you lazy shits, no links for you
Brit/pol/ GODS AMONG MEN edition
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Good morning
read them all and take notes
You Brexcucks thought it was all over.
We're not leaving the EEA. BTFO.
hahahahah tally ho mate i love fish and scones ahahahaha!!! dog save the queen dont vote for socialists vote for CONSERVATIVE socialists haha *tips monocle* *sips halal tea*
why can't yanks into bantz
Do you want a thread bump or not?
well obviously yes but do better nigger
Who is this guy again? Some kind of local radio host?
so even after being up all night you're still basically an AI that posts pepes? Doesn't it hurt to know this is what your life became?
>inb4 another pepe
I don't want to go to work today lads
you don't even have good pepes
You lads got much on today?
What do you think Are Nige is doing right now?
Go to work and pay your taxes so the shitskins can rape your women.
what's your job m8
Working from home today, duck. Half day too.
seen it, literal shit.
Let us back in pl0x
We won't fight this time.
Admin in A+E. it's always insanely stressful.
eeuh I can only imagine. Just quit lad, what's the worst that could happen
Morning lads.
Morning chaps.
It's never going to happen.
Sorry to hear that.
I had a lucid dream where I was a Wehrmacht recruit and my commanding officer made me suck his dick and I liked it
just managed to navigate a conversation with a full blown Cali lib without getting REEED at. Damn I'm smooth
That protest and objection doesn't even make sense. Westminster and the crown are sovereign in the U.K. They can include both articles in their leaving the EU.
I'm so tired of people implying "muh Brussels agreement from decades ago" means shit to the sovereign powers of the U.K. In regards to leaving the EU and it's negotiations.
For whatever it's worth fuck Brussels and fuck what the EU became.
what the fuck is Scotland's problem?
>essay due for 11am
>was halfway through
>file corrupted
Would England be better off if Scotland went independent? Politically wouldn't England swing hard to the Right ?
>tfw most lefty antifa scum could probably be ok people if they weren't so hopped up on (((propaganda)))
it could be so easy, we could just talk it out
No, I didn't make that.
Accurate though.
are you capable of any kind of conversation?
>tfw valleys boy
>yfw its YMCA unable to bear being wrong
this is how you spend your life
>tfw you'd actually rather have yktd to talk to
I often think that. In fact we could do a swap, all the lefties in England can move up there, and then we will agree to take some conservative and anti-EU Scots down south.
What did they mean by this?
is it time to keep the thread alive until the morning wagies take over? I think it is
that it's taking fucking ages
It'll be almost a year since the vote before they even begin the process assuming they even stick to their own schedule. So much for Cameron saying they'd do it immediately. We should be half way through the negotiations by now.
What the fuck is with all these fucking frogposters?
We need another fucking purge
how could you not feel any pity for that. Chinks are a different species
Fuck off, anyone who feels sympathy for frogs after all this frogposting cancer is fucking damaged
it's not the fault of actual frogs, they just want to live m8
>muh frog rights
>not fighting for frog rights
he will find you user
Govt responded to the "Revoke the BBC Charter" petition.
Basically the answer is No.
Reminder that KYTD hates dogs - only brown people and autistic young children hate dogs.
They should have had a referendum for the rest of the union just after the Scots one. It would have been beautiful if after they voted to stay in, everyone else voted them out, the oil price tanked, the EU wouldn't take them and they just collapsed in on themselves.
Fuck Scotland. I don't mind the occasional scot but fuck the government and the loyalists
I hate little dogs. Yappy fucking cunts.
Tiny shitdogs are pretty niche to be fair. You wouldn't say you generally hate dogs because of them, surely?
He's a glorified transport manager. He has no control over immigration. Too many fucking people in London as it is. Public services can't deal with it.
People that like death metal / black metal, are the cringe worthiest people living.
>Tiny shitdogs are pretty niche to be fair.
Every fucking female wants them. My gf breeds Pomeranian's and every buyer is a female. No I love big dogs, even middle sized dogs but cannot stand retarded, squeaky fucking pint sized mutts.
Chinks can eat the little fucks for all I care.
nah we're actually pretty based
>retirement age going up to 75 due to brexit
Thanks guys
So is Brexit happening or not?
>applications to study nursing at a record low
I wonder why could it be the fact the government removed the support they gave to nursing students
Oh well we can important more nurses from the EU oh wait looks like it will be india
nth for #PrayForDiane
No. The EU needs the UKs economy and military and the UK is infested with spineless, traitor politicians.
>A major security operation is under way near the Louvre museum in Paris after a man attempted to attack a soldier who was patrolling in the area.
>A man carrying a rucksack attempted a knife attack on the soldier, according to the public broadcaster France Info. The soldier opened fire.
They decided that before we even had the referendum. Just reaping the benefits of neoliberalism as standards of living continue declining.
>people living longer
>not expecting people to work longer too
>not saving for a pension from the age of 21
high leave corresponds to high brown people. scotland has barely any brown people so had no need to vote against immis. simple as that. lack of exposure to the problem which beset the need for an eu ref in the first place. underlying reason is wir kennt worldwide fur bein hostile bastards and abady kens they cannae take their muslim bullshit up there and get awa wi it.
implying that isn't what already happens friend-o lol. scotland is filled tae the fucking brim wi reitred leftie english cunts, and they need to be pushed back intae the fucking sea.
hello greatest ally
and straight down the memory hole it goes
>nobody remembers the time a guy got his head cut off and stuck on a fence in France
>nobody remembers the time snackbars murdered a policeman's family then killed him outside his house in France
but that mosque shooting in Quebec wew lad so important
Fuck off
As a man i like small dogs cuz my cat can beat it up when it gets bored.