Why didn't anyone tell us that by like 19 - 21 you haven't figured out what you want to do, you're going to be in deep deep shit? Like many of you I completely wasted half my 20's. I went to 2 different colleges and switched majors a few times. I didn't graduate. Now I just work shit jobs and am miserable, all because I was never planning ahead. When I was in my early 20's I thought I was still young, nobody told me that was the time to start grinding and making serious decisions. I should have joined the air force or something. Now I am in deep deep shit. I am 26, no college education, I make $9/hour I cannot even come close to making enough to move out of moms house. I have zero friends, I have no gf (ever), I have no life at all outside of work. I am completely stuck and have no clue what to do.
Why didn't anyone tell us that by like 19 - 21 you haven't figured out what you want to do...
Other urls found in this thread:
Save all your money and learn to live innawoods.
Go to college, doofus. Or learn a trade. You didn't fuck yourself by waiting, you fucked yourself by acting like a retard.
bro, go get a trade apprenticeship immediately. what are you good at?
Be creative,shitlord.
Get a laptop.
Learn to edit video.
Make videos like every other loser.
meant to after the trade thing, "what are you good at, what kind of shape are you in, what's your overall body size, and i can give some pointers."
Baby boomers had no incentive to give you this tip because they had it made when they entered adulthood. Managed to fuck it up, be piss poor with their own money and now they can't retire but hey, you're the lazy generation, go get yourself a well paying job.
buy a business. you can't get off the ground working for someone else. look up businesses for sale near me then sort by lowest price first. without a job you can dedicate all your time to it and then buy another, scale, and so on. you can grow exponentially
rob a restaurant
Fuck off, I've seen this thread before
Bro it sounds nuts but you are still young. This is a trick by the media to get us to shut down on life and not pursue women or anything better. Most people dont become successful until their mid 40's you just only hear of the best of the best and the worst of the worst because thats what you are conditioned to look for. My advice is find a loan you can handle and take programming or business classes. If you are up for the task medical but prepare for 6 years of school at least before you are making over 3 figures. People in IT make around 70-80k a year with only a year of schooling and with 2 more years of schooling and taking math and C++ courses you can become a engineer or dev making easily 90k to over 100k usd. Dont like math? stick with IT. Dont like tech, go to bus school and open an established franchise after getting your bachelors. Get a loan from a bank after making a well thought out proposal and then run the franchise until you make enough to open a second or another business. Never stop after success make another plateau to reach. Do it now while the jobs are in demand. Dont like any of that shit? well do something that makes you truly happy then because money wont if its not worth the work to you. Sadly most other areas are flooded and memed onto people to put them in dependency on the state or their senpaitachi and into debt for jobs that arent around. You should be glad going back you have wisdom and more knowledge than everyone around you.
I'll start tomorrow. I'm fucking pissed.
t.21 year old neet
So, you blew it. That's actually pretty common. You were warned; you just wanted to goof off instead of growing up. Also, pretty common.
Step 1 is to accept full responsibility for your own life. Your future choices can be better now that you have some real experience to base them on.
There are two options: join a trade apprenticeship program or go back to school. Personally...I did both (not at the same time). You aren't the only one who ever wasted a few early chances.
Don't pursue women now. They will want you badly after you have something to offer. Knowing that may help you stay motivated.
>Make $23.50/hr
>Full benefits
>Live on my own in a decent house
>Own a car and a motorcycle
>No debt
>Diaposable income for hobbies
>Still have steadily growing savings
Life is pretty good when you make a plan to do something you enjoy that has a future. Most people my age are idiots who didn't plan, I'd say 2-3/10 actually planned and as a result are doing well, the rest are struggling and doing bullshit jobs that highschoolers can do, and half of them are 30k in debt from college they did nothing with.
