What is the Sup Forums opinion on Noam Chomsky?
What is the Sup Forums opinion on Noam Chomsky?
Spot on analysis of the US's role in the world on a factual level, but it's impossible to completely buy into his values even for people on the left I'd imagine.
Noam "Designated Killing Fields" Chomsky is one of the biggest hypocrites alive.
>Noam "Designated Killing Fields" Chomsky is one of the biggest Jews alive.
Fixed it for you.
An infallible guide to realty. Simply reverse him exactly.
i'm too retarded to understand his papers on linguistics
Based. Thought me about US Imperialism. Shits on Israel.
Noam "Pol Pot did nothing wrong' Chomsky
smart guy who is too ideologically narrow to take seriously. no awareness of his own blind spots
he is also one of the most predicable people ever, you know exactly what he will say on any issue without having to ask or look it up. such people are not worth listening to
>American imperialism bad capitalism bad Wallstreet bought politicians bad
>dude vote Hillary she's a woman lmao
He's a fucking retard
Bullshit when did he defend pol pot?
With a name like Gnome Chompski, he must be a real ogre.
Don't worry, they turned out of be worthless.
He's a faggot kike and crypto-Zionist.
He is a Jew.
He was good during the 80s and now is a shill.
meme intellectual
very basic bitch knowledge of US history in relation to slavery and the formation of the country to name two things
too lazy to find idiotic statement because if you are a fan you will find it eventually and immediately be put off
he should stick to linguistics and keep his ((nose)) out of u.s. of america's war interests and war machines.
You criticize Chomsky but don't know that he was one of the most vociferous and prominent supporters of the greatest anti-intellectual genocide campaigns ever?
Faggot kike remarkably similar to Marx. He can convincingly criticize a system but offers zero alternatives.
He's basically the God of backseat drivers.
It's nearly impossible to listen to him talk. He is Eeyore in human form.
pretty fucking based desu senpai, he's also quite nice, send him a well thought out email and he might respond
Um how?
he also LOVES the direction Venezuela and Brazil are headed in.
one of the good guys, even if hes a kike.
he redpills people
his sole purpose is to help the liberal kids I went to highschool feel edgy and intelligent.
I give him a meh on the based scale. He's a faggot about a lot of things, is redpilled when it comes to the financial industry, and is very good at saying smart sounding words. Being a leftist in the 60s I understand. Being a leftist in this millennia is just embarrassing.
>le concentration of power and wealth man
Watched the Netflix documentary. Explains why people like Hillary are dangerous and he is anti establishment.
Proceeds to endorse Hillary
>basic bitch
Yeah, what's your contribution to academia, yngwie memestein.
>Proceeds to endorse Hillary
Because she was the lesser evil.
This is admittedly comfy
Not that she really was, but that's why Chomsky endorsed her.
What a fucking kike
commie cuck but spot on re: the msm
He's an attention whore.
If he stopped at that, he wouldn't be as bad.
The problem with Chomsky is that after lobbing all his criticisms of capitalism, he goes and suggests anarcho-syndicalism as an alternative.
This is what happens even to smart people that never leave academia. They end up with shit for brains.
If you have a sufficiently developed Jewdar, it's possible to extract out the subtle value-judgments when he presents his facts, and then I think it's valuable stuff, mostly the U.S. foreign policy things.
Another based Jew is Norman Finkelstein. Wrote a book about the Holocaust industry.
a stammering, meandering fool who advocates absurdities as genuine intellectual positions often bolstered with wishful thinking and naive claims that could only be uttered from a person so closed off and self-absorbed as to resemble a lab rat gnawing on its exercise wheel and shitting near its water teat.
pick one
only moron students listen to him
He thinks Israel should be a Jewish ethnostate.
ITT: anti-semites and Zionists
thats kek-4 good buddy
Zionists? Like Noam himself?
Trigger warning. It's ugly if you're pro-Palestinian.
The article just says that he supports it as a ethnostare but gives no proof. Chomsky is right about the Israel lobby, they don't influence the US that much. Like, the Israel lobby couldn't persuade Obama to bomb/invade Iran. That's proof. BDS and the right of return is suspicious though.
