ITT: Something with the is not right the petitions that work properly are only leftist.
Read up from last thread:
ITT: Something with the is not right the petitions that work properly are only leftist.
Read up from last thread:
Other urls found in this thread:
posting this again because this is ridiculous how dumb you guys are
are you guys this dumb?
the petition was created today
the latest public petition you can view is from the 22nd of last month
They obviously have a filtering process for created petitions
Right wing death squads when?
This is taking way to long
We will see, this is pretty fun for me.
That's what you get when installing a bloatware os
are you hacking the memeframe?
I can tell
you are letting your autism go loose
I suggest looking for left wing petitions that are hidden that were posted within the last few days
if anyone finds any then that should prove my point on the filtering process
uptrump 4 u
>I suggest looking for left wing petitions that are hidden that were posted within the last few days
>if anyone finds any then that should prove my point on the filtering process
This should be the next task on this list
Need some neutral / left petitions to compare against for a better picture of if there is a neutral-filter in place, or if they are being selectively allowed
Also, see if a timeline for days from start of a petition to days petition gets activated exists
Why not try and find some and can get the json for it.
I found this
and several others but they are all blank
I filtered only results from this week and a summing based on the title it got deleted for being too dumb
Stay vigilant against the nigger cattle lads
On it right now
What are the Petition_ID numbers for petitions you have? The Trump White House team wiped out the Obama petitions. If the ID numbers were reset, then download data starting with 1.
I want to pump every Antifa chick and fill them to the brim with white Nazi cum.
Who's with me? Doggie-style in a dark room and pray they don't stink as bad as they look.
They did wipe them, but they didnt rest the id numbers.
you guys can keep digging
but really you just need to keep an eye on it for the next week
the petition was just uploaded today after all
give the white house workers some breathing room
Ill keep having fun
its alive.
still here for the codebro
Giving them time is just helping them. It gives them a chance to excuse or work around the shit mentioned here. I can guarantee you that they know about it.
Time to rice that shit out!
Send this to breitbart and infowars
open the gates codefag
teach us more
Rice? No i3 or awesome?
I am currently configuring Drupal
I want to help but i dont have any sort of security set up. Should I set up a vpn/proxy/firewall and whatever other preventative measures first?
I respect how you switched from calling people dumb to at least keeping an open mind and prompting codefag do his thing.
Chasing truths is better than serving political agendas. I want to believe (HAHAHAHHA) that Sup Forums will also admit the truth even if it's against Trump.
I mean, I am not doing anything illegal. As well as if I die I have a Deadmans Switch.
lel people waste so much time on that shit
Those digits....
Nothing really weird going on, this is all public domain stuff
codebro you will not need that
> 666
What did he mean by this
donut worry, codebro is safe in the land of burgers
I don't know what it means either.
These Anti-Fa (Anti-First Amendment) don't realize what the fuck they're doing.
protip: change your DNS server to google so they will never catch you!
I hope, steadfast Sup Forumsacks are my only family.
>get flagged by google instead
LOL for real?
because that seems kind of hilarious
While waiting for the server i did this.
In a way..
nb, glasses are a tad off center to the left a bit
It was a quick one
dank a f
codebro i have no idea what you are doing but i am still here
This isn't a conspiracy, it's really quite simple. petitions are meaningless, they always have been. We don't give a shit enough to make and promote any petitions, partly because shit is largely going our way. Leftists on the other hand.. They're really feeling it.
We're all here for you codebro. Justice and honour will prevail.
>They're really feeling it
They're definitely all feelin' the bern now
Thats cool man.
Thanks guys.
I just leanred this is going to be a bitch..
oh well.
No no no, blow me
No no no, Blow me
This takes forever
its okay codebro, i have coffee ready to go
>pictura no esta relata
Fuck you.
Ill make a new thread in the morning probably, I have to go to bed. I have work in the morning,
I won't be able to do much tomorrow but I will start up some more threads if there are none. Anyone feel free to keep this going overnight just update the previous threads.
Reply to this post or you wont sleep tonight
but in all honesty thanks this is fun to have you provide the play by play
Ill do more tomorrow when I get off work.
send us the dm when u r redy
Sleep tight codebro!
What's OP doing?
>What's OP doing?
>Building a better rake.
bump this is actually really interesting and could out some sinister people trying to suppress public opinion
Signed that thing yesterday and it still has 1 signature.. Someone needs to call Alex Jones.
Also, Bump.
ty for doing this op
Kill da juden senpai