Skip to 10 minutes to for the chimpening.
>Enjoy comfy arrests!
>Find Bjorn!
>Antifa faggots at it again!
>What's her name Sup Forums
> MS Paint
Skip to 10 minutes to for the chimpening.
>Enjoy comfy arrests!
>Find Bjorn!
>Antifa faggots at it again!
>What's her name Sup Forums
> MS Paint
Other urls found in this thread:
Get this cunt fired, Sup Forums.
We're living in her head rent free, boyos. We speak to her all day everyday everywhere, but especially while she lays down in her sty to sleep.
>I'm a good person. I'm a professor. I want to help all the children
>noo stop. Let me sleep. I'm good I have the glasses to prove it
>howww dare youuuuuu sob how daarrreee yooouuuu
Every night.
Here is all the NYU PR emails:
John Beckman
Vice President for Public Affairs
(212) 998-6848
[email protected]
University Policies
Matt Nagel
Director for Public Affairs
(212) 998-6833
[email protected]
University Policies
James Devitt
Deputy Director--Media Relations
(212) 998-6808
[email protected]
Faculty of Arts and Science
Gallatin School of Individualized Study
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
holy shit OP nice find
Around 15 minutes in Bjorn threatens Sam Hyde. How can we defeat him?
Different video, sorry
LIberals literally believe that Trump and his followers are Nazis.
And this is all they are doing.
What are they going to do when the boomers die and we become the new right and we are actually in charge?
Have Sam Hyde challenge him to a boxing match. Winner takes America.
Anybody got a twatter?
>This her?
Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Tisch Hall
40 West Fourth Street, 7-01A
New York, NY 10012
This is some next-level meltdown. Praise be.
Sweet liberal tears.
Trump needs to cut off NYU's funding until they fire her. She's clearly deranged and a threat to her own students.
lol that bitch is gonna regret this hangover
Looks like her to me
wow she's an emotional child
Another liberal professor looking for their 15 secs
The glasses in that picture seem more narrow than in the video. Is it just me?
It really is the most comfy feel, desu senpai
>tfw i went to nyu
>still don't know how i put up with this bullshit back then
When the real Nazis come, no one will care.
>i like you guys
Fucking hell this is hilarious
Nancy The Nazi?
she probably has more than one pair of glasses you mong
People have more than one pair of glasses..
I'm thinking we all just email blast their PR with this video of the professor and let them figure out who she is
When did Chunk lose his mind and become a professor?
Isn't that the guy from HWNDU next too her?
this looks about as memeable as carl the cuck or aids skrillex
>some fat jewish bitch doing the "autistic screeching" meme while that retard from HWNDU stands near her and watches
This is getting too crazy.
The memes just don't stop coming. Remember before the election we were constantly wondering when Trump would lose and the memes would subsequently end? Well, he fucking won, and the memes just keep coming.
There will be no end to the liberal tears. We will have entertainment until we're fucking bored of it. Guys, we're literally going to win until we're sick and tired of winning, and then win some more. He was right.
Why the hell leftists have pointy glasses?
What so special about them?
Same here, even though it wasn't so fucking SJWey out there 7years ago when I went there. Or maybe I just never paid too much attention.
> EVERYBODY SEND THIS, I dont know who she is but we'll let them figure that out
Dear Mr. Nagel,
I was shocked by this display put on by one of your professors towards the police last night.
She was screaming obscenity and calling the good men at the NYPD Nazi's in front of all the cameras and students @ 10mins into this video:
I could be mistaken but I beleive this womans name to be Taeya Howell, if I'm wrong about this I apologize and I hope that you can find who the actual professor was and get to the bottom of this.
This woman is setting a horrible example for your students. If this is how your professors behave I don't know why anybody would consider attending your University
wait til daca / dapa gets repealed tomorrow.
what an odd coincidence
I don't know if this is her but who cares. If it is we win, if it's not they will figure out who she was and we still win
Send the emails boys, let them know how dissapoint you are
that disgusting negroid in the beginning was driving me mad
"2017 is alreddy lit (baboon laughter)"
its gonna be more lit when your ass gets shot up by an RWSS
Taeya Howell joined New York University Stern School of Business as a Research Scholar in the Management and Organizations Department in August 2014. She teaches "Management and Organizational Analysis" and manages the Center for Behavioral Research.
>Behavioral Research.
From now on it's nothing but solid winning. All day, every day.
