Continuation of Sorry this thread is like 4 hours late.
Larger version of OP pic
have the police made a statement about why they allowed 4 banks to be broken into by antifa?
This is the Starcucks where the Buzzfeed reporter got killed at.
Not yet, presumably it will some bullshit like "we didn't want to endanger anyone"
A friend actually told me he saw the cops cowering in a university building rather than go outside.
how long have you been in Berkeley user?
I didn't think there was anyone else out there
The Bank of America and Chase Bank on Shattuck took the worse of it.
The Chase Security Guard told me the protesters actually tried to attack him at one point and he had take the staff up to the third floor for their protection
Grew up here.
It's never been this bad so far as I can recall, not even at the height of all the Iraq and OWS protests.
Make a petition and/or get Donald Trump's attention to make Antifa labelled as a terrorist group.
Once that happens, the general public, especially family-oriented people across the US will think "terrorist" when the name Antifa pops up. This will also deter anyone from joining or being affiliated, because anyone with half a brain would not want to be part of a group labelled as terrorists because of the stigma and the legal pressure.
Also, because of this, police and homeland security would essentially do many searches for any Antifa members and throw them in jail. Nightclubs would be searched, punk shows would be monitored, raves would be watched, and warehouses would be raided. Essentially a legal gestapo without the bad image. If we do the same for Arabs in airports and big cities, we can do the same for Antifa.
Remember, that Antifa are more than just vandals and people who harass innocents on the streets. They're also involved in illegal activities, especially in San Francisco where they're involved in selling drugs to people at punk shows and raves, including minors if rave nights are all-ages. They're also involved in numerous cases of statutory rape, one member alone having approximately 730 accounts. They're also known squatters allowing fire hazards.
So, here's the thing if you get them labelled as a terror group and the police remove them. You'd be removing the following bad qualities from communities
>Less drug peddling, inluding the drug solicitation towards minors
>Less indoctrination and recruiting towards communism and anarchy (less propaganda venues)
>Safety such as less fires and innocents killed with less Antifa squatters (safe spaces)
>Less innocents assaulted on the streets
>Promotion of freedom of speech
>Less businesses vandalized
>Less cars vandalized
>Less police deaths
>Less fires from arson
>Less corruption towards youth, giving them a future
Adding to this.
The petition for Antifa is rigged. It's fake for collecting data as the signatures never go past just one, even if multiple people sign it. Meanwhile, plenty of other petitions, especially far-left ones fill up just fine.
We need to use Twitter, other forms of media, hashtags with redpills, etc. We need to get news stations information about what they do. Mention their name "Antifascist Action" not "Protesters" or "far-leftists." That way when reporters are out, they can identify them by their flags, and so can people watching TV.
We also need to contact authorities, such as the FBI, etc. We can also spread the word on Antifa on major news sites with comment sections. Hell, I even recommend Yahoo of all places.
Don't fall for false flags, and don't fall for rigged petitions. Do not engage in violence. Let the law handle it, but speak to the law and they may assist.
Make the Bay Area great again!
Wells Fargo on Shattuck and Center got nailed too, but the credit union on Shattuck was unharmed
Starbucks on Fulton and Center got trashed, but Peets was left alone
These protests were very brand conscious protestors
I'm surprised the shoe store on Shattuck didn't get robbed
>Opposes the Police
>Posts symbol on the flag of some of the world's most notorious police states.
You know for the Commie breeding ground that Berkeley is I think I actually see a lot of anons posting from here. We are in deep behind enemy lines though, I haven't been able to tell my family and closest friends about voting Trump.
I saw that one today too
It confused me as well
That's because the Union Bank is built like a fortress. They'd need an industrial torch to cut through those gates.
They did trash one of the ATM machines though.
I'm from Berkeley too.
I convinced my entire family to vote for Trump, but it took quite a while.
Dealing with Berkeley liberals is a redpilling experience for many
Speaking of Wells Fargo...
>The petition for Antifa is rigged.
How could be rigged by anyone but the white house?
How do those petitions work then?
Holy shit, you lucky fucker, how did you do it?