Do it man. Sounds nuts it like the world blessed me. As soon as i started to stop feeling bad about myself and realized everything i said earlier i got more motivated. I start school this year and got a gf. Im living with my parents too she is a solid 8/10 white cutie girl who support my political choices as well. She is fine i dont have a job atm (i quit to pursue school quickly and getting a part time) and she doesnt care i live at home because she actually sees im trying to make a future for myself. Thats what women want man they want to see effort and that the world hasnt beaten you. Dont let it, If you are even in your mid 30's and reading this, you still have time. You may not be "young" but you arent old. dont let unseen forces and preconceived notions keep you defeated. You have time and there is hope.
Also i lost 10 pounds after all of that and starting to get fit. Shit falls into place anons. Keep your spirits high
yeah but on the flip your're actually part of a low statistic. Most kids that do what you did drop out or get set into a job that becomes replaceable within a few years by either machines or smarter systems or the market becomes flooded. Most jobs that pay under 40 per hour are very replaceable. but im glad you are good and hope it stays that way.
Baby Boomers gave this advice because in their day they never saw anybody "lose at life". Sure some fucked up in their youth but it didn't matter because they could easily find some job when they settled down and get a house and wife with a few years pay. You'd basically have to want to be a fuck up to become a lifelong loser.
These people don't understand that you can make bad decisions.
They still do this. Half of them haven't or don't save enough for retirement but it's ok, they always have the pension.
Holy fuck, 21 and about to drop out of college and go into see if i can join the airforce. Will i make it lads?
Go for a trade job, most of them pay around $20/hr, depends what you enjoy.
I'm a 24yo engineering dropout and decided to get a welding certification at my local community college.
Add to this the fact that a mistake in the 60s could be taking a Fine Arts degree costing a few years of paltry payments vs that today which is JUST tier.
A big part of that is most people choosing to go to college for something that they really shouldn't bother going for. For instance, I have a friend who got a degree in child development which is basically how to be a housewife. She didn't think about it, and since she doesn't have a teaching degree of any sort she can't even teach preschool with it most places. She didn't plan anything out, just fell for the "college degree = good career" which isn't true with most degrees.
Meanwhile I got a degree in mechanical engineering, and my girlfriend in Microbiology. As a result we have jobs that require skill and specialized training, and aren't going to be replaced by something like automation anytime soon. We planned for careers we would enjoy and that would be actual careers, not just jobs. As a result we get to enjoy work, make decent money, and genuinely enjoy life.
Most people's issues could be solved by just planning ahead a bit.
Got it. Now, do you know who I should blame for bending my generation over so much, castrating us in the legal system, destroying our institutions of marriage, and turning 50% of our women into coalburners, roasties, obese girls, 25% into unfaithful sluts and a remaining 25% still wife material? Maybe it's not that bad in your area, but it's both visibly obvious and admitted by girls and guys in my area things really are that bad.
It's never too late to go back to school. It does get harder though. Right out of high school I got an AAS in Electrical Automation. I got recruited out of school and made $25/hr. I worked there for about 2 years, but hated it. I'm 23 now, and am going back to school for a BS in Information Technology.
>She didn't plan anything out, just fell for the "college degree = good career" which isn't true with most degrees.
It's also the intimately related "do what you love, if you have the passion it'll work" meme. Pretty fucked how the colleges have poisoned so much of the advice you get before you leave high school
>I am 26
Go to college for a normal, average job like a teacher.
>ruin our women
>question why so many of us are losing our will to live
>learn useful skills
>use those skills to make money
It's not that hard, just work on it.
>child development
Child Development is actually a solid degree if you plan to go into education or mental health, particularly early childhood education.
It's also not bad if you plan to pursue certs or grad degrees in the incredibly profitable realm of special education.