He's really sad. They called him names.
This photo could possibly be before they replaced her with the pop person
When everyone is a racist and Nazi for liking a different set of liberal policies, people won't care when the real Nazis come along and clean up those saying everyone is.
we're in charge
their children are right-wing
they should be very very afraid
aka makes your face look thinner
>if dubzz
her name is Mandy Menopause
Every day too.
Pink Hat and yellow glasses are twins?
I love the fucking antifa faggot stepping to the calm MAGA hat guy while he has his fucking face covered. Fucking pussy needs his commie head cracked open.
>LIberals literally believe that Trump and his followers are Nazis.
they're so unhinged leftwing that normal people are nazis to them.
holy fuck they're so fucking crazy
It's amusing that now when people here the words Nazi, fascist and racist, they just roll their eyes.
Because women used those kind of frames in 50s/60s.
You know, that time when most beautiful women of all time existed and had healthy BMI of 45.
There's nothing worse than a screeching woman.
Beyonce, Noggers1 L1ttttttttttttttttt
did doxxing that crazy bitch prof who was harassing that guy filming the BLM protest ever amount to anything notable?
I don't know, a screeching fat pig of a woman who thinks she's better than everyone else comes to mind.
you know what bugs me.. the fucking leftwing chanting. god it's so insipid and overused.
Whoa, the guy from HWNDU is in this video at 11:08, the one that kept shouting GO HOME NAZI
She's sticking up for her students. Since De Blazio isn't doing shit, somebody has to.
Read up in thread.. We think we figured it out so I just made an email template to send to their PR. If it's not her then no harm no foul and they will figure out who she really is and fire the actual person
I saw Riddick.
>She's sticking up for her students
By screeching about nazis? Where were the nazis?
LOL, bitches don't know about her tenure. Seriously, this is the kind of twat universities want "educating" future generations.
found the faggot.
I literally cannot wait for martial law
God damn we need a name immediately. Beers on me to the chap who gets it.
IT IS, I recognize him!
Paid opposition?
No, I mean the one at Mizzou way back who was calling for muscle to deal with that photographer. She just got quietly shuffled around elsewhere until the heat died down, didn't she?
Professor Pottymouth ? lol
Professor Fishmouth
>Research Interests: Voice, Status, Gender Beliefs
were you there during the original occupy wallstreet where they trashed kimmel? i forget what year, but man that pissed me off
Mellissa Click
HORY SHET, same glasses almost
This guy literally has no life
>Where were the nazis?
Waiting for Gavin McInnes.
It should be noted that all these Hipsters follow Vice Media, yet they come unhinged at one Gavin event? If you want to call out Liberals, find their actual duplicity. Don't pick on professors. Do you even know what it's like being a prof to these Hipsters? Pick on the poser Hipster NYU students, who are so full of themselves.
Triples for Bitchface PinnapleTits for the professor
Check them
>tfw no tits
WTF! that black bitch woulda got in my face that many time i would beat her face in... then again i'm not white... but that some bull shit right there.
I fuckin hate load mouth black hoes
NYPD are some of the best in the country. Especially in such a libcuck city with libcuck leaders. They don't take any shit and shut this gay antifa and traffic blocking shit down. God Bless, NYPD.
>he didn't major in soros shilling
This video gave my husband a seizure
we did this
Amen! Cops everywhere deserve respect, but doubly so in New York City.
>sticking up
i'm sure each of those cops were dreaming of hitting her throat with a nightstick.
NYPD yes, but the LAPD is pretty corrupt.
for the last couple decades the left has operated under the assumption that once "all the old people die" then everyone will get along and hold hands cuz all the racists and bigots will be gone.
They cant handle the realization that they are part of the way things are and always will be
her you go bro
>Don't pick on professors
The professors encourage them to behave that way, as evidenced in the video.
shit leaf, i hope you spellchecked that before hitting send?
NYPD cops are paid pretty well and the Pols know not to fuck with them otherwise they may call out sick at the same time and lets the chimps run free for a day or two.
Holy shit, aidsBjorn in the scene! Who is that retard anyway?
What happened to Brittany's parents again?
it boggles my mind that these people use nazi so casually
Just send complaints to the director. With PR issues a top down approach is better than bottom up.
Former Trump supporter here. Not gonna lie, this was bad ass.
fucking kek
Former Trump supporter here. Not gonna lie, we need more people like her leading the world right now. sigh