Trump needs to hire a new press secretary.
>5 year old could have posed a threat to national security
Trump needs to hire a new press secretary.
>5 year old could have posed a threat to national security
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Trump must fire Spicer and bring Alex Jones in to replace him
Kek wills it
Children are used as suicide bombers all the time, retard.
Did he have a fucking bomb strapped to his chest, idiot?
You gonna just stand around and find out the hard way?
anyone got the video of that isis kid executing a guy?
spicers based
They spent hours detaining him. It wasn't like this was a quick check to make sure. It doesn't take long to figure that out. Use your brains please.
>Instead you should let every kid through, not processing their identity
>Who cares if they are not citizens and might be used as walking bombs
>They are kids!
Fuck off retard
Except he was a citizen and he was let in after he was "cleared". You shouldn't detain children away from their parents when they're not a fucking threat.
The fuck is wrong with this board.
Don't be a retard. That's exactly why they search you for said bomb
>Except he was a citizen and he was let in after he was "cleared"
Yeah, he was let in after he was cleared. Whats your fucking point here?
They didn't detain him AFTER his identity was cleared.
Are you really this fucking dumb?
It doesn't take hours to do that. He was detained for hours away from his parents. That ain't right.
That he was held away from his mother when he didn't pose a threat. That ain't right. Detain him with his mother.
The fuck is wrong with you? Come post a shit opinion thread and expect us to agree? kys
>kids should be forcibly separated from their parents because I don't like their race
>That he was held away from his mother when he didn't pose a threat.
You are a dumb fucking cunt.
As long as they had no clearance of his identity, he was a threat.
Kill yourself and never attempt to ruin a US election with your retarded fucking shit.
Nah, considering he does this nearly every day with a super hostile press, and is defending unpopular positions in which people attack with strawmans, I'd say he's doing a great fucking job.
The media is going to scrutinize every thing he says, and it'll be the same with anyone else. With this set of circumstances, he's doing good.
kill yourself, CTR faggot
>As long as they had no clearance of his identity, he was a threat.
He's fucking five. He doesn't have any bombs strapped on him. No weapons. What the fuck is he going to do? You get beat up by 5 year olds now?
>He's fucking five.
Once it was established he didn't have any bombs he should have been reunited with his mother immediately.
I kinda lost faith in him after his stuttering mess about the crowd turn out.
Not gonna lie former trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes
>it takes hours to establish a person doesn't have weapons
Fuck off. This is literally indefensible.
I'm not CTR. But Sean Spicer is a complete moron and a limp-wristed weakling. He needs to be replaced.
Fuck off CREW.
Not american, fuck all the shitskins.
What a fag. Iranians are based and def good US citizens. Iranian government sucks.
What you are not getting is that CAIR is established on record as using unrealistic readings of American rights guarantees to pave the way for jihadists.
no, they are not.
1) Muslim
2) Dont celebrate ANY of our holidays
3) Dont identify as American
4) Would never serve in US military
He was detained for the same reason old ladies get fingered by the TSA - you can't set a precedent of selective profiling.
Spicer is great. He continues the long trend of inept nobodies saying nonsense to other inept nobodies.
This is exactly what the Jews wanted. They just don't like it unless they have the Chosen Party having a power majority.
Hey former Trump supporter go suck a big black cock you mother fucking bitch
>>it takes hours to establish a person doesn't have weapons
>Fuck off. This is literally indefensible.
How stupid are you? It's a fucking airport. A handful of customs agents have to process thousands of people. There are innumerable delays even on a normal day when there isn't a new executive order to follow.
What is a border patrol agent supposed to do when he comes across an unaccompanied Iranian? The kid wasn't flying with his parents and he came in from a country from which immigration is currently suspended. That's suspicious as fuck. You can't just send him through the metal detector like any other passenger, you have to pull him aside.
Once you pull someone aside, it's going to take a couple hours at the very least. Imagine waiting for the one fucking supervisor to go find his parents and then come over and sign off on the passenger amidst the chaos in a bustling airport. You really think that's only going to take a couple minutes?
There's no such thing as a five minute delay at an airport. If there's a delay and it's only a couple hours, that's brief as fuck for an airport. He was returned to his mother as quickly as was possible given the circumstances.
>he's a kid
>I have never heard of child soldiers
It's time you started reading news that isn't from YouTube or CNN.
