Are Scandinavian women really attractive or is that just a myth?
Myth, they are fatties and routinely burn coal. Not waifu material.
myth, they are nearly all overweight and the ones that aren't are disease riddled coalburners
Slide and/or dumb thread.
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Not a myth. I see women like OP pic a few times a day
They're all awful.
Fat? Really? I never would have guessed that that would have been much of a problem with them. Being insane feminists on the other hand strikes me as being probably the norm among them and a massive turnoff.
Asian women are better and don't like BBC because tight vaginas desu
I love fat, Finnish chicks
Normal Swedish women (i.e. not selected on the internet for attractiveness) get bloated mongol faces the day they turn 20.
Eastern European qts are better.
Is women being fat there purely a recent/modern phenomenon? I was always under the impression that they were among the healthiest countries.
Scandinavian girls are overrated. Also their personalities suck.
Slavic girls are true god tier women. High metabolism, so they hardly get fat for western standards, model body shape and conservative values.
Ask Trump.
Well, if you sincerely wanted it to stay that way you shouldn't have exported your disgusting "sugar in everything" diet to the world.
Nah he is lying, probably got dumped by a Swede
They're not fatter than any other western European women, probably a bit skinnier on average.
Some of them are very pretty.
Unfortunately they've been so thoroughly infected with propaganda at this point I doubt 1/100 is worth the time.
Went to Sweden summer 2015 before the migrant shit got really bad.
It's not just the women. In the city, the women and men all look like models. I went all over Europe that summer and no one looked as amazing as the Swedes. They truly were a beautiful people. Which makes their downfall even more tragic
Yeah because I personally had total control over that. How did you know?
I-it wasn't his fault okay? Don't be a bully
i heard the danish were the ugliest any truth in that?
My wife is Swedish and Norwegian. Great ass, puff nips. Blond pussy hair is the best. Likes to bear children. Very religious so she doesn't cheat on me. The Perfect Wife.
has to be well-raised
Myth. Stay away.
10/10 scandi women look like models or manequins
They are beautiful but usually neither cute nor "oh god i want to fuck this so much"-type, their beauty is aesthetical
Slav 10/10s on the other hand make meh models but its cuteness overload and raging boner inducers
> Swedish/Norwegian
> Very religious
Sounds like bullshit
I work in tourism, in my experience Scandinavian girls are attractive. Women, no so much. Northern Europeans age like milk for some reason.
I get you bro
I want a Norwegian wife.
I had a huge crush on my 27 year old physical therapist who was Norwegian. I was just 22 at the time. She liked Vikings and said I should grow my hair out to look like Rollo.
>That feel when Rollo is my grandpader
sounds to good to be true, but if so how did you pull this off?
Hard to say what they look like, they all wear garbage bags like the mudslimes now.
they're hot as fuck
don't kid yourself
>she doesn't cheat on me
ive got some bad news for you, user
Yeah cute beats hot any day