>antifa's site has been hacked
hearty kek
Other urls found in this thread:
Top kek OP. In all seriousness is this a legit ANTIFA site? Or was i just trolled?
Fuck off with your honeypot faggot
it's antifascism.org, yes it's legit
Don't click this shit goys
Which one of you hackers did this?
this meme is retarded.
you meme spamming shills are retarded.
none of this matters.
dont click it was just setup could be CTR faggots
It's not, also be prepared to get shot if you try any stupid shit with these doxxes
I understand this was a meme under Obama but who's going to get you now? You're afraid of a honeypot set up by whom, and enforced by whom?
I ain't clickin that shit nigger
Looks like their other websites arent working
Why ya got to go off and ruin my buzz man?
who's setting up honeypots these days? please tell me
can confirm
They're fucked.
Clicked it and I have a static IP.
How fucked am I?
>tfw "Not available in your country"
Creation date of domain is today's date apparently. OP is a fag
shocker, it's a pro hitler nazi video
What you are missing
The 2nd meme war has begun.
yup. totally not a honeypot
what a beatiful video
>falling for an IP logging scam
They are doxxing your porn collection as we speak.. Be affraid
>tfw I don't watch porn
>a political organization that communicates the will of a segment of the population has been attacked
Why is this a good thing?
as i've asked 10 people itt already who's going to dox you and why? and who's going to enforce anything?
Don't have any porn. Just stream the 5 minute free ultimate surrender videos.
it's ideological war in case you haven't realized by now you fucking moron
>IP address
You are one dense mother fucker
I'm behind 7 proxies, posing as a leaf. he dun goof'd
Fuck yes
400 lbs hacker strikes again
Antifags BTFO
am I fucked now?
Pretty nice, you got me for a short while. But a quick check on archive.org shows this is a fake.
>government when it seizes the servers after antifa is classes a terrorist organisation and looks at the logs to find who antifa are
>antifa themselves
>some retarded hacker who will mass dox for cash
i don't care whether it's legit domain or something some user just cooked up.
It's beautiful.
let them have their IRL LARP sessions. We rule the memes
Because they are the useful idiots of radical Islam and the globalists
commies don't believe in god
we should be pushing back against fake news and antifaggots with memes
>tfw its a ip logging scam
me bro xD, checkout my battlestation
Which is won via discussion, not shutting people up.
If you don't like discussion then get off of Sup Forums, because it's very core concept is discussion.
ww2 was won by discussion? what about the american revolution? the civil war? they were ideological wars, after all.
antifa is a terrorist organization not a political one
more like what we're all missing :'(
>I'm a hero just like my gramps who fought in WW2 because I DOS attacked people who disagreed with me.
The children on this fucking board...
What did Sup Forums mean by this?
The right control cyberspace while the left controls meatspace
They really censor that shit over there huh? Here's a lil somethin for ya, Krautbro
Abraham Lincoln suspended habeaus corpus and illegally jailed any pro-confederacy writers during the Civil War. No one seems to care about that though.
Probably they edit themselves to make their enemies look bad compared to them.
>I'm a hero just like my great great gramps who fought in the Civil War because I DOS attacked people who disagreed with me.
This is not WW2. This is not the American Civil War. This politics and demonstration. By your logic it's fine to undercut the ability of people to speak their thoughts just because they disagree with you.
Canadian RCMP to try and get hate speech/ anti-trudeau shitposters
>site still up
Why would the real antifa let this go on for several hours when you posted the other threads? Is this real antifa or honeypot for clicks?
>antifa having ANYTHING AT ALL to contribute to any discussion ever
>besides violence
LMAO where do you get this shit
>most of Sup Forums having anything to contribute to a discussion
The same can be said of a lot of communities.
Please dox me and come to my house on my property antifa. I'm begging you please please do it. I want to meet you so bad.
nice defense of antifa friend you really fucking blew Sup Forums out this time. I love antifa now
Top kek.
That swede from HWNDU is on her right
How retarded is this thread, you can't dox just from an ip
>Hate speech
>Watching a YouTube video
The paranoid in this place is insane.
Followup with proof. Here's my IP, come at me
its hard to believe that there was a time that germany was based
>go on random chat sites (omegle, chatroulette, whatever)
>spam antifascism website
>flood honeypot with random clicks
Hi spookleafs!
Fuck do you live next door to me, I'm
I've got photos of the hacker
Probably, my 7 proxies make me look like I'm in America
>he visited anitifa.org
oh shit what will people think of me
must be an aussie thing, my ip is
Must be the first house with internet connection in the US
They have no idea what storm is coming
This year keeps getting better and better
According to 8ch it wasn't "hacked" exactly, they just forgot to renew the domain registration and one of us re-registered it before they did. This would explain why the domain shows as being created today ...
About the all the Trump lies that the media is coming with.
>In the end, Truth shall be the victor in this struggle,truth is with us
Are you really this stupid? Use the list of IPs to conduct surveillance on. Do they teach anything in torontofag screwls?
Spread it to other website incase this is an ip gathering scam it cant be isolated to Sup Forums users
Does that mean they can't get the site back legally? Top kek
>you're under arrest for visiting a website literally called "anti-fascism"
lol okay
the one known as Sup Forums
check out disruptj20.com
Post it on plebbit
I spoof my ip address so that it is my social security number so it's easy to remember should I be worried?
Holy Shit haha
Probably not, there's a domain name dispute process but I think that only applies in case of trademarks / copyright.
Judging by archive.org's Wayback Machine there was never really anything there though, just a bunch of landing pages for an intended antifascism site that never got finished. So this is mildly funny, but it's not "antifa's site", if indeed they even have a central site.
Gabe Newells melting wax brother BTFO eternally