I was talking about the credit union on the west side of Shattuck next to the UPS store
They have an ATM, were right in the middle of the shit, and nothing happened to them
Isn't strange seeing everyone the day after the riot just going about their business? Like in what other community do rioters in black face masks setting fire to public property and rioting in the streets have the moral high ground? Everyone in Berkeley hates Trump so much but they don't realize it's those antifa scum at Cal that are literally DESTROYING their city
Oh that one. It's right across the street from Union Bank.
I lived and worked in downtown Berkeley for over 20 years now and have learned enough about the left to hate it
I love threads like this.
Yeah, the most I saw anyone do was take photos of all the graffiti. I did feel sorry for the poor folks who had to clean up the mess and all the people who were having troubling taking money out of their account because all the machines were smashed.
Speaking of which, here's Chase Bank
Wait what?
thank god berkeley is lib as fuck.
Is it possible to take our city back, Berkeley anons? I saw graffiti downtown that literally said "This is an AntiFa Zone". Do we remain the most silent of the silent majority or do we stand up?
Oy vey goyim the mean goyim anarchists are destroying my banks and my transnational corporations, be a good goy and join the national guard and protect my precious banks next time!
I still have yet to hear a cogent explanation of how destroying ATM machines used by the Proles is supposed to make Communism popular again.
Berkeleyfag reporting in
How old are you fucking ancient faggot
It took a while, but just bringing it up Trump every once in a while and clearing up any bullshit the media fed them worked pretty well.
>Isn't strange seeing everyone the day after the riot just going about their business?
That's pretty much what I did. What else would we do?
I usually just ignore the stupid shit that happens in this city.
Today two fucking retards started a fight in the walgreens in the street the people were rioting at.
The worst thing wasn't these retards fighting because one called the other gay, no. The WORST part was the stupid nigger chick who immediately took out her phone and told them to fight so she could get it on camera.
This fucking bitch had nothing to do with these two, she just wanted them to fight so she could post it on her fucking facebook.
In the end, the other guy backed down, it was fucking stupid.
>The petition for Antifa is rigged. It's fake for collecting data as the signatures never go past just one, even if multiple people sign it. Meanwhile, plenty of other petitions, especially far-left ones fill up just fine.
Can someone explain to me how a petition could be fake unless the Trump admin is doing it?
Are the petitions handled by third parties?
moving there in a year for a graduate degree
I hope Sup Forums strips exif
I'm not sure. The city government is pretty much on the side of the Antifa scum, no matter how much private property they destroy or people they assault.
I supposed the best thing to do right now would be something subtle like covering up all the Graffiti in Pepe/Pinochet posters or something. Do it in the dead of night so no one will figure out who's responsible.
didn't get many good pics because antifa started attacking people with cameras
>silent majority
I'm not sure we are a majority, and standing up would get me fired
I called the mayors office this morning to tell them I was scared for my life. She tried to tell me the mayor was in downtown and the police said there were 5 incidents and she didn't know what I was talking about. Bitch I saw people being dragged across the street with mine own two eyes
If it's not in the hands of Antifa, it'll forever be in the hands of libcucks, unfortunately. Been that way for decades. That place is a SJW breeding ground.
I saw that same fucking flag last night while they were marching through the streets
It does, actually. They added it a few years back.
>fight in the walgreens
Were these Berkeley High students?
They are often violent. I've gotten into it with them many times over the years
damn thats so cool
did they get robbed a lot?
Will this not just help reinforce antifa's confirmation bias that they're fighting against the next hitler who wants to shut down their opposing opinions?
it does. kinda
Hello, Jason.
All you berkeleyanons in here, call the mayor next time this shit happens and ham it up. Let them know your address so they know you're not out of state. The lines were busy when I called and I'd like to think I contributed to Arreguin's half assed apology
Berkeley High's been going downhill the better part of a decade.
There were at least two on campus shootings (one was some dumbass from Oakland popping his uncle's Glock in the bathroom, and the other involved an injury) the year I graduated.
More ATMocaust
The girl? Probably.
The two guys, unlikely. One looked older than me.
They were both scummy looking morons.
>Go to riots
>Accuse random cuck of being a fascist nazi
>Start beating the shit out of them
>Every one else joins in
How are there so many fucking Berkeleyfags on here? I'm a student at the Jazzschool on Addison
It wasn't even this bad during Reagan. This is almost, but not quite vietnam war protest levels.
