>President Trump's adviser, Steve Bannon, is on the cover of this week's Time magazine, and in the piece it is revealed that Bannon deeply believes in a theory about America's future laid out in a book called "The Fourth Turning: What Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny."
Although this is a bunch of bs to push a narrative based on very few info, and wild suppositions of who is "Trump's real boss" (he is literally hitler but not really, just a puppet, after all), It makes great fiction, and frankly, sometimes I wonder if a massive shock will be needed to save humanity from itself
Lol the jews hate generatioz z aka you gotta go homers
Michael Sullivan
Steve Bannon is just a goofy ex radio host with a quirky sense of humor. That's how he got involved early on with making Seinfeld. Trump only keeps him around to keep all the stuffed shirts in DC loose.
Oliver Jones
So what's the fucking book about? God what's a guy gotta do to get a quick rundown around here?
seems like dark is the new buzzword good because its a shit word
Ian James
Intredasting. Could be on to something.
Mason Robinson
>America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny the hell does that even mean?
ALso: >Waaaaah Trump is Russia >Trump wants war with Russia >>Putin is controlling him >Bannon is controlling him >Trump is out of control
Tyler Gomez
wrong link senpai
Jayden Cruz
somesn should edit this to replace dark with dank and dankest
Benjamin Kelly
Oliver Mitchell
He's not going to save shit. He's just going to get us into another shitty war where civilians casualties will outnumber combatants 100 to 1. Nothing will get solved, no one will win. The US will waste another trillion dollars chasing a fucking fantasy into the wind. And our bridges will still be crumbling. It's the same shit we've been doing for 70 years.
Logan Sullivan
i never read articles written by some fucking non-white complaining about white people.