There are no good muslim, no safe muslim.
Its ridiculous that they released him back into USA instead deporting him back to Iran.
The fuck does that have to do with this story?
Iranians were based a few decades ago. They got invaded by muslims. Learn your history. They should be liberated.
A crying little child should take obvious precedence. Don't be a heartless edgelord because you don't have any kids. Being empathetic and not acting like subhumans is what separates us from the enemy.
Stop being such ageist. In our modern days of equality, little shitskins have no privileges over big shitskins and gotta pass exactly same vetting procedure.
Back in good old days they would be stranded on special island and held there for days, and they are fucking crying about 2 hours now.
>they got invaded by muslims
nigger, they ARE muslims , lmao this dumb fucking meme
You know what I meant. In the 80s the women weren't covered in hijabs or anything. They were pretty westernized.
He's fucking F I V E and B O M B L E S S
Jesus fucking christ be a good statistical Finn and neck yourself
wtf i want trump impeached now
and thank obama for allowing feds to detain americans indefinitely for no reason
Well atleast you are being a good statistical 'murican and missing the point, you fucking fat cunt retard
> In the 80s the women weren't covered in hijabs or anything
Only because shah literally kept killing millions of iranian mudslimes, including women and 5 year old children.
No fucking seriously. The irony of such a shit people that kill themselves because they are living off of government gibs and get complacent telling others to kill themselves. Go fucking hole up in your government housing like a good fag until you run out of vodka and actually eventually kill yourself
This gentleman gets it.
He's right. Arabs use their kids for suicide bombers all the time
No I mean literally. Being such a fat fuck who doesn't even have the good sense to off himself for being a burden on this world, I wouldn't talk shit.
No fucking shit they do. That's not the point or case in this situation. It doesn't take 3 hours to fuck with a kid to see if they're a threat. If that kid was a suicide bomber, there wouldn't have been a fucking 3 hour wait. There would have just been a happening and pol would be creaming itself
Consider the following
>a child who is safe should take precedence over the security of thousands just because he sheds a few tears
>security of thousands
>unarmed child
Yeah fuck off with your fallacy.
Not five.
>Terrorists try to use a 12 year old
>OP thinks they are above using a 5 year old
I really wonder what will come first, you killing yourself or Russia giving you a purpose in life again
Muslims constantly use children to commit acts of terror. Fuck off.
Well you will have a heart-attack and die before either, won't you now? You fat fuck
Germany had a 10y old terrorists
I also doubt it's up to the president or the PS to determine TSA's policy. There was a child with parents waiting, they could have made an exception, they chose not to and he had to wait 24h, too bad.
He's gone but the "Thanks Obama" meme is still strong
This guy is actually retarded. Obviously the job is well passed his ability.
Is that seriously all you fucking have? Calling me fat? Jesus you're as fucking boring as your clay comrade.
To be honest the TSA needs reform badly, it didn't even pass basic counter terrorism tests.
go chug some arab cock mehmed
What can I say? You and your enormous girth is your only impact on this world.
Can't really make fun of you for anything else, as that is all you are.
Nah. Let him be detained with his mother. That should be a given. Even arrested minors aren't questioned without their parents/guardians present.
You keep every suspect in separate room and prevent them from interacting. That's basics of any proper counter-terrorist procedures.
Stop you're making me blush talking about my girth
>Boston bomber. sons of MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS
>Orlando shooter. Son of MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS
>San Bernardino shooter. Kids of MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS
Do you see a pattern OP?
They are banning mudslimes. The children are the most deadly. The parents come here with hate in their heart but they know its better than their shit hole. Their children are raised in America but taught the same hate from their parents.
You simply fail to see the forest for the trees.
>Get into an argument with a friend
>He says theres literally not a single incidence where handcuffing a five year old is justified
Anyone disagree with me? I brought up the scenario where the child is armed or trying to get to a weapon, involved in or witness to a crime or is trying to flee, or is trying to hide something they're carrying and struggling. Unlikely, but they do happen. He insists that you should just take the effort to physically hold them in place and that somehow handcuffs are some kind of serious violation.
No need to blush, your mom who has to wipe your ass blushed enough already.
Fuck of Mudslime cunt.
Alex would probably reject it , he's making a killing selling water filter anyways
>Nah. Let him be detained with his mother.