Get your bachelors asap. And/or combine with the following Get Ccna or ccnp. Get cdl license drive trucks. Download mt4 and trade currency under a demo account until your can make profit add real money. U can learn programming online and basically get any job. I'm 28 and the last 5 years have been total shit bc no monies but I'm slowly on the uphill. Also LIFT every other day. Don't eat sugar coffee alcohol and do NOT smoke weed. If anything that's the main culprit of not getting anywhere in life. Eat veggies & protein. U could also get ripped and become personal trainer or male prostitute. Or take bartending class. Profit??? Or or or join the air force or navy immediately is your best option. Go now 4 years you'll be 30 31 and not a loser
I forgot ups drivers make like 60k a year but truck cdl license might be beta. Ups drivers u just have to sign up when they hire for part time during Christmas work the entire winter without missing a day and you go full time.
Educator here.
I spend every single fucking day of my life telling kids they need to get their shit together.
Kids don't listen. They're fucking dumb.
I was a dumb kid too, but fucking shit, we've lost our culture of getting skilled and putting ourselves to use, because it isn't as easy or feelgood as blind hedonism.
>not beta
Enjoy paying 40% of your wage to unions.
Whoever is driving this shit needs to fucking die. I've never been cheated on, but I avoid relationships like the plague because if i found out my girl was cheating, I'd actually lose control and shoot her. I'm sure of that because I made the resolution to kill any girl who cheats on me, if it ever happens. Hell, I go online and find cheating wives to dox and expose to their husbands i hate it so much. I've seen and talked to so many young boys who were aware of how slutty their moms were riding the cock carousel, and it infuriates me thinking about how much it must be tearing them up inside. Maybe I have too much empathy.
Immigrate to the USA, on wait the whole world is muslim
this. If you're gonna get a shit wage it might as well be doing something that will pay off in the future.
We've lost it? It was never there. Most people didn't go to school for their job in the factory or their trade they became apprentices. School is a meme. High school is a huge waste of time if not middle school. No one tells you you're entire life depends on these four years you go to school make sure you study 24 7 when it's pretty much better to get laid and party since you're basically in paradise. And there are majority meme degrees and classes not to mention professors that suck dik and don't teach they are there because they wrote a research paper or some bullshit not their teaching ability. The system is fucked and the majority of people are in for a rude awakening. Like an user said earlier our parents did nothing of the sort to prepare for their future like we have to now.
>Be me.
>Already better off than OP in planning and situation.
No it's bad all over. Liberal media. its funded by corporations that condition us to making dumb choices that leave them with more money. More money = more power. The corps are owned by people who have ties with the banking systems. If everything and everyone across the globe is the same, its predictable, which is easier to control. Right now the world is so divided the easiest way is to divide it more to a point of war. let the beligerants duke it out and come in with support to the winning side and treat them as the legitimate power and use the already controlled media to continue a high moral ground narrative to convince the hearts of people that they are correct and on the good side. It is a lot easier to sway the heart than mind. people are either too stupid to think different, too stubborn or actually do think for themselves, its easier to get people by their hearts. make them feel like everything they are doing is for the good of the people and the future. Afterwards implement the winning government into the banking system and continue to the next area until a near global control is seized. This has been done for thousands of years. They used religion last time to fuel the agendas. Now it's human rights and progressive thinking thats the guise for the cause. These people have soo much money and info at their disposal after so much time they can infiltrate any to most communities. we are seeing the plan in action
>$50 a month
>$600 a year
> $60k-$600
Please fucking kill your self you stupid fucking monkey.
reported. Enjoy your ban underagefag
Should voted for Bernie you fucking canakike.
none of that in the south buddy
And if you really did report him, you get banned for announcing a report.
> No one tells you you're entire life depends on these four years you go to school make sure you study
You tuned our asses out. Now it's time for life to turn your ass out.
It's called delayed gratification, Jamal.
While you were busy smoking weed and partying, people are working themselves to near ruin, whether physical, mental, or emotionally. They deserve the good things they get.
I've got family who work for UPS. They still pull that union shit here in the South. I don't particularly know or care how it works, but it is reportedly bullshit, according to my uncle and cousin.
You got laid a lot and have friends and shit and fond memories. I built myself a solid, sustainable life.
change the age to 27 and you're me
More like bannalacious
>highly religious
>only 1 in 5 abstains
How are they defining "highly religious" exactly?
