Why do poor people always compete over who "had it the hardest"?
Why do poor people always compete over who "had it the hardest"?
Because their primary driving emotion is RESENTMENT, and you can only be resentful if you're at the bottom of the heap. It makes you feel morally superior and hate those better than you.
It's very hard to be resentful when you're confronted with evidence of other people who have it harder than you.
Jordan B Peterson has spoken quite a bit over the damage of resentment in society and I think I'm starting to understand it. Cain and Abel.
That's only a bad thing when it turns into Oppression Olympics and everyone becomes a self-centered indignant buttfucker.
Poor people just telling stories about similar upbringings used to be a harmless form of bonding.
good answer
Everyone wants to feel superior about something
They lost at being the best so they fight for the worst.
Why do dindus brag about there city's murder rates and rename their towns chiraq n shieeet
People who feel they have failed in life usually develop an obsession with the excuses they have found to explain said failure.
Once they have their excuses set, they develop a fake confidence where they believe that they are actually this great character but are just limited from their full potential due to the excuses.
I think everyone is aware of this but just represses the thought and when you meet somebody similar it's kind of a pre-emptive defense to the possibility of them questioning your failure.
t. poor person who has most likely had it worse than you lot
Watch Dr Peterson's videos, especially Maps of Meaning.
I've been thinking lately about how to combat societal resentment. And I think it's important to recognize that a primary difference between adults and children is that adults let go of their resentment and move forward in the world. Whereas a child would just become resentful that they didn't get whatever they expected and would react violently.
We need a way to recognize that resentful people are not adults until they let go of their resentment, and we need a way to remove all their power until they decide to be adults.
Comparing ugly sweaters helps people justify their current situation. Sometimes they're in poverty because it's their fault, and they want to pretend it's not. Sometimes it's not their fault, and they want comfort from others.
>t. family is literally from the swamp
because it's easier than arguing over who accomplished more.
most people are poor for a reason
For those curious, OPs pic is Piper Perri
OP here.. I honestly don't even understand how you can be poor in the US..
digits confirm
They like being victims.
Competing over who is more 'oppressed'.
If you're playing "who's more poor" and you don't start off with your father's daily alcohol intake/complete absence, you're just playing "who wishes they were poor"
Why do gay people always compete over who "had the hardest"?
christ she is so beautiful when she isn't a blonde. I don't know maybe its because i feel she isn't as much of a coalburner here
this was one of her pre-porn photos, anyone have anymore?
she is also portageese i think
she looks fugly as hell as a blonde
Why do military guys always compete over who "had it the hardest?"
to compete over who gets the most handouts, obviously
masochistic stoicism
done in one
To see who is more tough. More tough = social status and respect. Poltical correctness has to do with it too. They know they will get attention if they judt brag about bad they have it. Also, poor people culture like rap culture promotes that type of thinking too. They obviously know they can't be the best, so they try to be the worse
I have it the hardest. probably longest too
Piper Perry
I grew up in a low income area and I got a sense of this mentality over time. I despise it because it's an endless cycle of suffering to just making it. There is no concept of truly transcending beyond and achieving greater things for society by solving these problems. Everyone needs to start out deprived ortherwis any success isn't real. Instead of intellectual masturbabtion it's struggle masturbation
When your life is really shit you might as well try and top all the other losers around you in shit points
Bonding over common experiences & competing over who overcame the most hardship in one fell swoop.