Mister Metokur

What's the rundown on this guy?
I've been following him for a few years and he's probably one of my favorite red-pillers out there but I can't say I know too much about him.
I heard some stuff about how he started gamergate or something but I'm not sure.
Any info I should know?

Other urls found in this thread:


I heard he has some kind of horrible painful disease

He is tiger woods.

He's a youtube celebrity. He says some stuff you might like.

That's about it.

He used to make fun of smaller youtube channels, kind of in the way people made fun of Sonichu.

Also he and his asian gf almost got doxxed that one time during GG, they actually got calls on their phone and the Asian girl posted a vid crying about it.

I don't know how he hasn't been doxxed yet actually, is he a powerful figure? It's interesting.

Link to the video? I wanna see what kind of Asian pussy he scored

No vid, just audio. He fucks her on one of the last GG live streams on air lol, he quit doing them soon after. You've never seen that one? GG brings back pleasant memories. Looking back on it I realize how autistic the whole thing was, but it was fun.

Here's a pic.


worst thread I've seen on Sup Forums in a year. Reported. take it to reddit

What was his handle before Mister Metokur again?

His great when he streams.
Holy shit it felt so good listening to him on election day, slowly coming to the realization that we'd actually won

He made an early video about (and named) the Quinnspiracy. Gamergate came later, and he was a major figure, but I wouldn't say he started it.

He's been shitposting on the internet under different names for years, and has made the news a few times, though no one knew it was him until much later. He was the guy who made a fake Pete Hines twitter account, and told people who bought Skyrim to fuck off every time they reported a bug. He also was involved with Metokur, a trolling group most famous for the Half-Life mod, School Shooter Tour 2012.

Now he mostly just shitposts on Twitter and occasionally does livestream commentary on terrorist attacks or riots. He's doing a video series on weird deviant art faggots, but don't expect him to ever finish it.

He's almost certainly been doxed, but he's faked his own dox like half a dozen times so people have no clue what's real and what's not.

Internet Aristocrat

he just knows how to cover his tracks very well
but it was fucking stupid of him to get with a camwhore because she was asian
it was probably easy to find dirt on the girl, and before you know it they were already trying to find jim

but really Jim always goes on hiatuses from time to time

t. diaperfur

She's got giant tits


literally just watched his shia video! i had never even heard of him before! i just subscribed! someone give me a quick rundown on this (((coincidence)))

Is the tf2 scout logo intentional?

not bad

I want to jizz on her face

Yes. is a picture of him, and people thought he looked like Scout.

it's referencing a faux dox of his


he says he looks like the scout
but i wouldn't doubt it's a lie, i think he also said in one episode he lives in Minnesota
that doesn't even look like a real person honestly

Jim always puts out great content, just takes him fucking ages to get around for it. I liked his video last year for Black history month.

Decent, would pump my semen into that fresh pussy

So whose this guy? Pictures of him always come up when you look up Jim.

He doesnt like getting to famous and switches handles from time to time.

Dude makes interesting and funny content. Doesn't take himself too seriously, that's about it.

He layered a bunch of filters on it to make it unrecognizable. I think he said he was making fun of some guy who used to try to use filters to hide his identify.

That Haberman, the guy who started Metokur. Apparently he's a crazy tumlrina who hates Jim now. Not really sure what the story is, but Jim likes to fuck with him.

>Mister Metokur
we know it's you fuck off Fagget

Not him, just some picture he uses. Apparently he looks like the scout from tf2 according to people who actually know him personally, but for all we know it could just be him throwing us off the trail.

His Gen Zed video is still one of my favorites. Whatever happened to that shit show? It could have been an endless source of lulz.

wow those are grade A tits




Died off quietly with no episodes released.

Gif form


Babbies first edgy youtuber

Gen Zed was cancelled because someone realized that there was no way to make profit from the show.

I want more /x/-files. The people need to know this stuff.


He does a pretty good job shit posting on twitter.

