Sup Forums, it's time to grow up and become the media

Can Sup Forums make germanon's dream come true? Sort yourself out.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Red Panels
>"Zyklon" Ben Garrison
>Milo Minneapolis

It's been happening, beachball

>worldwide scale

That is a gross overestimation of Sup Forums's influence. We make memes but that's the extent to which normies are willing to consume information from us. While Trump's election has helped, a quick look at the catalog shows a bunch of stupid posts with few attempts at actually discussing politics.



Crew of


Someone give me a platform and I will become the media. I will be the writer.

We need a newsman, someone who can operate a camera, an editor, and a shill.

>a shill

Glad people didn't forget the most important part.

Sup Forums is not one person this would be impossible without being an insane clusterfuck of ideas.

Also Sup Forums would hate it and call it a shill thing anyway.

Still shilling for this.
Brown shoes, white button down, red tie, blue jacket, light khaki pants. They call Trump a Nationalist, but he's more patriotic. If we wear our flag colors smartly and with dignity we are patriots too (even if you're actually a nationalist.) We discuss issues like 2A, comment on how horribly Antifa is abusing their 1A rights, and how we feel we should act in solidarity with people and minorities. Our backstory is we're central to middle right-wing Trump voters who felt so moved by his slogan, that we want to share the joys of working for our country, political differences or not.



>insane clusterfuck of ideas

And that's exactly the appeal. Clusterfuck is unbiased by definition.

Honestly, I'd like to make a site like Politifact but not batshit insane biased garbage. Making the site and getting a couple staff wouldn't be a problem, but I know the site would never reach any kind of mainstream status because you really need connections in the industry to push it as a "legitimate" news source.

It would last 30 days before a Jew tried to buy us out.

...but then, refusing a billionaire jew's money and immediately publishing that fact would be hilarious.

There could just be a division between "sorted" section with news written in a normal manner and a "clusterfuck" section with independent opinions about naming OP a faggot etc.

Sup Forums opinion is too radical to properly report information. Too many retards will bend it too far. IF we could stick to the truth that can be proven it would work and be infinitely better than current MSM.

mark dice

I'm surprised that there's no Sup Forums wiki, though. Even retarded generals on /vg/ have wikis.

I'm already working on it.


PLease post this until some autists respond and change this cesspit


can lauren be our anchor?

Just change the way things are formatted
Make it so higher post counts place threads higher on the board. Then you dont have to wade through bait and forum sliding threads

Sup Forumsitifact



Forgot Red Ice

1st issue of Sup Forums newspaper
>President Trump General
>Syria General
>Slavs: friends or foes?
>How to solve the german problem?
>Eternal anglo strikes again
>Straya vs Leafs: shitpost fight
>Bogdanoffs: what is their endgame?
>Are pants redpilled?

If we go by threads - I think that would be every issue.

how about a pirate radio station?
should be easily doable

>Insider's Story: Find out who was on the other side of the notorious "call that saved Europe"

Why not both a radio AND a site?

And YouTube channel with multiple collaborators.

Plus, there's no need to centralize any of these things. You can have more websites, radios and channels.

No we need to stay semi secret.

So basically TRS.

We already are a news site. Anything that is big and worth talking about makes its way to the front page if you use that, or you can organize the catalog however you would like. And then the entirety of the thread acts as an unfiltered, non modded "comment section"

In between stories there are fun topics, shitposting, and massive shilling you have to dig through but with proper filters its not too bad

Except we are the media. A communist media dream. No one has power here and we're part of the Sup Forums collective. We have no names. We are only part of Project Mayhem.

The essence of Sup Forums is chaos. Anything ordered and controlled is antithetical to our nature and would die immediately.