Wageslaved, wanted to kill myself for awhile, got back into piano
Got an audition for a master's program on Saturday. We're all gonna make it lads
shit pasta, sage.
If I don't see changes in our women and society in 10-15 years, I'm just gonna shoot myself. We're a generation of heartbroken and stepped on men, it seems to me. Thanks for the advice, user.
lol for 1 minute, gtfo. also ban evade is easy. Idky they still do it anymore.
I think not.
It's too late for me, leaf. Save your innocence.
But if you want to seriously get out of your situation.
Join a trade school, get your LPN in under a year. Average starting salary is 60k
Become a welder, certificate classes range from 8-12 weeks. Starting pay is usually 15-20$
There's a million different opportunities you dumb fuck piece of trash (probably fat) waste of air.
Lift weights, eat healthy. Get strong. Be manly as fuck and if you're not fake it til you make it. Holy shit women are easy as fuck to get, they're fucking idiots.
Quit being a whiny faggot. You don't need friends, you have (((us))). Better yourself and situation then friends will come.
How was this not obvious? Did you not see everyone else around you figuring their shit out? Surely all the other students graduating and moving onto their careers ought to tip you off. You have a full year of college to spend figuring out what you like at minimum.
Assuming you made substantial progress (you damn well better have after that amount of time) your best bet is probably to go back and finish a degree. Ideally in a major relevant to a field you're interested in, but literally any degree is better than none.
>Among millennials ages 25 to 32, median annual earnings for full-time working college-degree holders are $17,500 greater than for those with high school diplomas only
I expect it is similar in Canada
In our society, we are in constant competitions.
Those who don't know the importance of their own actions/decision by 21 should just pay for their recklessness.
I'm 18 and I want to work at sea
I can't think of anything I'd rather do, am I autistic?
A true gambler
I joined the air force OP
> enlisted af
> became a meteorologist
> stationed in Germany
> used tuition assitance And CLEP'd 3/4 of a degree
> got out and used GI bill to get a free private school bach degree
> get paid 1700 a month to get degree from GI bill
> still have enough to get free MBA
> score internship at hedge fund
> now im a financial analyst that works with the CFO of another company
Tfw 275k net worth at 30
Learn coding? No degree here yet I still get job offers for 50k+ pretty regularly
Merchant marine and yes, you're autistic as can be, but merchant mariner is a redpilled job.
Dont shoot yourself. look into russian mail order bride. its more legit than you think and most are cutie virgins. to them a guy working at mcdonalds and driving a used van from the 90s are rich as fuck to them or high standard of living. their parents realize they are good looking and train them to be super wives then fly out suitors. They want the best for their daughter and it may give them a chance to get money or help. Or move to japan. Asians love fit white guys. Dont go chinese, i go there on bus trips with my dad. they are disgusting and heartless creatures. Most Japanese are virgins until 30s too.
We shouldn't be given the basics of every subject in high school and expected to figure it out in college
Germany has a three-tiered secondary school system that's more specialized, so kids don't have to waste their money going to college when they'll drop out anyway. As cucked as Germany is right now, that's a pretty smart way of doing things instead of lumping everyone together in some Marxist fantasy
-No Job
-No Girlfriend
-No Degree
-No Prospects
-No Life
Typical pollster.
You're also obviously a faggot and good for you instead of getting laid now you can pay for prostitutes or be beta bux to a wife that secretly desires Jamal. But you missed the entire point. No teachers don't tell you college matters no one does. I haven't had a single teacher tell me you are a delusional monkey fucker and need to neck yourself. Because the first 18 years of our life is a waste of time and kids have 0 guidance from a obviously failed system. Four years at university for degrees if chosen correctly MAY give you a job if the economy allows it. Again your logic is short sighted. There are always the super nerdy kids that just robotically sacrifice life hygeine social life physical sports communication skills for the sake of doing well in school when this can all be fixed with a better system. And fuck off no teacher tells you if you don't get a degree your in shit. These people are teachers and got the easiest degree possible and skate by because of the government.
