mature faster but men mature more.

I came back to university at 29 because my teenage years I was a wreck. Only smoking joints, concerned with looking like the baddest boy around, all that shit made me somewhat disconnected from school, I was almost ashamed of being intelligent, felt like something I needed to justify. There is this constant pressure among young males to dumb things down, like if you talk too fancy using words like procrastination and anathema you're a faggot. So I was always a shit student in my teenage years because I was lazy, because classes were BORING AS FUCK and I couldn't really care and there was this "pressure" to be a dumb cunt who doesn't think things through because "that's what girls want". Surely the fact that I'm tall and good looking is just a detail. So now back at university I'm the best student in class, not even the oldest btw, two women are older. I guess boys don't study because it's seen as faggy, so they hide the power level they sometimes don't know they have.

>Have to stick in school for the whole day
>You get expected to do homework immediately after you came back from a full day of learning shit
>Implying you actually want to do your shitty homework
>If you are stuck with a shit teacher, you are in for a wild boring ride
>Mfw i realize that this is just a way to try and make kids think it's normal to work overtime and to not have fun from a very young age
>These days the Government is cutting all the fund for school and they are expecting people to go along with it

Same thing with College/University. You get courses you absolutely need when all you want to do is get the course about what you actually want to do. Someone who wants to do horticulture doesn't have to learn all that shit to plant a tree properly

The institution of education has become feminised and focused on meaningless toil and forced cooperation. The ethics of renewable energy is studied in chemistry class with equal importance as practical work. Historical perspective is enforced through non primary and informal sources. English is graded subjectively by state directed dropkicks. Mathematics is graded by workload and not results.
All of this is in favor of the female persuasions to shut the fuck up, bend over and do what they're told in the face of authority. Subjectively graded classes are a fucking travesty and the teachers will almost always favour the female (and those with feminine disposition) students in marking.
Fuck you VAAC you can suck my dick

boys don't have a non competitive way to release aggression and unless they are good at sports they will become rebellious in some form due to repressed anger

ITT brainlets make excuses for their failure

Yep, most American Universities are like this as well.
2 years of general meaningless toil in introductory courses that are only a couple of notches above high school, then overly specific cram courses that go well beyond anything besides teaching the subject for two years.

It's all who you meet and what you teach yourself in the mean time.
Otherwise it's compliance training
That's why the least valuable part of my education was education

All these are true. School really is geared to girls, especially in elementary school. One factor is that boys' fine motor skills develop a little later than girls do; fine motor skills are important for writing. So boys lag behind at an early age, when everyone is learning to write, and some of them just suckered and give up for the rest of school.

Also, it's not scientific, but boys do seem to need more play at a young age.

Enjoying your windowless basement office at BigName engineering /biomed/pharma company or grad program /sci/?

Yes, yes I am

I majored in engineering but my school was directly partnered with a lab that did product testing testing and hired a lot of CS and EE majors (I was EE) since it tested network equipment. I had that job from my sophomore year on and honestly by the end of my time at university I felt like any schooling I had was irrelevant compared to the connections I made and practical knowledge of my subject I got at that job.

Once I worked in New York City doing a real job over the Summer of my Junior year it was a struggle to stay focused. The pace is just so unnatural and what you learn becomes so tangential and unnecessary.

If I didn't NEED to have that degree to go back full time, I would've dropped it then and there once my internship started.

Niggers skew the numbers.

Mostly female teachers make it easy for female students. Whether they try or not.. ever go to school? Your female teachers seem to give female classmates an easier time? Because they do. That's ehyw their so inept at lifr afterwards, because they're unprepared for the real world, while the boys learn to overcome diversity. That's your white male privilege.

Oh it was the same for me, especially later on when I got deep into the communications stuff (which is the side of EE I really liked) at my job. Class just became super secondary to me and honestly if it wasn't for the fact that I could work on homework while doing my actual job, I would have had a very hard time completing things.

this bot pasta is ancient

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To add, I knew things were fucked when I wrote my resume and realized that fresh out of school my education was literally a footnote at the end compared to my job experience.

Boys are knuckleheads and want to be outside to do shenanigans. Girls are naturally submissive and do well in the classroom setting in which they must do as they're told.

school don't show how much smart you are or how much knowlege you have , girls always do homework , and are workfull while i with my frends used to always had 4/5 from tests and 1 for not making homework

I had my job secured starting senior year. Looking back on it, I got a hell of a lot out of college, but I would have been just as well off taking maybe 5 of the courses I had to take in my four years.

The scary thing is that it was worth the money, the debt, but you get so little out of it if you don't network, get employed or learn to lead and present. That's probably why a lot of liberals are so upset, so few of the lefties I knew got into leadership, worked any more than a few hours a week at a fluff campus job or developed any skills.

I did sit in on an EE friends field theory class a few times, more power to you if you can find that enjoyable.