This is heavy doc, if confirmed what are you going to do about it?
RWDS need to organize at once. State by state.
UC Berkeley DEATH
Other urls found in this thread:
if he did die it will be heavily suppressed
I thought it was confirmed he was ok?
fucking idiot.
>what are you going to do about it?
nothing, they are killing themselves.
why lift a finger, CTR-kun
we need some more official proof, everything so far is unofficial, but even so you just know the story will be buried
A line has been crossed. The point of no return is much too far behind us now. I'm speechless my dudes.
Make a petition and/or get Donald Trump's attention to make Antifa labelled as a terrorist group.
Once that happens, the general public, especially family-oriented people across the US will think "terrorist" when the name Antifa pops up. This will also deter anyone from joining or being affiliated, because anyone with half a brain would not want to be part of a group labelled as terrorists because of the stigma and the legal pressure.
Also, because of this, police and homeland security would essentially do many searches for any Antifa members and throw them in jail. Nightclubs would be searched, punk shows would be monitored, raves would be watched, and warehouses would be raided. Essentially a legal gestapo without the bad image. If we do the same for Arabs in airports and big cities, we can do the same for Antifa.
Remember, that Antifa are more than just vandals and people who harass innocents on the streets. They're also involved in illegal activities, especially in San Francisco where they're involved in selling drugs to people at punk shows and raves, including minors if rave nights are all-ages. They're also involved in numerous cases of statutory rape, one member alone having approximately 730 accounts. They're also known squatters allowing fire hazards.
So, here's the thing if you get them labelled as a terror group and the police remove them. You'd be removing the following bad qualities from communities
>Less drug peddling, inluding the drug solicitation towards minors
>Less indoctrination and recruiting towards communism and anarchy (less propaganda venues)
>Safety such as less fires and innocents killed with less Antifa squatters (safe spaces)
>Less innocents assaulted on the streets
>Promotion of freedom of speech
>Less businesses vandalized
>Less cars vandalized
>Less police deaths
>Less fires from arson
>Less corruption towards youth, giving them a future
Screencap this. Copy and paste. Good luck.
There were many beatings I hope this is that man and he isn't dead
It's be fucking nice to have some real news on this thing.....fucking libs in Berkley are scrambling to backfill with some other plausible fucking predictable!!!!!
According to Gavin Mcinnes, the guy who got beaten is one of Gavin's proudboys and the pic in the ambulance is him.
bump til we get some confirmation
>what are you going to do about it?
watch the left act like they can just kill people over politics then pretend Trump is Hitler
they're doing all the work for us
What kind of spaghetti-wristed trollop do you have to be to beat somebody with a shovel, and they still look this nice?
antifa confirmed for bitch-ass faggots
I've seen this all day. So what? Come to my house? Try and attack me? Get me fired from my NEET job? I welcome antifa to find to my house, preferably late at night, unannounced, wearing black. PLEASE GEORGE SEND THEM HERE
Help us against antifa
Both of these would make it way easier
seriously. if the dude died because of Antifags, it's going to be the end of the leftists.
so on that note.... PLZZZZZZ BE DED
What ever happened to the safety squads?
No, he's fine.
Besides he, as a Trumpfag, got what he deserved.
So is the death confirmed?
This petition has the same problem
You're sure it's not just an issue with the website?
How long until you all figure out Antifa and Milo are working for the same person
(((George Soros)))?
If it's true that the man died, I will mourn his death, and then prepare for the war they want so dearly.
discord to counter Antifa
This is why we'll never fucking get anywhere. So many people here don't understand the purpose or utility of transitional ideologies, so anyone who isn't as extreme as me must be controlled opposition.
Civic Nationalism is an unstable position in an environment where only whites embrace the civic values it promotes. It is, in effect, nascent white nationalism.
But by all means, act like fucking mudslimes and start infighting over petty disagreements and bizarre conspiracy theories.
Gavin McInnis is claiming that he actually knows the guy and he is alive and unconcious.
>You're sure it's not just an issue with the website?
>Anti-Trump petitions working just fine
>Pro-Trump petitions not working properly
If that's just an issue with the website, that's an awfully strange fucking issue.
If you are not new here, you should be able to see three different reasons why this user is CTR.
Antifa is a sham. They are paid to make the left look stupid and violent
>hurrdurr stupid liberals attacking their own starbucks lawl
oh shit!
if they put one of ours in the morgue we...?
Very suspicious. Who runs the website?
>they dont even believe in guns
It'll be over pretty quick.
Why have i seen this photo 1000 times since the protest?
Is it, dare I say /ourCREW/?
Couldn't agree more
>wah wah wah why isn't the real world a safe space for racists
Guess what, if you're gonna be alt right, you better be prepared to face consequences.
This. That petition is rigged. Start a separate and public one. Contact authorities instead.
Safety Squad threads were stopped from an Antifa mod from 8-chin's /leftypol/ who was hired to be a mod here. He went full panic mode and banned people, thus ending SS threads here after they gained media attention. He made some nervous and bullshitting excuse to the media saying they were violating rules, even though they were actually making positive impacts towards communities.
asians are infinitely better at civic nationalism than whites
most whites are dumb rednecks doing meth in trailer parks or unemployed liberals that want to violently redistribute wealth
I want Antifa off my streets so there's less drug dealing and rape towards minors. I also want less assaults towards innocents, less property damages, the list goes on.
Fuck off!!
link to confirmation or neck yourself shill
This. We should all embrace Spancer as our lord and savior
Hi #Blue-Crew fag
HA!!! JA- You in here "poking" around? We too old for you liking in here? Scum of the earth ... get this guy off our planet!!!
Only whites seem to embrace our civic values because our civic values are personal responsibility and independence, meanwhile literally every immigrant has come here for the free shit.
But if what you say is true, then civic nationalism and ethnic nationalism are literally the same thing.
oh shit
Can someone else here remake the same poll? Or is the website fully fucked?
The antifas shot a guy in Washington State.
time to crack down on antifa
btw if these retards really had a fascist president, now'd be the time for him to declare jmartial law and fuck shit up
an antifa got shot in washington*
did.. did we meme a guy to death?
It's pussy town,California.
In Michigan we will kill shot these terrorist with no remorse.
Kinda wish they would.
by another antifa
DC fag here close enough to influence and admin that you can calm down
if this is proved to be true then we can get the message out
let the authorities handle the situation
Find out his name and make him a martyr.
Look at pic related. No need to retaliate.
This is a mind war, not a fist war.
the polo confirms it
We need to do to the Antifa what the FBI did to the KKK
Are you retarded? If he's dead, the fascist retards cracking his skull with flagpoles is what killed him, not neckbeards shitposting online.
is it possible to [ENHANCE] this picture?
the left stages crimes against them so they have many aesthetic pictures to clickbait people with. We are sorely lacking, and something blurry and shot on a potato doesn't have the same impact as placing a dead child on a beach and having a photo shoot
lurk moar
>kids house gets blown up
>needs to go to the hospital
>tell the ambulance they have to wait until your photo shoot is finished
that was even faker. The kid wasn't even hurt, it was makeup
so the antifa
are actually peaceful ?
stop being retarded
I suggest full chn meadhall board as a good way to organize. Threads created for different states already there, just needs traffic.
hes just a homeless trump supporter taking a cat nap.
its Berkeley after all