Do you like Norman Finkelstein!
Noam Chomsky raped and murdered a woman in 1967
Not the best guy...
His last name sounds meaty
Frig off kike
Relax goy you're triggerin my asthma!
>Chomsky is right about the Israel lobby, they don't influence the US that much.
>the Israel lobby couldn't persuade Obama to bomb/invade Iran. That's proof.
Obama did bomb iran in 2011...
Got BTFO by the Piraha language
Nope, that was Israshit
he's a massive fucking faggot just like you ya fucking leaf
This isn't actually a shitpost, but it might be mistaken as one.
(((Noam Chomsky))) will be spending the next 6 (I think) weeks here at the University of Arizona (he actually has started to come here yearly).
I'll actually be in close contact with him pretty often. I've met him before, but I'll be seeing him a lot over the next several weeks. I'll be working basically one room over from where he'll spend a lot of time.
What do, Sup Forums? Any suggestions? Clever trolls? Pranks? Pls don't say Zyklon B.
That's a straight up lie and you know it.
Samantha Powers signed off on it, White House gave directive
>uhhhhh i uhh criticize the leaders' shortcomings and uhhhh authoritarian tendencies all the time uhhhh but uhhh the fact remains these places offer uhhhhh a hopeful and vibrant uhhh model of uhhhh development for people seeing uhhhhh to escape uhh from uhhhhhhhh beneath the jackboot uh of western industrial democracies uhhhhh
suck his balls hahaha
He didn't "defend" him per se, but he minimized Khmer Rouge responsibility for the Cambodian Genocide by saying it was actually America's fault for destabilizing Cambodia, and that our bombing to get at North Vietnamese troops in Cambodia hardened and radicalized the Khmer Rouge, so that the Cambodian killings are in large part the fault of the US.
It's logical, but it's bullshit because obviously Pol Pot and KR still made a bunch of choices on the way
Pretty important linguist, but still pinko scum
His existence justifies anti-semetism
Noam Chomsky raped and murdered a woan in 1967
hy is no one mentioning this?
Post this wherever/whenever Chomsky is mentioned. paulbogdanor.com
He may have some insight into US party politics and how the media operates, but he has over several decades consistently diminished and denied communist slaughter of millions of people. He is a deranged, pathological liar.
Nice meme.
He's right for asking for proof. It's important to have souces and evidence if you ever talk to people outside your echo chamber, or else the WILL just think your crazy.
I don't know enough about Chomsky to argue, but what I say applies to anything.
Can you even google? Jesus Christ....
I thought he was interesting on many topics. Not necessarily in agreement with him but he was smart.
Then, after 9/11, I watched him in an interview claiming that it's not important to research or investigate it. He was basically say Americans should just forget it an move on. That is a giant "what the fuck" if I've ever seen one.
Keep in mind that at one point the only source of information on the KR was though CIA reports. This was just after Watergate and Cointelpro. After more sources came up, Chomsky condemned the Khmer Rouge.
was he protecting the tribe?
Gee, I wonder why a Zionist jew would take quotes about of context. Really makes you think.
Not an argument.
Can you give an example, instead of shit posting?
Just googled it and nothing came up are you trolling or schizophrenic?
A relic of a by gone age when liberals had some principles worth respecting.
I read this. Why? An article came out in my local paper about the books bin laden was reading when the seals killed him and this was one of them.
another commie that is too irrelevant in the current meta to require a bullet
just let him fade away
like hanoi jane
absolute relativist anti-american cuntbag
Overrated but sometimes has some decent things to
Deserves a free helicopter ride.
What google did you use surface or dark web?
>Bullshit when did he defend pol pot?
When extent of Khmer Rouge atrocities was starting to become obvious in late 70's and early 80's.
>dark web
fuck off retard
>Because she was the lesser evil.
pls quote what was taken out of context.
Remember there's 200 quotes in there, so even if half of it was misrepresenting his views (doubt it), it's still pretty bad.
Gets people to think outside the box.
Is still a retarded kike.