Kikucks making Maori mandatory in school


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I'm an asian and i don't really mind. Would be nice to taunt other foreigners in Maori.

>Maori mandatory in NZ

It's not the same as making Negronic mandatory in the USA.

Here we are talking of the natives of NZ, who are not Afro-tier, but based-tier.

Kiwiland is notoriously Maori clay... not Britbong clay. Britbongs tried to cuck Maoris by mistranslating the Treaty of Waitangi.

Now the original treaty has been unveiled and that's bad news for the whiteys.

t. the Maori Batallion went to Italy during WW2. And they wrecked havoc.

is kinda related but not 100% related

lmao. I like to bring up the Moriori

I agree with it wholeheartedly. My dad does as well and he's as conservative as they come. Maori are solid

Fuck this. It should be Mandarin.


I don't know why so many people come to the Maori's aid. In my experience with them is that they are belignarant drunkards who try to start a fight when they outnumber their opponent three to one. They partook in rampart canabilism as they ate all of the large birds and animals on the island as well as the original inhabitants. Their biggest claim is that We DE Feated da Englrish, WE WAS Warriors And Shit! At most they are as good as the human firecrackers in the Middle East, however they will never take it that far as they were Christianised.

Can someone post the picture that user had to say about working with Chinese people

This is okay really. I don't understand the fuss. They're only going to know like 10 words in this shit.