I just hope this spreads to the rest of America so more people realize what the leftists are all about.
I've never heard of it being robbed.
who cares. it'll be fun to watch the full weight of the executive branch of the united states swat them like the little bugs they are. Hell, America might even invade germany to liberate them from the terrorist rule.
He is useless
He was my city council member after Donna Spring died and I have met him several times
Agoraphobics should not go into politics
And why is he mayor? He had the 2nd most amount of money to spend in the election
Then he goes on KALX and talks like he is an outsider
The Chase bank is still covered in broken glass
Yeah, stop being a bunch of greasy hogs and get yourselves some physical training
>BHS grad
I might even know you, or at least some of your teachers
>scummy looking morons
On Shattuck? What a surprise?
We tried to pass a sit lie law a few years back, but the voters rejected it
Can't finding anthing about this. What happened?
I know you need to show results for your paymaster, but lurk moar.
not Jason, more than a few poltards at cal
i would like to meet you and find out why a oldfag is on here, from Berkeley of all places
As long as Berkeley is under the boot of the Democratic Party, things will never improve.
They need actual opposition before they feel compelled to change their attitude.
Pretty sad that this antifa culture has spread to USA
I would like to know m0ar
Buzzfeed reporter had his livefeed abruptly cut.
Sup Forums was joking that BLM killed him because he was taping their looting spree
what did he mean by this
Yeah, but the only places they have the balls to riot are heavily blue. I'd love to see them try to burn down Texas.
Smashing the windows wasn't enough for these people, they had to trash the door too.
Hope this kills the city and the university of Berkeley and irreparably damages the careers and prospects of anyone involved in those shitholes.
enjoying this dump
Dallas Police Massacre ???
Sounds like people with cameras need buddies to back them up.
>did they get robbed a lot?
This area has had college protesters for like 80
Dallas PD would send in a bot rigged to blow kek
Though the Dallas proper mayor is def lefty.
They dont dare assault the suburbs
1.50$ fee to use another bank machine? Then another 1.50$ from my bank for using another machine?
This shit makes me feel bretty good.
I hope this along with SF's sanctuary city bullshit prompts Trump to send the FBI to start actually enforcing the law here.
Who knows, we might even see a Little Rock-style showdown if these idiots decide to press their luck and Trump mobilizes the Federal Army.
And they were promptly blown the fuck out
Did shutting down Aryan Nations feed their confirmation bias about Jews? Well. Yeah, it did, and they were probably right. Nevertheless, it neo Nazis got completely marginalized in the 90s. Its time Antifa goes the same route.
not sure if you saw the poor kids getting beaten AFTER they were unconscious in the street... yeah I'm not getting into that. call me a coward. we already won. just waiting for these fuckers to be deported and/or hunted down by FBI
Sad to see all those white women
I'll see you at a bar downtown
I was hoping the protesters had destroyed the goofy new stature they put up in the Chase lobby, next to Paris bakery, the one of the lady with her arms outstretched
>Nazis got completely marginalized in the 90s.
It's safe to say Nazism have been marginalized since 1945.
Even their modern successors feel compelled to repudiate many elements of the ideology ("we don't want to exterminate other races, just keep them separate", "the Holocaust is total farce, Auschwitz was like a summer camp" etc.)
tell them user.
wish we had webm's with sound. this kid was blaring his siren while a woman was trying to politely give an interview. when they started interviewing him, he started ranting about sonic the hedgehog and shit kek. even the protestors were like c'mon man
Sadly they did not.
God, I hate that statue.
They did trash the Sprint store for no reason though.
god bless this poor woman
Start a thread on /gif/ and link us to it. They enable sound there.
Either extremely autistic (like 99% of Antifa) or an undercover Sup Forumslack who was trying to derail the message.
Mechanics Bank
if this thread stays alive for a few minutes I can get the video off my phone and edit it down. currently it's 3 minutes of 4K video and i'm on shitty laptop
wtf Sup Forums???
user are these all your pics?
Can I use them on a small site that's covered them?
Can 10 minute mail etc
I'll keep it alive, if mods decide to be fags and close it, I'll put up another thread.