>Why did Trump and Flynn feel the need to do this now?
>There is an awful lot already on the foreign-policy plate of the new president after only two weeks, as pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine are firing artillery again, and North Korea’s nuclear missile threat, which, unlike Iran’s, is real, has yet to be addressed.
>Bibi Netanyahu hailed Flynn’s statement, calling Iran’s missile test a flagrant violation of the U.N. resolution and declaring, “Iranian aggression must not go unanswered.” By whom, besides us?
>The Saudi king spoke with Trump Sunday. Did he persuade the president to get America more engaged against Iran?
This is how you criticize someone.
I wish Buchanan got a cabinet spot
Russian thaw gonna end because we're fucking with Iran on Israel's behalf again.
Thanks Jews.
reminder to newfags that Pat's /ourguy/ even with this criticism
>North Korea
>a threat in any way
China isn't going to let them off their leash any time soon. Besides outside of South Korea I doubt anyone else has to be worried. Russia needs to be stopped, though. I don't care much about Iran, but they shouldn't try and act tough like they have.
This. Pat Buchanan is based always
I wonder why though Pat has been so nice to Iran over the years.
The only times I voted for a major party besides Ron Paul and Donald Trump was for Pat Buchanan multiple times. If Pat got elected in 92, 96, 2000 or 2004 this country would be a far netter place than it is now. Trump basically ran on Pat's old platform.
The earlier he got elected the higher the white demographic would be today.
Pat is an isolationist
So far, Trump has shown that he isnt an isolationist and actually is an interventionist.
>Russia needs to be stopped, though
We're on the way there, lads
Today, President Trump’s Ambassador to the United Nations, former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley used her first appearance before the UN Security Council to condemn Russia for the renewed violence in eastern Ukraine.
Haley told the Security Council:
I consider it unfortunate that the occasion of my first appearance is one in which I must condemn the aggressive actions of Russia. It is unfortunate because it is a replay of too many instances over many years in which United States representatives have had to do that.
What were the “aggressive actions of Russia”? She did not say. Does she accuse Russia of another “invasion” of Ukraine, as Obama’s mouthpieces endlessly claimed without proof? What exactly did she mean?
But it got even stranger.
Haley went on to tell the Council that US sanctions on Russia would not be lifted until Crimea is returned to Ukraine:
The United States continues to condemn and call for an immediate end to the Russian occupation of Crimea. Crimea is a part of Ukraine. Our Crimea-related sanctions will remain in place until Russia returns control over the peninsula to Ukraine.
Too old. I have a notion that someone behind the curtains is deeply influenced by him, though. Trumps inaugural speech could pretty much be a speech written by Buchanan during his presidential run.
He popularized the America first movement after Lindbergh.
because Trump wants to break the stupid deal with Iran
Why else
>Russia needs to be stopped, though
All of eaastern Ukraine is ethnic Russians who speak russian
Ukraine is not a real country and should be annexed into Russia
Go Pat go! Go Pat go! The Buchanan brigades!
"There is a religious war going on in our country for the soul of America. It is a cultural war, as critical to the kind of nation we will one day be as was the Cold War itself." - Pat Buchanan 1992 Republican National Convention Speech
Pat isn't often wrong but he is now
Trump was not giving Iran an ultimatum
he's building a justification for re-invading iraq "to keep Iran out"
Trump wants to get trillions back in oil. screenshot this
Crimea is Russian the way Pearl Harbor and Hawaii are part of the USA. Strategically vital and paid for in blood.
>Too old. I have a notion that someone behind the curtains is deeply influenced by him, though. Trumps inaugural speech could pretty much be a speech written by Buchanan during his presidential run.
Uh, we know who that person is . It's Steve Bannon
Read what Bannon said about China last year. He's expecting a war
He's not a non-interventionist. Not at all
NK has already launched missiles halfway into the Pacific.
>people who supported king niggers iran deal come out in defense of it when trump wants to end it.
The people of Crimea also voted 97% to join Russia.
Pat is Sup Forums at its greatest and most erudite.
Fuck Pat the cuck for betraying Trump and Israel.
Iran is a huge threat to our allies in the region and must be neutralized. Man the nukes Trump! Go get those Shia cocksuckers.
Trump is a nationalist, which in this case means less interventions than before Trump, but he is not dedicated to isolationism. Tbqh Ron Paul was always a little too isolationist for me, and the neocons were always too interventionist (because they wanted globalism). Trump is decent middle ground.
Pat Buchanan is based. I hope Trump will call on him
We'll see if Trump is just flexing before he rips the deal up.
Feels good to read a nice political article with no crazed bias, Pat the the man i love him.
Pat hails from another era user.