Sup Forums
What are your thoughts on Joseph McCarthy?
Was he based?
We need him back to deal with the Libtards and the Antifa
a schizo only Sup Forums now supports because he fell into their current political ideology. he's not synonymous with anything Sup Forums should stand for
He was right and is vindicated
didnt he also arrest national socialists?
shut the fuck up commie cuck. go back to plebbit where you can have your commie safe space
He was one of us for sure.
Yes and he was absolutely right. We should have listened to him.
He was a totalitarian nutjob.
He was right to call out the marxist subverters in Hollywood, the press and academia.
Dindu nuffin
He was right.
Everyone he accused actually tuned out to have some form of ties to the Communist Party, history vindicated him. He was just demonized because tons of politicians from the FDR era also had former ties to the Communist Party before it became uncool.
I'd rather Congress goes back to real hearings instead of the current nonsense.
It's unwatchable sometimes.
They made an example out of him to ward off people from doing what he did. Which is investigating the jews in hollywood and elsewhere. He was 100% right about all the people investigated. Molyneux did a good summary on his show recently, but it's about 3 hours long. Read up on the Venona decryptions to start.
Here's the books to read about it:
He should have focused on the Jews trading state secrets and not the Jews running the media. That's what fucked him. Unlike real witch hunts, he caught real fucking Communists subverting our republic. And look what happened since he was purged.
looks like tony soprano
I was taught in school that this man was an evil conspiracy theorist, but once you get past Marxist indoctrination, you only need to look at what happened in America a decade later to determine that he was absolutely right.
Turns out he was right all along.
Borderline stolen valor case and attention whore.
>McCarthy reportedly chose the Marines with the hope that being a veteran of this branch of the military would serve him best in his future political career.
>He served as an intelligence briefing officer for a dive bomber squadron in the Solomon Islands and Bougainville for 30 months (August 1942 – February 1945), and he held the rank of captain by the time he was discharged in April 1945. He volunteered to fly twelve combat missions as a gunner-observer, acquiring (or perhaps giving himself) the nickname "Tail-Gunner Joe". McCarthy remained in the Marine Corps Reserve after the war, and attained the rank of major.
>He later falsely claimed 32 aerial missions in order to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross and multiple awards of the Air Medal, which the Marine Corps chain of command decided in 1952 to approve because of his political influence.
When it comes to anti-commie work, decent effort, but he was too stupid to mostly focus on wrong targets. Source of commie scourge isn't really (((media))), it is (((academia))) that educates the (((media))). Hollywood is symptom, not the disease.
He was truly vindicated as history shows. We need him back to take care of Marxist scum today
watch molocausts video on him
Lays the truth out pretty well
Hollywood, academia, and the media are all the biggest threats to America. Academia I think is the absolute worst though
He was shooting in the right direction with concerns about communists but he didn't really hit the target.
If you want to be on the front line for a good show, watch academia.
They're going to use their collective intelligence to justify themselves like none other.
They're so academic that they can't understand how the America Invents Acts gives it all away to the Chinese while they're flying around humping for the Jews.
It's crazy town. Probably, they won't ever get it.
>Hollywood, academia, and the media are all the biggest threats to America. Academia I think is the absolute worst though
Hollywood is least important of those, as they are still money grabbing kikes after you scratch the surface. Mainstream """news""" media is far more important in controlling the society. Yet, source of communist subversion in western society is academia, especially when it comes to educating journalists. Schools of journalism/communication or whatever those are called are in western universities in practice schools of applied stalinism.
>He was shooting in the right direction with concerns about communists but he didn't really hit the target.
literally ourguy
>he fell for the neo-nazi meme