Let's get organized.

Here's how we avoid being labeled death squads:

>Wear well defined, professional uniforms on duty.

>Show complete respect for law enforcement and don't disobey them.

>Do not attack unless attacked, and only retaliate with non-lethal means if conflict is unavoidable.

>Perform community service, such as garbage cleanup, feeding homeless, etc.

First steps:

>register domain name for a hub site

>decide on uniform, set of ranks, chain of command, other such standards

>establish local meetups based on state and city

>establish a discord/slack chat for general discussion

>pick a name:
ANTICOM (obvious lol)

suggest anything else below

Other urls found in this thread:


It should be pretty easy to organize groups to pick up garbage, sweep up broken glass, help owners of damaged stores.

Wear MAGA hats, reflective vests.

For the last time faggot the name should be "WE THE PEOPLE"


This guy
is making the website. we're rolling with the name XCOM

This is the better thread

re postin:

I want them gone too but setting up a public counter organization and confronting them will just escalate the situation and lead to more violence. They will see retaliation as a vindication of their movement, and they will spin it as such.

This group is not unlike the socialists of the Spanish civil war, they are determined and prepared to commit acts of violence. I do not think they will give up easily.

The best option is to play the long-term strategy. They are are organized but poorly trained and equipped. You should stock up on supplies(guns, ammo, armor, water, shelf stable food, medicine, etc.) More importantly you should seek out like minded individuals and establish underground networks, (we kinda have this already with alt-right twitter). Third, you should educate yourself, go to /k/ and seek out the do/k/ument, it will teach you everything you need to know about organization, tactics, improvised weapons, and more(it's like a manual for revolution and you may or may not be placed on a watchlist).

The most important effort in combating antifa is the dissemination of effective counter propaganda that exposes their hypocrisy and delusion. Sup Forums is an amazing platform for creating propaganda, we should start an antifa propaganda general thread. We can spread the propaganda on twitter and reddit, but we should also print posters and flyers and post them in public places.

Antifa here, will be monitoring thread. Continue Nazis.


Our main plan is cleaning up your tantrums

Great now everyone's going to think we're fucking nerds.


Reflective vests and MAGA hats are confirmed. Whatever underneath is fine but...

Reflective vests are opposite of antifa's all black.
MAGA hats to show the desire to actually Make America Great Again.

Guess I'm ok with a website if you think thats best.

Safety Squad is good but it does add more conflict.

I think we should stick to America oriented names. Minutemen has certain connotations and Deplorables is just going to remind people of the campaign.

Maybe United to Save America, United Service Association or something like that.

I don't give a good goddamn if you allow fire extinguishers or not I'm bringing one and I'm using it to put out motherfucking fires.

Also for better we are the Safety Squad. There's no reason to call ourselves anything else.

We can do better than a weebly, but for right now it will do fine. Why do you care about image more than action?

We ARE fucking nerds, but the XCOM franchise is super popular with normies anyway.

We are NOT rolling with fucking XCOM.


Deplorables is the best we have so far, it will attract immediate attention especially when we're cleaning up with trash bags, vests and just normal clothes. DONT BE FUCKING EDGY

This. We are called the Deplorables.

May Kek show us the way.


Just kidding. What's the discord and what cities are we planning on meeting up. I'm keen.

I like "light of the west" or "sons of the west" for names.


The point is to make our side look good and help out in the name of Trump.

This is a propaganda war first and foremost. Image is everything.

>pick a name
instead of acting like a fucking cartoon just call yourselves MAGA action group or something along those lines.

or maybe ROBOTS

Fuck that,

Say it with me



Gay as fuck.
We don't do this kind of shit anonymous is behind the scenes.


>anonymous is behind the scenes

I very much think this is a bad idea

this might even be a honey pot. It doesn't help us to actually unify because then it gives them a face to go after

right now they are just thrashing at civilians minding their own business. There is no benefit to organizing


Let's be honest, we don't need to church up the name, our enemies and the media will know exactly who we are.

We are the Deplorables. That is the name our enemies branded us with, in the darkest hours they cursed us; the DEPLORABLES.

By Kek's will.

Do we even really need a name?
Just coordinate on chans/social media and show up. Organizing promotes infiltration and subversion.

Fuck, an Argentinian gets something right, this is exactly what happened with the minutemen group a few weeks ago, they couldn't pick a name and just fizzled out.

Right Wing Safety Squad



>wear well defined professional uniforms

Got any design ideas?

Any attempt to organize on Sup Forums is a potential honeypot. But if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear.

Reflective vest, MAGA hat. Done.


Have you seen what Berkeley did to their campus? We value our institutions and as Americans who want to MAGA we should all be cleaning up and putting out their fires instantly.

Or maybe "The Citizenry"?


On the first thread, someone suggested "reputables" or "applaudables"
because they sound similar and remind you of "deplorable" but also mean that you do good deeds

>ANTICOM (obvious lol)


You don't need a fucking name. Just get a group of like minded anons together and go for it. You can call yourselves the fucking Avengers for all it fucking matters. Stop being so god damn autistic.

