What would happen if the states were split into individual nations?
What would happen if the states were split into individual nations?
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Michigan would get a lot more peninsulas.
I saw a vid on this idea, here you go.
Even in a union, what's stopping Alabama from on declaring a territorial land war on Florida. I'm asking for a friend btw
Colorado goes into Civil War due to political difcerences.
Ontario Destiny!
the south would immediately form a confederacy of states. The south is bounded to an extend beyond your comprehension, unless you have lived here
Texas would rule the world
After we deport all brown people
It's true.
Fuck Florida though, full of Yankees.
Florida is not part of the south.
Not bad. I was more curious about the economic side. Would it be like pre-EU Europe or sub-saharan Africa?
>Why don't states declare war on each other?
I can picture more of an insurgency issue.
You're right.
Florida is Michigan's next peninsula. Watch youself.
but you are all the brown people, also you get all your power form mexico
that's sort of how the country was envisioned to begin with
each state would be self governing and follow certain rules to be part of the union.
remember for quite a while each state had its own currency
Most individual states, save for some coastal ones, wouldn't have very good economies on their own. If all states were given nationhood they'd likely form confederations with likeminded surrounding states in order to diversify their economies and strengthen themselves militarily, and you'd wind up with probably anywhere from 3-10 countries. None of these countries would be quite as strong as the previous union militarily or economically on a global scale, but they'd also be much better off politically, as they'd have more control over what goes on within their smaller borders. All in all it would be all great thing.
We live in the best timeline.
But this book sounds like a crazy cool read.
The liberals of California would kick all of the South's ass.
How does this make you southern-cucks feel?
Technically speaking we are individual nations (states) "agreeing" to voluntarily be apart of the federal govt.
That's why each state has its own flag , governor (president) , its own congress, its own Supreme Court, and its own constitution. And there is nothing stopping one state from attacking another (civil war).
More north you go the more south u get
Your parents never took you out of Alabama yet huh chief
Raleigh is too far West fyi.
Assuming the military is evenly split according to where it is right now:
California conquers the west coast.
Texas takes Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico.
Some coalition of North Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia team up (along with South Carolina and Maryland) to control the majority of the East Coast.
Boston joins New York and New Jersey, taking over New England. They form a tentative non-aggression pact with Pennsylvania.
Florida stays autonomous, probably takes the gulf portions of Alabama+Mississippi but can't contend with Texas' military strength.
The Midwest fights among themselves, with Ohio taking Kentucky and splitting West Virginia w/ Pennsylvania, Indiana w/ Michigan and Illinois.
Every other state or region I didn't mention doesn't really matter.
Arizona and Texas would form an alliance and exterminate the New Mexican menace.
Literally the same unless you fuck up the single bank. Then we just turn into the E.U.wwwww
May I ask what your basing this off of?
1,000 x this.
Each state was supposed to be treated as an independent country. The federal government was never supposed to be this large and the section referring to Interstate Commerce was never supposed to a be a generic catch all.
Sauce: The 10th Amendment.
Wyoming would win your new civil war as it has the highest nukes to things worth nuking ratio
Take it bud
t. Albertan
No doubt Texas would be powerful but they'd struggle against a coalition of the east coast southern states (that would include Maryland in this instance). Texas could be very powerful if they could peacefully take Colorado and the Air Force.
fuck didnt think about that
we conquer the world by sending our chicago niggers
>Southernfags actually thinks they would make an alliance
lol You retards would fight each other to the death because despite sharing some views, the most importants you don't share.
checked, Florida will be an independent nation. Hopefully we'll annex Mobile.