What would you do?

pic related falls on your head one day outside.

what do?



Remove anti-gun and leftist politicians. Use heart-attacks as a calling card.

Let people think it's the hand of god.

"Donald Drumpf"
Is this thing even on?

Buy a lot of pens. I'm gonna need them.

keep anime shit off Sup Forums

pedosta beaten to death by children

Write my own name on the inside cover in case I lose it.

how did you know it was anime?

weeb detected?

>mfw you do that 3 times thus making him immune to the effect of the book because

>Rick Wilson and the rest of the cuckservatives
>most of Hollywood
>Kevin O'Leary
>everyone tranny SJW who argued with Jordan Peterson in that one video
>the guy who said France needs to 'learn to live with terrorism'

George Soros, shot in self defense by a child he was attempting to sell to Hillary Clinton while being secretly broadcast live to the entire planet

You kiddos think small.

I'd probably just be really petty and use it to kill people that I find annoying.

I don't think you can kill yourself with it.


Would "everyone" work?


if dub.s its on my desk tomorrow morning

I came here to post this, but would add "Then have a mai tai on the beach"


>george soros, but i'm not sure what the best way to have him go would be
>every hollywood leftist dies of aids after admitting who they're being paid off by
>merkel dies by rape at the hands of rapefugees after admitting she just wants to see germany burn
>at least half the population of china in one contained plague that affects only chinks
>also the entire chink population of vancouver
>everyone involved with BLM, and anyone who tries to take over afterwards

>Trudeau - cause: muslim suicide bomber
>all Jews, religious and ethnic
>all Muslims (after they kill trudeau)
>feminists (only the really fucked up ones, otherwise I'll be killing like, 60% of the female population)
>asians except mongols and japs
>anybody over the age of 30 who unironically affiliates themselves with a party further to the left than the democrats

I think I covered most bases. I could have just said
and solved most of those problems, but I'd rather keep things interesting.

>Ruth Bader Ginsberg and that other one Obama appointed

can we meme her death guys?

I used to have fantasies of getting a Death Note but I don't anymore. I trust in Trump's judgement more than I trust in my own.

Donald Trump, shot by Jeb!

My list is a 1.2GB word file right now.
Start from A and work my way down to Z.

I would immediately kill George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg.

>Soros but no Rothschilds
wtf are you even doing?

>not realizing soros is the death god

>Burn it.

Just as the world should.

This is the only answer.

Kill evil people and say that you're God. Say that you are not the God of any existing religions. Condemn violent religions.

Evelyn de Rothschild

I'd kill random people for the heck of it. I wouldn't bother with politics like I assume the average Sup Forumsack would. Just kill people left and right. Make surviving people wonder what's happening.

George Soros and a shit ton of people who deserves it

make an excel spreadsheet

you can add new victims anywhere and the alphabatizing function will put them in the right space automatically

>all Jews

learn to read N I G G E R

A shit ton of people and within three days, me

fatal dildo accidents skyrocket

put out a public decree that the media start telling the truth and reporting with mild bias

wait one week then bing bing bing major network on-air news personalities

fucking hell I'd have a field day.

eliminate american diaspora and leftists who are too far gone

control lainchan

That's overly lazy for just adding new profiles. Blades don't get sharpened by being efficient, they become efficient by being sharpened.

Edit the cover, get unwanted people to write their own names in it in exchange for drugs ( or whatever kind of degenracy they need ) take their money. I'll even declare and pay taxes on that revenue like a good citizen to give back to good honest people.

Most people have said the obvious ones.

I'll go with the entire House of Saud. It'll take a couple of weeks, but it will be worth it.

Also Spicer, because Trump deserves someone competent.

Kill everyone except myself and some qt japanese girls to breed with to create the Neo-Aryan race.

Write my name in it
Painless death GET

>mfw i changed my name years ago and nobody but my family knows

Oh god you have no idea how much my writing hand would hurt

Does Hillary Clinton have a Death Note?
Seth Rich - """robbery"""
Shawn Lucas - "drugs"
John Ashe - "barbell accident"

"George Soros"
"Alexender Soros"
"Hillary Clinton"

The rest of Rothschild family.
The rest of Media elites.

Plenty of work.

>>george soros, but i'm not sure what the best way to have him go would be

Have him give a speech declaring victory over the white race, how his plan for white genocide is complete, and so forth.

Then have him get killed by a unidentified sniper.

>what do?
Same Thing We Do Everynight Pinky

send it back to President Trump as he clearly dropped it at some point in the last month

Write "Kek"

Proceed to burn after 40 seconds

Pretty much start doing what L did.. Mind fuck everybody


Every male except myself

Sigh where is the Jewish directory when you need one

George Soros and his family get in a sword fight assuring their mutual destruction.

I write the biggest list of leftists ever compiled.


George soros

Learn from Kira's mistakes; I'll probably be fine knowing there is noone like L in the world (especially in Europe)

Oh wait can I add one?
Every white super liberal fag killed by muslims

>95% of china
>95% of india
>religious jews + globalist ethnic jews
that should do the job

Kill everyone. Including myself.

Lol you forgot the Rotchilds who financed them all.

Kill off all the e celebs.

All the hot girls in the galaxy (in case there are hot alienfus to share my seed with) shall fuck me senseless until they die