Post texts from your girlfriend

The more fucked up the better

No handholdless incels allowed in this thread

Shit how do you delete a thread

Where did you meet Melania anyway?

Quality thread you've got here, OP


Without quotes and put the original posting number in the brackets.

DELETE THIS 110767901

DELETE THIS (110767901)

you have to put your ip address in the name field


are you drunk or something dude

nono, it's "DELET THIS"
no e at the end

Dude you need to spell it DELET

DELETE THIS 110767901.

Kid stahp

holy shit kek

Bumping OPs dumb thread

Fcking wut

I'm gonna get banned forever aren't I

Christ he actually put his ip

Did I just end up on Sup Forums?

Post no. Needs ( )

/b you fag.

I really needed a laugh, thank you op




the fuck is going on in this thread

this is why we come to Sup Forums

O fug

Go to bed kid, its a school night. Even if it is early in San Francisco

Bro, just delete the post

I love you

someone is baiting... right ?


Oh boy! Now you look what you done, motherfucker!


Delet ip (Internet provider)

now THIS is trolling

That's weird. That should have worked. Maybe contact admin?

Sorry guys, I just wanted to mess with a burger, didn't mean to pick on a 12 year old.


>implying I have a girlfriend

No one is this retarded
You're a sad sack of shit OP
go talk about how you want to kill yourself on /r9k/ if you're that desperate for attention

did they actually remove the delete script? it still needs to be enclosed with Sup Forums bracket /DELETE THIS 110767901/

Before op can ruin our fun

How do I get rid of this I'm getting errors when I tell it to delete

No wonder this board voted for Trump, you guys are literally fucking mentally handicapped ahahahahahaha

I hate to say this. It brings me great pain, but thank you, leaf. I lol'd.

Did you guys know that Sup Forums automatically censors your social security number?

***** ******* ******** ********

So cool.

LOL his ip is still there...


/DELETE THIS 110767901/

He probably didn't lurk long enough

Scroll down to the bottom of the page. If cookies are enabled on your browser, the “Password” box fills in automatically with a randomly generated password. Leave this box alone. Click the “Delete” button to the right of the “Password” box."

>being this new
leaf pls

Wtf leaf how may numbers does youre have?


***** ******* ******** ********

jesus. for a country with less people than california, why is your social so goddamn long?

serves you right, cucky cuck

This thread is gold

that did it, but the page refreshed
submit a help ticket

***** ******* ******** ********
I hope it works.


OP pls don't do this. this is how people get v&

Trying my phone number

*** *** ****

Whoa, It really works.


For future reference, SSNs are in this format: "123-45-6789"

You should probably know better.

12587 198478 148825 77777





That's a shared pool ip for the county I have nothing to do with FBI


Relax OP. This thread won't ruin your life. Here's a conversation with my gf

/DELETE THIS 110770573/

you have to create the exact same thread on /qa/ and then post "DELETE THIS (110767901)" here for a janitor delete request to be filed, might take a couple of minutes for them to see

prove it

I even got my debit card information

**** **** **** ****


youve been caught agent crust

now you fucked up



that's what the FBI would say


This just got gud

no way


My phone number is
*** *** ****

*** ** ****

Did it work?



No gf but I have a girl that I could have but just lost interest in, but have been meaning to get back in contact with.

31 picks what I send her

This fucking thread is gold, for fucks sake.


Hey everyone this is Hungry Pete here to remind everyone to go get Breakfast tomorrow at The Ranch House in Harrison, Arkansas. Located on highway 62-65 south. We got the best breakfast in town and legendary omlettes with our famous wake you up coffee! Enjoy a homemade fried pie with your beef and potatoes, and get ready for a day on the Ranch.

Come on down starting 6:00amCT

this is the real way BTW.


Did it work

FBI go investigate Berkeley, fucking faggots.

Now I'm not even sure if this thread was le epic troll X^D or a genuinely clueless fbi agent posting from a work computer when he shouldn't be.

top fukken kek either way bud