The source of evil

Where does SJWism come from? Was it accidental or intentional? Did it come from Christianity? Or is it a by product of soviet brainwashing? Are elites deliberately allowing this cancer to spread as a form of divide and conquer? If that's true, doesn't that make us their pawns as well? How do we know we're not brainwashed?

Help me understand

Other urls found in this thread:


Its not christianity. Its universities. Cut that head off the snake and then you just have the decadent rich to wipe out

It comes from white guilt.

I'll quote Radix Journal:
"We must also recognize that this morality of White Guilt would not be nearly as powerful and successful as it is if Whites didn’t, at some level, really believe in it. Put another way, White Guilt could not have triumphed if Whites lacked a special capacity for becoming their own enemy. This is the the manner in which White Guilt functions as guilt, that is, as a personal moral experience.

Any animal can feel shame. My dog feels shame, whenever I’m capable of actually disciplining the lovable creature. Caught in the act, he will assume the prone and penitent posture of a devout monk. Shame, however it might appear, is based on fear.

Guilt, on the other, is shame when one is alone. Guilt is shame without fear of a master, tribal elder, or public disapproval. Guilt is disembodied shame, internalized shame. Guilt is our ability to punish ourselves. And that psyche violence we inflict is what we call our “conscience."

Please, take a moment and watch
and then, (if you're still interested, it's long but a nice speech)

White Mans Burden

It started with the Jains.

It came mainly from the (((Frankfurt School))) of philosophy.

So it comes from the corrupt government? Why would they seek to destroy their own culture and race? Are they really all controlled by vengeful jews, if so where is the evidence?

It comes from the old ideals of white guilt and "white man's burden".

Have any 'serious' discussions with their type and you find that they have views of the minorities that will make an actual national socialist call find a brotherhood with them. They legitimately think that other races or genders or cultures can't hack in in the modern day, and it is up to the white people to patronize the fuck outta those savages in order for them to feel welcome in our multicultural society.

These Fuckers essentially want a Jim Crow law that negatively effect everyone but their own private echo chamber of feelings.

Paraphrasing from that dead guy:

"Have vs Have Not didn't work in this country, so they came up with the Oppressor vs the Oppressed."

SJW is just a bi product of the cultural marxism.

i always viewed it as a extension of the 80s punk scene

I've seen this pic 100 times and only just now noticed the GoPro

No, they hate the majority of whites. They're in a weird place where they think that "white allies" like themselves will enjoy the fruits of mexiniggerized America while the rest of us will be put to death. Rabid and brainwashed to hate their own race, the existence of the term "white trash" to refer to whites in poverty shows that they believe that a white person should be an aristocrat and whites who aren't deserve only death.

The trotskyite neocons at the national review held this same sentiment.

Easily coerced hippies and jews

>Where does SJWism come from?
Frankfurt school, marxism, satanism in that order.

It comes from sin.

The liberals are genuinely fucked in the head. Pedophiles, cannibals, rapists, murderers and mutilators all gather under the roof of tolerance because these individuals too crave acceptance for their vices. As the freakshow grows the freaks become more and more comfortable. They know this well which is exactly why they employ things like Antifa to silence dissedent before it can truly form. They know that once the pendulum swings there will be no solution but their deaths because that is precisely what a just society would demand.

They seek twist morals and ethics, to obfuscate and muddy the truth. All this they do in order to continue surviving as ungodly aberrations. This is the essence of liberalism, FREEDOM to SIN.

Cultural Marxism

Look up Yuri benenzof or however you spell his name

>this crazy nigga

"SJWism" isn't a coherent philosophy it's just a buzzword for things for anything Sup Forums and alt-righters on plebbit don't like. The only place it "came from" is a meme that started about 2 years ago.

Moreover, the fact that you can't accept that normies came to different conclusions than you naturally through real world experience and learning suggests that you're just looking for a catch all conspiracy to blame things on to simplify your own worldview. This is actually normal.

conspiracies are comforting because they can explain a wide range of complex issues in a simple manner. Of course, as the saying goes " For every complex problem there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong". Any explanation given here will be similarly flawed .

seeking out information here won't help you and even if you think that you're only doing it in jest, it's likely that it will color your worldview negatively without you even recognizing it.
The fact that you are here and wanting to have a conspiracy theory pitched you you just mean that you want to buy into a simple worldview and a narrative so you can feel knowledgeable have a faceless bad guy to rail against. I would suggest that you seek out different sources and try and meet people who are different from you in order to widen your intellectual horizons.

>Are they really all controlled by vengeful jew
I will simply ask you with all you should know from being here: is there another logical answer?

>white guilt

why is it only a modern thing? We've been conquering lesser cultures since the dawn of time and never once felt guilt on such a large scale.