Nice tits but face is a 6 at best

Jealous white bitch detected

He used to to actual redpilling and debate/argumentation but that's slowly gone away to the point that he just doesn't anymore

I think he has become jaded by the left and other gutter scum to the point that he sees mockery as the only useful way to spend his time


>women exist on Sup Forums when I feel personally attacked
Sorry white women hate you user but Asians aren't greener grasses

>I'm not a woman
>uses typical female insult

You just described almost every Asian female.

what is a "typical" female insult
fetishizing a race is degenerate as fuck either way

Yeah that was tits. I was watching that too and it was amazing laughing at Cenk's meltdowns

Faggot that talks though but got FUCKING DESTROYED by Omnidestiny. After that embarrassing stumping, I'm no longer a #JimMissile.

>fetishize a race


i don't know what you're saying but positive racism is worse than negative racism
negative racism protects you from likely danger
positive racism sets you up for failure

He's total scum honestly, and I will never understand why people bother watching his shit content.

He got fame from attacking women for having different opinions than him, and he's now making videos on people who try to make the world a better place.


>up in arms over asian butterfaces
beta numale who can't do better detected


No one from here talks like that.

was/is she an actual camwhore?

leaf faggot.

Are these faggots serious?

t.fucking leaf

Did anyone else see the thread about him on kiwifarms before the site got taken down? Specifically, the chat log of someone asking haberman about him on steam. I know that haberman isn't that credible of a source, but it seemed pretty interesting.

Thanks for the rundown Jim

not an argument

Also, does anyone know of an archive somewhere of his videos from his much older channels? Like, the ones older than internet aristocrat. There's a few scattered around on youtube, but there's a lot more that I can't find.

as far as I remembered she only had twitch streams, tho it wouldn't surprise me

faggots have arrived, best to abandon thread now and


>I've been following him for years
>what's the rundown

It's over. Just fucking irradiate this whole board. It will never return to normal.

I like him, he's mad as hell and he's not gonna take it anymore

I don't follow him anymore.

he's a stupid faggot that makes jewtube videos once a year. just listen to TRS.

>Fetish fags improving the world
have a you

>"typical" female insult

Pic related

make like your flag and leaf

I've always loved this, just for the last sentence

I hate those kind of channels.

>no argument
no surprise there


>What's the rundown on this guy?
I poked his sister. He seemed chill about it. That's all I have.

That stream was great. Had a lot of fun.

Jim likes to fuck with everybody, though.

He's a guy who says humorous shit.

>There will never be an /x/ files episode 2.

I was so drunk by the time he answered my skype call, I couldn't even hold a conversation.
I dread looking at video of the stream

Where's the fucking video jim

Coming out this Saturday.

Sure there will.

Speaking of which, wonder if he is serious about putting up the next Deviants episode this weekend and his upcoming Black History Month video, or if hes just fucking with us.

If you wanted to say he makes videos about the mentally ill you'd have a point, but "make the world a better place" isn't on the itinerary.

what's his stream channel?

Well he's Starter doing videos again since last week, so we can expect a few more videos before he gets bored again

Jesus, is it summer already?

he's a faggot

I meant, he says hes got two upcoming videos on twitter, next ep of Deviants and a Black History Month video.

But this could just be like the time he fucked around about having a secret alternate youtube channel and planned videos.

he is stuck in an iron lung and forces his gf to work in the rice fields

Face is fucking 3 mate, she looks like a dead fish.

roastie got roasted lmao nice work anonkun

>Jim isn't his real name.
>"Jim" has Crones disease, but still smokes like a train.
>Reason it takes so long for each video is because of his actual job requires him flying back and forth from "Home" and DC a lot.
>"Jim" actual works for the government under an "Internet Study Experiment" and most of everything we "Know" about him is complete bullshit.
>"Jim" is paid to study internet culture and gather information on the many "Groups"(People, fetishes, Troll groups) online and the way they think.

I want Jim to call me a cuck while he beats the shit out of my sissy swedish ass

Jim is 33-35 years


Poor guy he just wants to fuck his Asian gf in peace

Oh my god the Canadian lesbian started going on pol

He has some nice bantz, and makes some good videos.

Seems to love his privacy though, and I don't blame him.