I don't follow the news much.

Antifag are hardcore anti homo terrorists

It stands for anti-fascist. Generally these people think Trump is a Nazi so they oppose him using techniques that are basically fascist.

So they're anti-fascist fascists.

Paid Marxist agitators and useful idiots to those in finance and multinational corporations.

>"The facists of the future will be called Anti-Facists" -George Orwell

really fuckin makes ya think lol

A big pile of dead bodies in the near future.

Your worst nightmare, bigot.

Nothing in that picture makes sense to me. bulk, cut, wut?

Except Orwell never said that neither did Churchill

I can't wait to see you faggots Iine the street with you're dead bodies.

This is what Antifa is...

middle class college students larping as anarchists

Antifa are a group of fascist domestic terrorists who pretend to be anti-fascists. Despite their pretense they are authoritarians who are currently seeking to censor and intimidate their political opponents using violence.

Most of the people I've seen claiming to be antifa are actually anarcho-communists (if the soviet and an-com flags are anything to go by). Their actual ideology isn't anti-fascist, it's just on the other side of the horseshoe, and they think calling themselves antifa is good PR (because apparently it is).






Public consensus is that Churchill also never said it. Probably to deny every piece of firewood for the right/truth.

those are all my antifa memes, anyone got more post them.

>Whats ANTIFA?

One of the few cultural things the US has imported from Europe. You're welcome.

Like how you imported all the muslims into europe?

antifas are extremist leftists who hate liberals. It's kind of like one of those white liberal dudes who really hates white people, that's the best comparison I can give. Antifas are a joke, they hate themselves by their own definition.


Who the fuck designed that logo? It looks like a couple of dudes slipping on ice.

No the reality is, they are kicking the shit out of us, and we are getting smashed in the street.

>Like how you imported all the muslims into europe?

Like we have imported Hollywood from the US.
Muslims are just the symptom, not the actual disease itself.

The first of many.

Virtue signalers and opportunists

>getting sucker punched
>b-better w-worry goy

Fuck off

>Listening to Eurocucks.

If it came to war, you guys would be the first to perish because you are weak. Anyone that needs a safe space is not the type cut out for guns blazing,gore filled real life and death situation. This would not be a video game. You would actually be dead, and it would not be pretty, or probably in your fucked up minds honorable in any way. Your legacy would be that you were pawns for the elite.

>Gert Wilders

Oops that dude is based as hell. I just wanted to post this image, to shine the light on Euro-suicide.

They are literally nothing. Just the skinny jean wearing anarcho fags that tip over trash cans and torch an occasional cop car at lefty rallies. (((Someone))) started shilling them as something we should give two shits about to distract us.

It's Geert.
Dude is a kike. I'm not gonna vote for him because I'm pretty sure he will do a 180 when he is elected. Like Merkel did.

This makes them look horrible though.

Left Wing Radical Extremist Terrorist Organization

Too busy taking the fight to the streets to even crop your image properly.