Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Is it ticking down towards 0?
That's great and all, but it seems like they don't know what impeachment it.
What exactly would they impeach him for?
40% also voted against Trump. Weird.
Into the trash it goes
So 60% of Americans like or are neutral to trump? Sounds great!
that just means...
6 in 10 think he is doing a good job.
next week polls will be conducted in San Francisco and the news will state that 10/10 Americans want Trump out
He's mean, he hurt feelings
>same size
>less than 800
>only phone voting
Gee I wonder who could be behind this....
>but it seems like they don't know what impeachment it.
they are desperate for "hope"
What a shocking twist!
r/politics has been full on meltdown mode for a while and are just throwing whatever they hope can stick
Not really, I don't think he should be impeached but I don't think he's doing a good job.
Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension? Or maybe kys to free up air for those who do? :)
Impeaches ex-Democrat Trump gets ultra conservative Christian Republican Mike Pence.
Hillary supporters are mad Trump won
What a fucking shocker
>impeaching the president
Remember when we did this to Clinton and it amounted to nothing?
i love how i can browse Sup Forums for an hour or so a day and still get caught up on how cucked plebbit is. really makes me warm in the genital region
Came here to say this. They seem to think impeachment equals the removal of a president from his position because something something fascist something hitler something.
Just like they impeached Bush right?
It doent seem odd that 4/10 is the amount of voters hillary got?
What would the 6/10 think of this?
What happens if Pence is also impeached?
It actually wouldnt surprise me if Trump's real vote was as high as 60%. It was clear early on that it was extremely high to the point deep state became involved, used cia propaganda tactics against the country
which means 6/10 support him idiot.
What's that? Drumphtlstiltskin has a 40% disapproval rating according to some dogshit (((poll))) someone pulled out of their ass? Oh no that sucks, guess we better get rid of him and replace him with Madame President.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.
Amazing that anyone gives credibility to polls anymore
Belive it not I think that pussy comment brought him down 10%
Can Trump actually be impeached or is it all a meme peddled by hopefuls?
just more salty tears
theyll be grasping at straws for 8 years
It's a meme.
He hasn't actually done anything and if congress tries to impeach him it would lead to a massive power grab and purging of the government.
or 2 in 5, fucking retards.
>only 40%
>more than 40% voted for hillary
that means he's winning some over lad
obama should have been impeached years ago
A President must do something illegal to be Impeached and be proven guilty.
Bill Clinton for example lied to congress under Oath of Office.
Holy Fuck that pic
>Poll: Hillary Clinton will win the election
A poll on Reddit, huh? Might come as a surprise, but Reddit purges pro-Trump (& pro-America) voices.
my dude....
Using his office to enrich himself and or his family.
>it would lead to a massive power grab and purging of the government.
literal retard here, what does that mean exactly and how would that happen? has it ever happened before?
What do the republican-majority congressmen say?
So in the two weeks or so he has been in office, can you prove this?
underrated post.
It means they can't impeach him without orchestrating a coup because he hasn't done anything illegal/outside of his given power. To my knowledge, such a thing has never happened in the history of the US government. The president(s) we had impeached all actually did something a president isn't allowed to do.
You're also not an American
5 in 10 backed impeaching Obama
5 in 10 would have backed impeaching Clinton
9 in 10 back impeaching the entire House of Representatives and Senate
Protip: you don't get a say in impeaching anyone unless you're in Congress.
Mr. President bls no shock me in the jocks for touching cocks
110% meme. Impeachment requires both houses of Congress, both are controlled by Republicans. And thanks to the number of red state Democrats up for election in 2018 it's likely to stay that way.
I don't think invertebrates can hold that high of a position anywhere other than Turkey
> le reddit