Also it would probably trigger them the most



The Americans.

Not hard faggots. Anyone who opposing you is unameican you're trying to Maga like Americans. Learn to brand shit.

post kik. ill add you sober can communicate easier


Ordained by numerals

Good idea, Ozbro

Honestly, fire extinguishers are not a bad idea. We have a perfectly good reason to carry them - antifa shitfucks start fires - and if shit hits the fan, a spray of CO2 to the face will slow any black bloc asshole down a bit. Or just smack them with the empty tank.

Peaceful, reasonable, effective.

There should be a group that calls them antifa who goes against the current antifa because they are just fascists now

I second this motion. We're the everymen, and this isn't about us, it's for the businesses affected by riots.

I suggest there be a "Make X Y Again" thing, like Make Streets Safe Again, something catchy to make it even better.

You'd like to hide like the Germans? They didn't stand up for themselves when they needed to, now look at them.

We won't get another chance. If there's any part of you that feels there's injustice in this country, this is the time to stand up. Or hide like the Germans and let the left destroy your world.


How much does /k/ really know about shit like geurilla tactics though?

I mean they know their weapons obviously but when it comes to tactics they seem a bit like crazy rednecks


Think of the local news "Group calling themselves Deplorables cleans up downtown after protests."

Don't even make a website. Facebook groups AT THE MOST. Cancel the website until it gets traction.

The Deplorables is a common name in the media already, half the country who voted for Trump will support it anyways, especially after seeing the retarded Antifa riots destroying their own neighborhoods on the news.

It's also a good name because it shows us acting the opposite of deplorable.


the media will say that we are "disrupting protests"
I bet you

Wise idea here. Just need to make sure we put out more than we start.



We are and always will be the


Bad idea

That's the irony we need.
Taking what (they) call us and using it as unification, like our black friends and their infamous name.


Anitfa, fighting against hate speech, burning down the city.

Deplorables, fixing the city and fortifying liberty.

This. These animals are getting more brazen by the day because they are met with zero resistance.

Suggesting "Bedrock" for the name.

... My idea from last thread... Someone said the media will just call us Sup Forums



Vote niggers ^^ this decides officially

>anonymous is behind the scenes



Motherfuckin' this right here

The brave men who stand up to the tyranny of globalist footsoldiers at a minutes notice, It's patriotic as fuck.


We won't be there during the protest, that would be giving them what they want. They want a common enemy to show in a bad light. We show up afterwards, we rise from the ashes and just wear normal clothes like a normal american and tell local news that we don't like seeing our cities trashed.

I think simply the golden Trump "T" would do pretty nice as a symbol.

I think it has too much baggage and is too associated with the election. People will immediately hear it and think of partisan squabbling. Needs to be fresh, patriotic, and forward looking. Either The Americans or some related acronym.

Safety Squad

Irony is always better than Sup Forums tier larping faggotry.


I'm in!

We the people is actually nice

Certainly not in Australia, thank god


Ideally, we wouldn't be starting any fires. Just immediately undoing antifa shenanigans.

>tfw the fire rises by putting out actual fires
>tfw I have no face


The full do/k/ument has everything.

Frock coats


I know tons of Antifa from the hiphop club I attend.
I will sabotage them at the most crucial moment.
God speed anons.

I like We The People as well. Isolates Antifa scum from normal Americans.

Forlorn Hope

>'Forlorn hope' now just means 'lost hope'. That's not how it was in the 16th century, when a forlorn hope wasn't a world-weary feeling but a robust and gung-ho band of soldiers.

>Each troop in the British Army had a hand-picked group of men, chosen for their ferocity and indifference to risk (and occasionally by using that tried and tested military method of "I want three volunteers. You, you and you."). They were the army's 'attack dogs' who risked all in reckless death or glory raids on the enemy.

Show up to your next local protest in a reflective vest and a MAGA hat.

You WILL get interviewed.
You WILL set a good example.
You are just tired of seeing violence and your city getting trashed.

(((They))) can't do anything about this. Even if the S.S. Safety Squad name stuck, the would just be "doing anything they can to paint us as Nazis"

Yeah definitely nothing to hide. Maybe not for Americans but I'm pretty sure here in leafland planning a right wing revolution is something that must be done in secret and not out in the physical world until we get a large group sympathetic to our cause and the economic situation worsens

Vanguard Of Liberty

The Vanguard of Liberty supports Patriotism and Americanism. We are a Hand extended to our communities, to our forgotten poor, our mistreated vets. A Hand lowered to those in need. A Hand raised to protect our communities, our country, ready to stand together and fight those who seek to undermine our great country. A Hand striking those who only wish us harm, only wishing to exploit us, both internally and externally.

Join our discord if you are serious, we /safetysquads/ for all intents and purposes. We are already established, well enough anyway.

& Outreach