Sup Forums
Do you know any legit White Supremacist / NeoNazi?
Do you know any legit White Supremacist?
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Neo Nazi / = National Socialist.
I want to lick those pits.
There are like 10 whites in Mexico and they have enough money to care about that
I used to be, still have the swastika tattoo and everything.
my buddy wrote an email to some white knight organization thing telling them they were alright and he actually got a reply once lol
Yes a co worker and he fits the stereotype. White supremacists are just fucking trash. Nothing wrong with racism though
Yes a couple, one has SS runes in the center of his chest.
I want to kill every asian women i see and consider them degenerate ugly inferior trash
does that make me a white supremacist? i'm a girl tho so it shouldn't count
Friend's dad in in the Aryan Brotherhood. Normal, not trashy, does own a shitload of guns and turned his basement into a bomb shelter. Almost got us in huge trouble in high school for putting flyers all over cars in the parking lot the Friday before MLK Day. We just happened to be skipping school when he did it and they came straight to us.
Makes you jealous and probably the ex of someone that fucked a hooker.
And think about how hard that is here.
That's because you're a fat angry cunt that can't get a white dude. Also, Tits or GTFO.
The guy that used to deliver rags and uniforms to my work. I called him "Red pilled Rich", other guys called him "Siggy" for sieg heil, or just "rag nazi". He was funny as fuck, had all sorts if racist/anti-Semitic tattoos. A Hitler pez dispenser shooting flaming Jews out of the neck, was one of the more creative ones. He got fired, "they fired me cuz I'm a RACIST" is what he told me. He works poisoning rats or something now.
Plenty of them. Some with government jobs/military jobs that frequent this very site. You'd never know it though because they don't advertise.
my uncle-in-law was a skin head. had the tattoo on his knuckles and everything. he killed a nigger and did 15 years in jail. got out and got addicted to meth. got off the meth and now is a raging alcoholic that's on welfare. pretty cool guy tho
Ye, worked with one. Looked like an untermensch but was a pretty nice guy if you weren't a shitskin.
i knew a bunch of guys at work who were skin heads as kids, once they grew up they realized it was retarded as fuck. they still have the tattoos though
Toasty white piggu roastie. Butthurt because you can't compete with azn qts.
why? do you find them threatening?
I have a suspicion that my cousin is one. He fits the modern non-punk skinhead version. You know, the kind with the white tees rather than the suspenders and boots. He's friendly, but very blunt.
I'm so, so, sorry in advance for what is about to happen. Trolls are going to come into the thread and they will be saying some very hurtful things about you. They will call you some very hurtful names. But none of those things are true. How could they possibly know? How could they possibly know how beautiful you really are? How sweet and compassionate you are? I'm so sorry about them, please do not let them hurt you.
>mfw thinking about you hurting
I just want to see you shine and flourish. You are so precious to me. I want to write poetry and sing songs about my love and adoration for you and all of your perfections. My name is Brian, by the way. I know that you're tired of all the assholes and jerks. I know how you feel baby doll. I know. I am different. I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen. I live in London. Please be in London.
>White Supremacist
Someone who believes white people are supreme.
Someone who is a white nigger.
Yea. We go to the Waffle house and the entore time he calls the cooks niggers and openly yalks about how much he hates niggers.
yes, and all you on Sup Forums are a bunch of posers
My dad
kek, im a cook at waffle house, and theres only one nigger on staff
>At work
>Patient needs exam
>Kid with name "Aryan Smith"
>Ok, just a (((coincidence)))
>Go find them
>Hamplanet (by kiwi standards) mum with swastika hand tattooed on her throat
>360 and walk away.
She was nice enough but that fucking tattoo makes her a Pariah.
Yes. I grew up with four of them.
1. Wife's ex-husband's Grandfather. Huge White Supremacist. But by the time I met him had gone almost completely senile. As a result of the obvious, I didn't know him very well.
2. A member of my local Baptist church nicknamed "Cowboy," who was from Texas. He was a jeweler, very rich, owned an entire arsenal of guns, and showed me his KKK membership card. While he was a very happy smiley fellow, we didn't get along very well (even before I knew he was white supremacist).
3. ???
I thought I knew a lot more. Or else my standards are just very high for who passes as white supremacist. For me, they have to really be in a named group; a "joiner."
Yes. Pic related
my friends dad
vietnam vet, retired cop, biker
he has always been a good resource because any time one of us had a problem, he would have it handled no questions asked.
No because White supremacy is a fake term invented by the jews to defame white nationalists.
They did the same thing with holocaust revisionists by calling them holocaust deniers.
>im a cook at waffle house
bro, i have the upmost respect for your job. dudes are like vishnu, six arm skillet ninjas
dude its fucking ridiculous.
i've never thought about it like that, but your right lmao
Yeah OP, PewDiePie. His the most Neo-Nazi man I know off. He hates jewies, he loves whities. He is true skinhead
Now if he were a nigger...
A true one would just admit it, no?
Sidenote, his girlfriend is the most annoying and weirdest looking creature on the planet. Fucking annoys me
Check myself then faggots
>drinking at a bar
>some dude on the patio is talking with me about Germany, claims to have German ancestry, as do i, leads to WW2, etc
>find a lot of agreement between each other
>but then he shows me a pic of a motorcycle he's working on for himself, has an SS symbol on the tank
>says he isn't a racist, really admires the Japanese, but the Chinese are "inferior."
>winds up saying he hates the English for what they did in WW2
>says Russians are inferior, because "remember what the fuhrer said during WW2? The Russians are an inferior peoples."
>start feelinlg uncomfortable
>realize that i'm talking to a meth addict
>realize that 99% of legitimate white supremacists and neo Nazis are literally just like this, meth addicted degenerates
was really a turn off for me desu.
Looks like KEK approves of this potatonigger
>>american education
I met one while I was on deployment, he was on the same ship as me and I saw him in a bar in Malaysia.
Started talking to him and shooting the shit, somehow throughout the conversation he mentioned he was in one of the last KKK chapters in Commiefornia.
I asked him what it was like and he was pretty honest and frank about it, then I took off with some of my friends and never mentioned it to anyone else.
Nice guy, I was surprised he was that open to a bean like me, still it kind of disturbed me on how much we agreed on.
i met some in jail. one had a tatoo of dead jews hanging on him. i asked them what they were they said skins heads. and i said what where. and he said there is alot of us.
My dad has swastika tattoos
I thought so, as I had a friend who claimed to know one. She's a socialist, and after a few conversations, it turns out he just doesn't like niggers. She's a useful idiot who will die on the DOTR or on the day of the communist takeover.
My dearest friend has nazi tattoos and everything. His grandparents were literal nazi's who caught the last boats to a comfy life in the USA.
One of the most liberal and nig infested cities in the country too. Cant make this shit up
>nazi tattoos
I meant swastika's. I am retarded.
Yeah me. I would never get a tattoo, though.
Yeah myself and like twenty other dudes and my entire fucking family.
Mfw i logged into grindr in the gambia just for shits and giggles
Rare af
i knew lots of skinheads growing up in the detroit punk scene in the late 80s. plenty of boneheads...
democrats assume beaners will align with them because they push the we are the saviors of brown people meme but all the mexicans i know are all assimilated and strive for the same things white people want. because they came here of their own accord (not slaves), you guys don't seem to have as much of a grudge against whitey. make tons of babies and turn this country into a land of hot catholic girls with big tits...yay thanks!
>can't compete with asian women
Maybe you should look for men who don't like anime
She seems like she just as spastic as he is, desu. Luckily for him, they got together before he made is millions.
does anyone know any queensland australia based active groups?