Is it because we're so obviously superior that makes others want to root for the underdogs, which are niggers and the like?

You're chastising him for wanting a single source to a complex problem. Fine, I see why you disagree with that, because it is never just one answer.
But there are certain aspects of "SJWism" that everyone right-of-center disagrees with. That's the hook-mouthed, blue-haired, college-age white woman/androgynous men that hold up signs like "open borders" and "refugees welcome". Can we just limit to those people, not "everything we don't like"?
You have the room, why not explain what you think some of the origins are?

>Where does SJWism come from? Was it accidental or intentional? Did it come from Christianity? Or is it a by product of soviet brainwashing? Are elites deliberately allowing this cancer to spread as a form of divide and conquer? If that's true, doesn't that make us their pawns as well? How do we know we're not brainwashed?
>Help me understand

Russians Hacked the election by Hacking the Brains of Leftist over the past 100 years...

How you so dumb

Perhaps that they aren't a single unified movement or philosophy but rather individual groups, movements and individuals addressing different problems over a long period of time?


wouldnt that, in and of itself constitute a cabal?
Most people couldnt tell the difference between the work of 3301 and google unless you were wise to it, media is much more convoluted.

Good point.

Commies new fag look up yuri bezmenov on ideological subversion

SJW-ism a.k.a. Intersectionalism a.k.a. Cultural Marxism a.k.a. Communism

I've never read Radix, that's autistic as fuck lol. But he does make a good point, just phrases it funny

SJWs are only a modern thing as well.
Yes, we are in many measures superior. But being superior isn't what has caused it. SJWism didn't happen in race-mixed countries like Brazil, it started in the white West, where white culture had already been established, and others started to encroach upon it.

Communists did not just strive for economic "equality" to control the masses. They also strived for cultural equality. This never happened, but it didn't stop people from believing it could happen. What we now have is the aftermath of communist beliefs applied to a social setting. That everyone is the same no matter what.

So, if say that "everyone should be the same", that begs the question of why are people not the same? People do not want to admit that there are incompatible cultural and racial reasons why we are different, so they turn to the only other logical conclusion: That whites have oppressed them and should be eternally ashamed by this.

Some have said that it's the opening of sexuality that has caused it to such a great extent. In the Victorian era, sexual promiscuity was strongly frowned upon and was considered taboo, but matters of race and culture were talked about freely. This has since shifted. Race is now the taboo, and sexuality runs rampant.

Yeah, it comes off as pretty autistic to someone not already used to that community, I'll admit. Thanks, sometimes it's hard to tell how others initially judge stuff.

Checked and underrated

easy as shit to answer that
its the product of the entire generation sheltered from ever having to face failure or defeat, even taught they dont exist

so when they are put to the real world, they go berserk when confronted with constant & stark in-your-face loss, defeat, and failure every day

White guilt stems from humanism which is a product of socialism/Marxism.

Its all just Jewish propaganda.

Yep. I tried to explain it better here but probably failed.

But i deny that there even is such a thing as "SJWism". Talk about specifics if you want to say anything of value.

Secondly, I think a lot of the reason the alt-right has taken off is becuae that you only ever discuss these ideas (racial equality, gender equality, democracy) in relation to those as you call them

>" hook-mouthed, blue-haired, college-age white woman/androgynous men"

rather than the actual books or papers or other writings where these ideas origninated. You only ever figt against the weakest defenders of the "philosophy" and you come away from that believing that you've actually proved anything.

We're never going to see anyone on Sup Forums do takedown of one Frederick Douglass's speeches, or some youtube alt-righter actually sit down and read something like the feminine mystique.

The alt-right lack any sort of real capacity to examine anything of any depth.

It's actually not that bad, just the way he describes his dog "assuming the penitent posture of a monk" and stuff like that. Other than that I found what he's saying interesting.

Yeah alot of ill informed fags think its stems from Christianity, which is wrong, instead after ww2 churches gradually got cucked, now today they are basically trans gay loving socialists that want to bring in refugee's.

learn to read
>Perhaps that they aren't a single unified movement

We don't need to take down "the feminine mystique" or "FD's speeches", they're autistic garbage that can just be ridiculed instead.

The left never took down racial theory, it just ridiculed it. You don't understand this user.

Also no one even knows/cares of those things unless they're deeply entrenched in SJW bullshit, in which case they're too far gone to be reasoned with. Normies don't care, we're trying to convert normies and ridicule SJWs.

speaking of cutural battles

>The left never took down racial theory
Technically correct, science did

>it just ridiculed it. You don't understand this user

I don't think you understand much of anything that happened before 20 years ago.

