A US foreign policy that doesn't include seeking a close alliance with Russia is utter insanity. Furthermore, you're Canadian and therefore retarded.
He made a technical clear up that intended to be fixed at the end of the Obama administration. Trump is being used by Russia for sure, but its not because he's a Manchurian plant, but because he's such a piss poor geostrategist and he's filled his advisors with ideological warriors who think they stand a chance of making a long lasting, white, conservative, christian Russia.
I'm just looking at the facts.
I'm learning about them for the first time now and they seem kind of suspicious.
>Trump sends advisor to Moscow and is offered a massive oil deal if Trump lifts sanctions
>Trump's guy keeps going back to Russia and the russki who offered him the deal is soon found dead from gunshot wounds in the back of his car in Moscow... the government rules his death a heart attack and dismisses the investigation
>now Trump is lifting sanctions
He also adding a bunch of big oil execs with ties to Russia to his inner circle.
I guess who needs to worry about addressing facts when you see a leaf though, am I right?
>>He also adding a bunch of big oil execs with ties to Russia to his inner circle.
I'm hoping that Tillerson is wise to the whatever Russian BS Trump is eating by the spoonfuls. His nomination was supported by foreign policy experts and he probably has experience as a mini-diplomat for his company.
>I guess who needs to worry about addressing facts when you see a leaf though, am I right?
I'm not going to comment on the rest of your post but I will say that spending ten minutes here has convinced me that Canadians are fucking retarded, and I didn't want to feel that way. I really, really didn't.
Listen. Look he might be a Russian puppet okay. But dude he banned Muslims and also BUILD THE WALL and BTFO Cher on Twitter!
>Since his nomination, Tillerson’s Russia ties have become a source of bipartisan concern. In 2013, Putin awarded him the Russian Order of Friendship.
I'm not entirely sure that this guy is the man who is going to keep Russia in check, but I'd like to believe.
>Trump practices diplomacy with Russia
>I guess who needs to worry about addressing facts when you see a leaf though, am I right?
The problem here isn't facts; it's that you're apparently too stupid to be able to comprehend what the facts actually constitute, and as a result just regurgitate the bile fed to you by the opposition media. The fact that you're also Canadian is just a humorous coincidence.
jesus christ their "evidence"
Burgers are the actual retarded people. They elected Trump, after all.
À fuckin leaf !
He's financially divested his interest in oil, and hopefully emotionally divested whatever sympathies he has for Russia if he ever did have any.
>“I pay no attention to this argument that he is too friendly with Russia,” Kissinger said at an event in Manhattan. “He would be useless at the head of Exxon if he was not friendly with Russia… I don’t hear those concerns at all."
He also had the backing of Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates.
I'm not American so I don't really care about this shit.
I'm just curious what the significance of Trump sending an advisor to Russia before the election, being offered an enormous Russian oil deal if sanctions are lifted, having the man who broached the deal be suspiciously murdered in a government coverup, and then Trump immediately lifting the sanctions on Russia once he gained power is.
Hell if you're really that incensed about it just imagine it were any other president doing it. Hillary, Obama, Cruz, Guac Bush. It just seems kind of suspect to me.
>15 posts in and no one mentioning the fact OP is linking to fucking Reddit
Back to The_Donald, all of you.
>strengthening ties and easing tentions after both sides admitted we were entering a new cold war
I just....I dont understand these people. Back when i was more liberal i remember people could acknowledge that the media was poison and manipulative then suddenly tumblr culture took over liberalism and everyone began dancing to the medias tune to the point where liberals are like rabid attack dogs being stired up and beging to be let off their chains and unleashed. What the fuck happened?
Ambassadors speak to candidates before they are elected to speak about relations.
They are trying to bait Trump with "good" relations and counter-terrorism cooperation with Russia with major concessions that he isn't even aware about (that is their hope).
That was a clear up of the sanctions, not completely lifting it.
I mean I could spent half an hour looking up articles for each source and pasting them behind succinct summaries of interlinking points, but you'd have to be some kind of redditor to waste your time doing that shit.
You voted for someone on a reality show
Those sanctions were a fucking bad idea in the first place.
>Soros and CIA destabilize Ukraine
>Russia reacts
>USA punishes innocent countries like Finland with sanctions against Russia
Fuck you warmongers and stop trying to start WW3.
Hurr derr fake new
There's a special term in international relations that describes the state of being cucked by Russia. It has your country's name on it.
>muh Russian boogeyman
Look faggot, we're getting team WWII back together so we can stomp a mud hole in China's ass.
Stop being so gay about us hanging out with Russia.
Oh jeez guess we did.
He'd probably be just as bad as if a movie star were President.
>Buh buh buh (((CNN))) told me duh Russians were trying to influence people!
I don't think Trump is capable of being a puppet. He is pretty obviously a guy who is acting on his own impulses. He is probably unable to even listen to advice, far less obey somebody.
I'd rather we all be on good terms with Russia.
Just maybe not with such tactless corruption on both sides.
China was on your side in WW2 you ignorant asshole.
Sup Forums is too compromised by trump shills.
Yes and there is also a reason for it. It is called geography.
Not sure man but those fucking tard charge thats going on are not fucking liberals being center left is liberal
Doubtful that "Team WW2" is coming back.
>China was on your side
No shit cockboy.
I'm talking about the big three, Burger boy, Ivan, & Super bong.
hey ctr
were all of the people who praise Trump like it's their job imported from Reddit?
I'm starting to see how things are..
Read a book
made me respond/10
This place is TIDF headquarters boy
Maybe I'll read this jewel of intelligent discourse from you instead
>Not sure man but those fucking tard charge thats going on are not fucking liberals being center left is liberal
What are you even trying to say here, retard?
and that's worse than voting for a drama teacher?
Based team.
Trudeau was mostly elected mostly because he was the son of a prime minister.
And to be fair, you guys recently elected a half-retarded man to be your president mostly because he was the son of a president.
>Russia embraces capitalism
>Left-wing commies think Russia are bad guys now
Checks out.
You voted for a literal meme who has done nothing but continue to ruin the economy over weed.
>hurrr durr Drumpf won because Russia
Is this the lefties version of the birther movement?
>Obumbo throws sanctions on Russia for no reason
>When Trump gets rid of them he's Hitler.
Didn't lift sanctions you retard. Msm jumping the gun for some sweet hysteria based on false reports.
Read something current.
>ruin the economy over weed.
Weed is going to make some fucking bank in Canada. You're the expert, I don't have to tell you how much people smoke up here.
Though it is comically fitting that this is where we're going after oil, especially with Trudeau.
>>>Obumbo throws sanctions on Russia for no reason
Even if you disagree with the reasons, you know pretty well that there were reasons and he had congressional support to do so.
>obama takes a shit on everything on his last days of office
>trump cleans the shit up in small increments on day to day basis
the board has been on board with Trump near unanimously since like the 2nd GOP debate.
>I'm starting to see how things are..
Because you've been on the board for grand total of 10 minutes?