"Spit in my mouth"- Uncle Vinny
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dude you're a bartender you're so worldly
Take the sleep pill.
Deprogram your self.
Take the sleep pill.
Denounce these e-celebs.
Take the sleep pill.
Masturbate daily.
Take the sleep pill.
Milk is mucus.
Take the sleep pill..
Why do threads get archived so quick? Explain for a newfag
>you will never see Rose for the first time and be super nervous before you man up and stumble your way through asking her out
>you will never take her out on a date where you can't help but intertwine your fingers with hers for the entire time
>you will never walk her home and then awkwardly pause when its time for her to go inside
>you will never get lost in each other's eyes for the first time as both of your lips move closer to one another
>you will never realize that even though the both of you want to take it slow, you can't help but move fast because it feels so right
>your relationship with Rose will never go into something beautiful
>you will never be held by Rose when you've had a bad day
>you will never look into Rose's eyes and understand that she makes all of the pain go away
>you will never let Rose cook for you and have to lie and say that her food is delicious because of how in love with her you are
>you will never run up behind Rose while she is doing the dishes and surprise her by putting your arms around her and softly kissing the top of your head
>you will never take Rose out for a surprise vacation to liberated Europe where you will propose
>you will never see Rose choke back tears as you begin to doubt your decision to propose before she jumps into your arms and whispers yes into your ear
>You will never see Rose on your wedding day and realize that this is what you have been missing all of your life
>You will never have a large family with Rose and watch them grow up as the two of you grow old together
Mid season 3 is slow but rumour has it Jesus will appear Saturday for Season finale.
who is this soft spoken brown guy that is not leafbro?
Silent Jose?
I thought this was still season 2?
Does food normally take an hour to travel .16 miles? I don't think what I ordered should take this long
Don't listen to this! It is a /veganpill/ in disguise!
Don't listen to mangafags, this is still season 2.
Vegans might be tampering with it
Season 2 started with Jackie + Jesus. Season 3 started with the breaking down the wall.
Oh god, I can imagine my order under the influence of the Vegan Agenda.
So these are union thugs they have posted there to keep the peace?
that was a short season....
sup with scarfie over there?
Terrorist confirmed....
I know. Forget what I said
It hasn't even been a full two weeks yet bro
blaah blah vampire meh meh read the wiki fuck off
This is Season 2 - Episode 5
It goes like this
>Season 1
Days 1-6
Days 7-8 (2 Part Finale)
>Season 2 so far
Days 9-13
wowwwwwwwwwww this sooooooooooo cooooooooooool
look at all the memes irl xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Blowhard union toughguy.
They get filled fast and there's usually 2 or 3 rolling at once.
I'd like you to blow me hard pretty boy.
Join us milkman, we sleep. it feels good to sleep.
Yeah, we need some big happening this weekend or early next week to call a season finale and start Season 3 officially.
Season ends this weekend. We need high drama tomorrow ending with a cliffhanger for saturday, following with a redemption story on Sunday.
Is Shia still in jail? I want to see /ourguys/ interacting with him.
Play song nigs
he's out. But I'd praise kek he's here for the weekend. would round of series 2 nicely.
Why didn't /ourguys/ go down tho the NYU/Gavin McInnes thing? Proud Boys were there from /ourside/. AIDS Bjorn & his ANTIFA fag were there for (((their-side))) Just wondering.
he'll probably use the getting arrested thing as an excuse to quit
Sleepover party with jesus
Paper arriving after a few retweets. Let's see Leaf cry again.
Shia got out of jail two hours after being arrested. He's in LA now.
too much drama, and actual protests are shit, unless you want to stand in a bunch of screaming faggots for 5 hours.
Does anyone have a video of this paper vs /ourguys/? I missed it
It's great how they are speaking about tolerance when they've been disrupting peaceful protesters for a few days now. Amazing
it takes him an hour to get there. he waits until his morning shift starts anyway. 20 minutes turned into 2 hours last morning, it was a long wait.
Since when was counter protest disruption.
That's a good point, I suppose.
I'm just a little worried that /ourguys/ will pussy out when shit gets real... or not give a shit; which might be worse.
t. Shia
>I'll take "Counter Protests are Legal and Good for Democracy for 500"
Why do I think of Sonic Adventure whenever I hear this?
This old guy is what happens when you don't end up married with a family.
Stream is boring tonight. Needs more burps
I have 2hrs to kill, these fill ins interesting?
Oh I'm starting to think that they're not going to fulfill my order In which case fuck
Few citizens owned, or were entitled to own firearms in Germany in the 1930s.[1] The Weimar Republic had strict gun control laws.[7] When the Third Reich gained power, some aspects of gun regulation were loosened, such as allowing ownership for Nazi party members and the military.[4]:672 The laws were tightened in other ways. Nazi laws disarmed "unreliable" persons, especially Jews, but relaxed restrictions for "ordinary" German citizens.
Is spicbro half Asian?
Is that what he said? Didn't quite catch that.
I would absolutely love to see someone attempt to redpill paperboy in a civil manner.
His ignorance is hilarious. I love that he thinks milk is racist. I love that he gets shit for promoting himself over and over again. I completely understand it, though. He's trying to make a name for himself.
>not a cat cut shirt
Why are 3D girls so inferior?
why play with savages when you can eat pizza and dance?
Thank you.
nah hes mexican
Truly waifu tier
he said his dad is peruvian but looks half asian
/ourguys/ play this youtube.com
They know what's up. If shit gets real, they'll sort themselves out. They don't need to stand in the middle of a liberal/right wing fuck fest to get ready for the happening. Ourguys will be ready and the main characters in the real life happening. hotheads like pterodactyl will be the first to get wrecked becausce they're hotheads and recovering from DT's whilst trying to fight islam on the streets.
Are the shills learning to use Sup Forums? We may have to start spamming gore to get em out.
He's a very civil dude but I think that tambourine banging means he's beyond repair.
Stream down for anyone else?
She's a 5 and you're fawning.
Sad bro. Sad.
There are a lot of Japanese in Peru.
I don't disagree.
I'm just wondering if the optics of having a few of /ourguys/ redpilling a crowd of screaming retards & ANTIFA fags would be more beneficial then the optics of /ourguys/ talking video games with Uncle Vinny.
yeah,just went down about 1 min ago
who's this psycho old man
It resets at midnight or something.
So the whole thing isn't one 4 year video and it can be saved in pieces.
makes sense.
i hope you're right.
Some south americans with more native blood look more mongoloid than caucasoid
I haven't had sex in 20 months
And by area code rating she's 418 imho
It's been attempted.
He doesn't make any sense.
He's severely retarded.
He joined the movement to fit in. Nothing more. He's a clown.
It usually resets at 4 am
Pterodactyl already got wrecked tonight
He is only 5 or 10 points below the average blacks Iq
I hope to meet you in a few months...warriors in the wastelands, milk jug in hand. saying that, the czech republic is redpilled as fuck, ignored by the world.
boring night tonight
uncle vinny is a nice guy
They said Canada :3
wouldn't say wrecked, he confronted a antifa that was shit talking then got detained by cops
>its a new yorkers don't know shit about Canadian policies episode
Retweet paper boy and he'll come should be more interesting
based vinny
No chicks or leftists tonight