In 10-15 years we'll have realistic sexbots since Trump won't ban them straight away like Hillary would. By then you won't care about actual women
The very act of blaming the system proves you capable of gaming it you lazy fucker.
Get into real estate.
This looks like the best idea in the thread
Digits confirm that kek is with you. It's important; we need people who can raise white families.
Those years do matter 16-24 is an extremely important time but school and uni teaches you fuck all that's useful. School doesn't teach you how to be successful it teaches you how to be a good little worker
The USA does this now, though.
In my state(Texas), for instance, high schoolers have to declare a goddamn major in high school, and don't graduate without at least one completed major course.
....It's kind of too much for the USA to handle. Even small cowtowns where there's like less than 300 high schoolers in a county and only one school have to offer these courses, which means that you either hire barely-trained educators, or only offer a single major for the whole school. The majority of the USA is just too spread out to have the kind of systems that tiny European countries have due to efficiency concerns.
Maybe you just had shit teachers, then. I'm an educator. Like I said: EVERY GODDAMN DAY I tell my kids they need to figure out whether or not they like/dislike a particular kind of work: High school and college are about sorting your shit out and figuring out where you wanna take yourself, and you'll be handicapped if you don't equip yourself.
Yes I realize this now. Real estate investing medical weed growing all fucking cash. The best thing is to mimic those who are successful do what they do. Even if you do get 100k job a year you're still a cuck to the people that make 10 million doing real estate etc. but then again real estate you need to have money to make money. Feelsbadman
Good thing I got a friend working in the airlines for cheap travel. We failed our women by enabling them this much. Again, thanks for the advice, actually giving me some hope.
Most people will never be 'successful' like the people they see trotted around in the media.
Being a good little worker was and still is enough to get by and live a comfortable and dignified life, assuming you have the right skills so that you're being a good little worker in a lucrative field.
kek is with you my friend. you can do anything you wish with that willpower
Wish me luck, then. With basic necessities handled during lift off I can stash most of what I make in the coming years. I won't deny luck in my situation. But what I make of it is all me.
Is IT really that low risk? I hear people talk about IT all the time, but since I made shitty choices and let myself get left so far behind (21 and working on my GED), I'm worried about how competitive the field will be after a few years of college. Is there any danger of the IT market becoming over saturated in the near future? I'm just paranoid about how hard it'll be to find a job since I'll be entering college with the Gen Yers.
And I'm not lazy. I did everything I was supposed to and that didn't work because I was following their rules. Ignorant doesn't equal lazy. It's easy to call someone redpilled and on Sup Forums lazy but imagine all the actual lazy fucking libs. Who have no clue and are purposefully lazy.. but regardless of any society there will be lazy people and capitalism isn't the most effective system and is doomed to fail but for now it's the system we have and have to play by its rules. But NO ONE TELLS YOU THIS ITS a redpill for sure. Probably an obvious one but if everything's been paid for in your life not saying your rich but food clothing shelter community college etc you have no idea the harshness of actual life. I can only imagine a lot of homeless people just didn't have dad or mom bailing them out and were just kicked out at 18. Something like that.
everyone deserves to be happy if they work for it man. good luck, don't let the world get to you, because it is trying to. We are better than that to let it.
>....It's kind of too much for the USA to handle. Even small cowtowns where there's like less than 300 high schoolers in a county and only one school have to offer these courses, which means that you either hire barely-trained educators, or only offer a single major for the whole school. The majority of the USA is just too spread out to have the kind of systems that tiny European countries have due to efficiency concerns.
