Her tits are so sad I want to give a small funeral for the both of them
A subversive kikess? kys yourself pablo
They're like a basset hound's ear
Your hate speech says gas the kikes, but your beef stick says, "That ass I likes."
>jews dress up as hitler its funny
>I wear a nazi uniform and suddenly everyone drops dead
Post of the century
They are like Georges Soro's eye bags
They are halfway to being in the ground.
I just saw the episode of Seinfeld with her. I literally said outloud. "WTF HAPPENED"
1:1 fit actually
Ape armed, horse faced, lopsided flappy tits stapled to a fridge crammed with kashrut Schiessekultur.
Your dick couldn't even make it in, Hirohito.
>Hell Fuckin No!
they have to live with her so im not surprised they're trying to lay low
I understand the holocaust her tits are so sad
I'm French and my nickname at boarding school was "tripod" and at university in Amerika "slinky". I wonder if yenta the renta knows that Kimmy Jimmel was fucking all the interns and PAs from his show while they were "dating".
You gotta give her credit where credit is due. No of you larpers have the balls to walk on national television in your nazi cosplay.
She is a hero imo
>kashrut Schiessekultur
??? what is this english teaching user
my sides
Even a 747 looks small when it flies into the grand canyon.
His dick is the Okinawa to our Hiroshima
mournful tits.
They look like someone tried making pepperoni pancakes
When was the last time you weaseled out up on Solar Dr. you fucking horrificly hirsute kike. Yeah bitch I know.
i wish i had 2 pairs of hands, so i could give those titties FOUR THUMBS DOWN
Kosher shit culture.
>I'm French and my nickname at boarding school was "tripod"
I suppose that makes sense if you have a cock hanging out of your ass
I think you meant to say Trudeau and his wife's boyfriend's twin towers, leaf.
I smell Jaffa oranges.
i learned something on pol today ;3
whining about trump is the only reason people know she and her wonky titties still exist
yours doesn't?
i like good ass
God damn best shitpost ever
look at those subversive jew titties
This a pic from you in highschool, Hiro.. err, Tripod?
drive out the jew, nippon. they WILL destroy you.
Just noticed the balls on that meme. How did I not see?
For the last time, SOMALIANS ARE NOT FRENCH.
Bitch watch out the glue factory is looking for you. You = Mugly.
You know it's not often that one manages to make a gay, Canadian, cuck & 9/11 joke in 1 post. I'm hanging this one on my wall, faggots.
It's always sweater season for Sarah!
WTF gook? your family got retardation after the nukes?
Eat shit rice nigger
The angry inch is angry.
>pothead that never bathes
>you can see her dirty fingernails in interviews
I bet you can smell this filthy cunt long before you ever see her.
No, Sup Forums? BTFO yet?
>you can see her dirty fingernails in interviews
Why do you watch hollywood interviews?
Why do you look at peoples fingernails on tv?
Good point, user.
Well, user?
I'll admit candidly that her FAS earlobes really compliment her fuzzy upper lip and equine gibber-hole.
>liberals unironically believe the military would fucking ever side with them
I think it's officially over, Sup Forums. Its a capital crime in Nazi Germany to rape a Jewish woman, don't cha know?
>Why do you watch hollywood interviews?
>Well, user?
I subbed to JASH way back because I was into standup. All those filthy potheads practically brag about being dirt caked fuckheads.
It's pretty gross.
He's a farrier.
>liberals unironically believe the military would fucking ever side with them
or the police. it's the funniest, most retarded fucking thing
Everyone knows her rancid shits blister the vitreous off the bowl. We all laugh about it.
Those are some sad fuckin' titties right there...
fucking kek
Is he our guy?
Almost as sad as her Halle Berry level ability to keep a man around once she has turned their lavatory into a SUPERFUND contamination site.
Shame, being a faggot is a capital crime too.
why is her torso so wide?
Faggotville would be a step up for someone who's the perpetual resident of Diarrheaburg's horsemonkey zoo exhibit.
What is this? 6th grade?
I hear Sarah Jessica Parker & Sarah Silverman will be participating in the revamped Battle of the Network Stars' chariot race event...I wonder which stars will be driving them?
She's like a wax sculpture that go too hot
What would that be in horse years?
I'd suck on her tits, desu. They're not bad at all.
i'm just waiting for them to spark actual violent """revolution""" so the gassing can begin
Fucking Sup Forums
I've been here for 10 years and shit like this keeps me coming back
Braille keyboard I can fathom but braille monitor?
Have any of you American Sup Forumsasks decided to join the police/military since trump won? Has there been an increase in applicants?
Figures you're a bronie larper.
The one straight male on Sup Forums.
Not interested in dating her.
jokes on us guys, Sarah Silverman is a comedian, we all thought she was a shit one but actually she's playing out an extremely long parody of the left. Soon she'll come out and endorse Trump and say she's been playing a character this whole time.
better a cremation ceremony, user - if you know what i mean
He whacks out posts with a white cane.
She's one of the most stereotypical Clinton supporters you can find
Murk titties.
>46 years old
>no children
What a failure
No. She's just an avowed Jew and that gives her a free pass to put shit on absolutely anyone since they won the oppression Olympics.
Silverman is her slave name. The more you know.
Jeffrey Silverman saw her future and decided not to be involved in it....at all. Wise choice.
She was always hoping that Aubuchon would change its mascot from an elephant to a horse.
Successful women have abortions, dumbass.
I'm in the military but only been in for about a year now. From my experience, the combat arms MOS are the ones who support Trump. You'll find most Clinton support out in the administrative and support roles, so we the warfighters on our side.
what's the split?
Sometimes abortions survive in the form of failed careers & relationships of horsemonkey Jewesses.