They have to be kept separated
Problem here is pretty obvious, it's not the "law", it's TSA lack of insight (and probably ressource) to process the child in priority
Now what was the loss in this adventure ? A kid waited a few hours sitting on his ass, which is pretty much what an airport is for. Honestly, who gives a fuck
Why wasn't the kid waterboarded? I am sure he would have admitted to his heinous plans then. Didn't Trump advocate this?
But the child is already being restrained. Handcuffs just make it easier. Does your friend just see handcuffs as symbolic?
You're suspecting an unarmed 5 year old of terrorism to the point that they must be confined in isolation? Are you retarded?
If the child has weapons/explosives that's entirely justified. But unarmed? There's no threat from an unarmed 5 year old.
>who gives a fuck
The child does. Imagine you were 5 being in that situation? Pretty fucking scary. It isn't right. And there's no need to isolate an unarmed child.
They were detaining the parents, you retard.
Have u seen how he's working for?
So the kids a fucking anchor baby huh?
Alternative facts.
You realize you sperging out over an article, right?
>The child does. Imagine you were 5 being in that situation?
I'd be bored shitless and probably be a pain in the ass for everyone around me
But should a country forfeit his national security for the sake of not wasting the few hours of a 5y old ? Dont think so.
Kid is known for hurting himself, by either smashing/knocking his head, swallowing any kind of stuff and biting his hands
Police officier is alone and have to drive him to his mother
Do you let the child free of movement in the car? I wouldnt.
The source is credible. The footage is from the white house and the facts have been cross-checked.
Bullshit. You'd be scared shitless you little fedorafag. An unarmed 5 year old is not a risk to national security, either. Fuck off retard.
This is the problem with you fags and your feelings. First its the poor five year old, then the grannies, then the women, then you've got no security at all (again).
You simply have no capacity to think clearly beyond your immediate feelings.
This has nothing to do with feelings. Logically an unarmed 5 year old child poses no threat.
Nothing wrong with his stance.
>"to assume that because of a person's age or gender they do not pose a threat would be misguided and wrong."
Perhaps the kid did not have a bomb strapped to his chest, but a 5 year old traveling with another family is slightly suspicious (red flag) he's from a country on the list (second red flag) he is very big for a 5 year old and looks 8 therefore not matching the description on the ticket (third red flag). He could have been used to pass information over or be a mule.
Fuck off you idiot. We shouldn't sacrifice national security because MUH FEELZ
>Bullshit. You'd be scared shitless you little fedorafag. An unarmed 5 year old is not a risk to national security, either. Fuck off retard.
Not even the press secretary said the kid was a threat to national security. You are infact sperging out over the most basic clickbait.
There were procedures, they were carried on, the child is gone now.
Also as for the "scared" shitless. I was dropped by my parent at various nanny since the age of 5 since they had to work. And I wasnt exactly crying in the corner every day. Maybe you should grow a pair.
Shit son you got me
>all children are innocent and pure!
You ever seen a chainsmoking 3 year old that swears?
I have.
>he is very big for a 5 year old
wew lad. For (You).
A nanny isn't comparable and you know it.
ever see the opening to american sniper? those monsters train em young
Even more so, if you officially stop processing 5y old you make them a target for radicals attempting to smuggle anything into the country.
But think about muh feels and muh wasted 3h of sitting.
Muslims are a threat at all ages.
>A nanny isn't comparable and you know it.
It's 200% comparable, I had several and all of them werent dedicated to me either, they had a family and other child to take care on.
A 5y old is fine if he isnt left alone, he wasnt alone and there's a 99% chance there was a single decent human being to take care of him while he awaited processing.
If you think this was some kind of traumatic experience then you're deeply deluded, he'll probably never remember it.
He was either isolated or with someone comforting. You can't have it both ways,
He wasnt isolated. He brought up isolation because you brought up arrested minors. Those people werent arrested.
Unless all US airport have underground prison with 300 single cell available for questionning. Would be pretty rad tho.
This child shot an adult at point range recently.
>He brought up isolation because you brought up arrested minors
>You keep every suspect in separate room and prevent them from interacting. That's basics of any proper counter-terrorist procedures.
Anyway, obviously the child was not isolated and he's just a moron. But the fact remains, if he was detained his mom should have been brought to him. She was at the airport.