Or you don't require students to take every subject every year. If you're STEM-oriented you shouldn't be required to take English and History courses unless you want to as an elective. That way you can already start specializing before you even get to college. You wouldn't need an extra teacher, students would just have the same teacher for a couple classes and you wouldn't need remedial classes, even for something like English
And if a kid sucks at all of them, he can either kill himself to get ahead or take appropriate apprenticeships. They facilitate that in Germany, but we need to stateside too. There's a shortage of trade jobs so it's very lucrative right now. An user already suggested it earlier in this thread
>80k a year
>live in a sexy appartment in city
>qt gf succ me
life is gewd
You're alright. Ignorance is a kind of laziness, I might argue, with the existence of the internet. But I won't blame you.
I am operating by American standards. Middle class. I love America for what it's given me. Greatest country on earth.
>National pride swelling
Same with me, mate.
I joined the Cuckservative Party with 16, never drank alcohol nor smoked in my entire life, never had a girlfriend, only got two friends.
Now I'm about about to graduate from university and get a really good job at Hewlett Packard.
The thing is when people think IT they think they have to work for some super company and compete. No, find a local place that uses computers for most their work, leanr their systems and apply. most small towns or college towns need these people to maintain business going into the online market or new ones coming up that need help. You may not be paid as much but if i had to shoot a number I doubt you would see anything lower than 45k. Again i would take C++ or learn a game engine and continue to be a programmer. You should prepare for your fallback job while prepare for your main one. Try and make them go off each other. Hell take IT courses than bus and make an IT bus that small ones can hire daily or weekly for their system management. there are ideas out there man and you can do what someone else is doing. and because tech and systems are always changing advancing there is always a need.
What thread are you in, senpai?
lol, i realized this when i was in early 20's after hearing the dark side of the moon album by Pink Floyd.
"No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun"
i realized oh shit my life has started.
Dude, I'm gonna stop you here.
English is absolutely necessary to succeed as a scientist or engineer. The same skills that you use to write persuasive papers and shit are important in writing technical and scientific documentation. You can bitch about the literature requirements, but you know what? Teaching everyone from the same general pool of literature serves a secondary purpose in unifying culture through shared experiences and knowledge. The same goes for history: Schools are obligated to serve citizenship/cultural curriculum.
As it is, schools DO waive requirements. The engineering courses I teach count as physics and a math elective for the course of graduation. But schools are primarily funded through local county taxes, then state funds on top of that, and then federal funds, and each time you go up, the strings attached to the money become more restrictive. Poor counties can't afford to serve their kids like you want.
That's a nice quote even if it's a bit sad
I'm just getting to uncle tony levels of worked up, that's all
80k a year in a city in aussieland is like 30k a year here isn't it?
>You can bitch about the literature requirements, but you know what? Teaching everyone from the same general pool of literature serves a secondary purpose in unifying culture through shared experiences and knowledge. The same goes for history: Schools are obligated to serve citizenship/cultural curriculum.
Yet these are the two subjects that have subject to the most propaganda and misinformation. Would there be a way to offer a technical writing class without all of the leftist bullshit?
And my school was a rich kid's public school and I didn't get any waived requirements despite being in two school bands because I was such a good musician. Public schools don't address this in an increasingly specialized workforce
Fellow Leaf. become a security guard. There is always work in canada for security guards. moreso if you're from ontario. the course is about 250$, 40 hours, and a couple of tests.
>But schools are primarily funded through local county taxes, then state funds on top of that, and then federal funds, and each time you go up, the strings attached to the money become more restrictive. Poor counties can't afford to serve their kids like you want.
As an addendum, you find someone who can be qualified to teach science because you have no remedial science courses for kids who will never use it irl. It's less of a tax burden to make teaching more efficient, it only hurts revenue for the teacher's union. That's why it's so important DeVos gets confirmed, because she won't pay any attention to teacher's unions who prefer the status quo
I see, I see. By "learn their systems", do you mean programming language or something else?
I appreciate you taking the time to pay this knowledge forward, user. I've been feeling discouraged from my lack of progress, but now for the first time in awhile it feels like I have my head above water again. You're really helping people here.
not to late to join the air force, that is, if you want to get some pussy