I-Is Trump really going to be impeached?
People don't understand what "impeach" means.
>Is Trump really going to be impeached?
Yeah, a Republican congress is going to impeach a republican president.
Let's all just hold our breath, shall we?
im sure those are all completely legitimate, just like all those twitter and facebook acounts...
100% Republican congress. Trump literally destroying dems every decision he makes.
Dems are delusional
A president will be impeached because he has done high crimes and misdemeanors. Constitution says nothing about petitions.
It's likely gonna happen, sadly. He's not just pissing off half the country, he's pissing off half of republicans. And after getting that SEAL killed, he's pissing off the military too.
All they have to do is be willing to take Pence instead.
No. Least of all because doing so would render the entire government's mandate, left or right, void if the loser in any given election can get what they want after all if they throw a big enough hissy fit.
Pretty much this. For all the posters claiming that Republicans would never impeach one of their own, keep in mind they would much rather work with Pence.
>mfw one dead man ends his presidency
Why are you shills getting paid when you don't even know anything?
its like the faithless elector shit
In two years the majority would be democrat.
>Trump will not be the nominee
>Trump will not be electef president
>Trump will not live up to his campaign promises
>h-he'll get impeached, i-i mean it this time!
i'm not a trump supporter but bill clinton rapes and has extra-marital affairs and he was in there for a full 8 years. they have nothing on trump.
can't impeach a president merely because your candidate lost
No it won't, as the Democrats get more non-white they'll become even more incompetent.
>a bunch of people who think the world works like a censored internet forum pretend to understand politics
You can't just ask the mods to ban someone out of the white house because he was shit posting
Or treason
These are buzzwords now, because legal and technical definitions are not how we are meant to identify our cis-facts.
"Remember that petition for the electoral college to elect Hillary?"
>Everyone else
Name one petition that ever worked.
The joke is if they blow the impeachement horn before there's actually anything to impeach him with, that horn won't get blown again.
If he's impeached, won't pence take over?
Isn't pence every liberals absolute nightmare?
Getting a seal killed? People join the military knowing they will be put in danger, one navy seal died for over 30 sand niggers and intel in what was supposedly a "botched" raid. Sound like a pretty good one to me.
>mfw I had some gay faggot on facebook share this shit
kek, exactly.
Who didu nuffin
If they were getting more sensible I would maybe think about the possibility, but they are doubling down and getting even more anti-white anti-male.
you fundamentally misunderstand what has happened to the political geography of this country. the republicans control the rural parts in every state now, this ensures that winning control of the house is an uphill battle. how do you think democrats held the house for 40+ years after the great depression? rural dominance with working class whites. GOP will hold the house concievably for years to come.
ShareBlue concern trolls
These are just butt hurt SJWs spamming a useless online petition.
how are they going to make up the votes without their voter fraud and illegals?
You do realize previous presidents have gotten far more special forces killed for far more retarded reasons right?
Operation Ivory Coast during Nixon's admin lost two people for a raid on an empty prison.
Operation Eagle Claw during Carter resulted in eight dead and it failed.
Operation Gothic Serpent during Bush I resulted in 19 dead.
It's not like a special forces soldier getting killed is a world ending thing, happened before and it will happen again.
>hating Trump
wew these shareblue shills
They're in for a shocking surprise if they think Trump being replaced by Pence is good for them
Oh the lulz to be had when he opens counter-claim of false allegations. And wins yet again.
Yeah, its knee jerking. He hasn't done anything unconstitutional.
>a SEAL died in the line of duty so the military is going to impeach by force
Are you a fucking retarded? SEALs die and only dishonorable human scum with absolutely no respect for that soldiers life would use it to attack the commander in chief and the country he gave his life to protect.
You are filth and I hope you enjoy 8 years of Trump.
Go away liberal fucks. MILITARY LOVES TRUMP you dingus.
Obama nearly cause a silent coup that no one dares to bring up. Hiring Mattis secured the military support until he dies.
Gothic Serpent was during Clinton's presidency, not Bush's
2018 election is mostly currently Dem held seats. They have to run the table to maintain status quo and anything less with give Repubs an even better foothold.