Post your best memes against these abominations Sup Forums
but are they coming into your country pretending to be refugees after they spent a decade beheading people for isis? shouldn't you worry about your own problems dip?
This is the only one you'll really need.
Fine just one sniff, ok? God you're persistent. Just like that, mmmmm. W-what are you doing? NO! Don't stick your nose up there s-STOP w-WAI-BRRRRRRRRpt PFFFFRAAAAP unnngg... PFRRRRAAAAAAP BRRRRRRRRRRRRT
Fuck you, you guys are all racist assholes.
America has Canada, Russia has Finland.
More please, got any F on M domination? Got any Hillary shoops or voyeur shots?
How do I survive homelessness? Do I go to a shelter or tough out? I'm a neet btw.
This is now a pro-Canada thread
this is now a Justin™ thread
get a job faggot
The only good leaf is a dead leaf.
Okay, that's it. I've had it. I've tried to play nice. I've tried to laugh it off. But enough is enough. The Canada-hate thing is getting old. I know we have a reputation for being kind and polite, but that ends now.
The Canada-hate has to stop. First of all, it's based off a lie - that we're cucked because our Prime Minister is a little light in the loafers - that isn't even true. Justin Trudeau is a former boxer, snowboarder, and environmentalist. Name me one "real" man who can claim even two of those things! Secondly, Canadians aren't shitposters. We speak our feelings. We tell you the truth. We share our opinions. If that's what counts as shitposting these days, then call me an Aussie. I don't know why Americans are so intimidated by hearing genuine, thoughtful criticism of their country and their politics, but you obviously are. All I can say to that is: deal with it. It's the 21st century. This is the information age. If information scares you, then go back to your bumfuck trailer somewhere and hang on to your delusions. Me? I'm a freethinker. I'm an idea man. I thrive off of enthusiasm. And I fucking love science. So when a Canadian is nice enough to offer you constructive criticism, take it as a compliment. Because we want to see you thrive as a country. We want to see you progress and follow us into the future.
End Canada-hate now and go fuck yourselves.
Moving in Canda for 2 years soon, tfw I just realised I will have a fucking leaf instead of flag.
if we go to war, it will be dusty
Uh oh, watch out guys, Canada is getting triggered!
What's wrong with Russia, friend?
Nothing, quality of education here is kinda poor in subject i want to study, and Murica don't accept applications in universities already, so I guess I have no choice.
nice shitpost.
I'm telling the truth. Deal with it.
I wish we had a Trump too