Why are you going to completely neglect the overwhelming influence Jewish intellectual movements (Malicious in nature btw) have had in Western Society post WW2.
They are the primary promoters of white-guilt.

Frankfurt school.

Thank you, you're right I have not looked into them, and probably should, in order to study and evaluate, and if I disagree, make counter-arguments. But I doubt it will change my mind, to be frank. I believe feminism is killing the west and birth rates. I know Douglass was an abolitionist, but never really went into his works. The point of this thread wasn't to try to convince someone that believes in feminism, that requires arguments from a different approach, which I don't feel like getting into right now.

But I will say, the alt-right isn't *just* picking the lowest hanging fruit, the point of this thread was saying where SJWism comes from. Obviously it's a lot more than that.

>Help me understand (full ver. of above)

>posts barrage of youtube videos

No user, you don't understand. I don't care about your mental gymnastics and neither does anyone else. There is no need to "deconstruct" them. We can just make fun of you guys for the crazies that you are, and it's much more fun that way!

I don't know about that. Plenty of jews identify as white, or the very least Western. Europeans cucked them for so long many of them look like us.

>Technically science did
Are you saying that science tells us the races are not biologically different?
From your posts you have no idea what you are talking about.

Hitler called out the jewish communists as well, and called jews that converted to Christianity traitors. I agree Jews are behind all the cultural marxism bullshit. I just didn't think that was the best way to introduce someone to the idea of why white SJWs hated their own race. Usually when you start mentioning the Jews, it immediately turns normies off, and they write you off.

Now go back to rebbit newfag

The surest way to do disservice to an idea is to defend it poorly.

Without depth, your ideas will fail.

These ideas have been around for decades but it is kind of astonishing how they've become so fucking widespread in the last 3 or so years. I'm 24 and I never heard of white privelege or any of this shit in high school. Now half of the people I know from then talk about this shit.

From uni silly man

watch the vids. find out. or pussy out and hide inside your safe space.

His full name is Ciccariello-Meher.
What a shame that this "white" man doesn't like his heritage.

>Jews are white
You really believe that Jews see themselves as ethnic brethren to European gentiles?
Please read "The Culture of Critique" Jews have had mass amounts of influence and have been using it to undermine gentile culture for the advancement of their group.
They think of themselves as an outside group don't be fooled.


Beyond false.

>While the concept of social justice can be traced through the theology of Augustine of Hippo and the philosophy of Thomas Paine, the term "social justice" became used explicitly from the 1840s. A Jesuit priest named Luigi Taparelli is typically credited with coining the term, and it spread during the revolutions of 1848 with the work of Antonio Rosmini-Serbati.

>In the late industrial revolution, progressive American legal scholars began to use the term more, particularly Louis Brandeis and Roscoe Pound. From the early 20th century it was also embedded in international law and institutions; the preamble to establish the International Labour Organization recalled that "universal and lasting peace can be established only if it is based upon social justice." In the later 20th century, social justice was made central to the philosophy of the social contract, primarily by John Rawls in A Theory of Justice (1971). In 1993, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action treats social justice as a purpose of the human rights education.

Which brings me to my point - Rawls, a heavy influence on modern legal theory, helped birth a legal philosophy based on racism, or what he would call social justice. This evil is called Critical Race Theory:

There is an excellent rebuttal by a HLS student here at The Harvard Law Standard:

Higher education

Our ideas have depth but there's no need to take SJW sacred cows seriously. No one cares about "the feminine mystique" user, the people who do are un-reachable and small in number.


numerologists pls help

what does it mean

it's all I can ask. Those were just two books that came to mind to be honest there are plenty of other good ones regardless of your beliefs. my only point is that without really challenging your beliefs with counterarguments that have real depth you're only ever deluding yourself when it comes to what you think you believe and your own capacity to defend those beliefs.

I'd suggest "why do people believe weird things" if you want a more entertaining start to questioning your own beliefs

After I read "The Culture of Critique" from Kevin MacDonald its hard not to just jump right to it. There is so much to cover from the Frankfurt School to Freud.

Full-blooded jews don't see themselves as white, but many half-jews and quarter-jews do. I have some libertarian friends and they did mention once that they had some jews in their family, converging 2 generations above. (i.e. they are quarter or eighth jews). The Nuremberg laws are the best to issue what makes them what. But note that they consider themselves white...

Question your own beliefs, and by question your own beliefs I mean you're stupid and should agree with me.

> (You)
>Good point

Indeed comrade> (OP)
>Commies new fag look up yuri bezmenov on ideological subversion

That video is posted here And a few other the other ones were posted here

Whig whog post mondernism is the cancer that energizes these

(nice rare pepe putin)

Post-WW2 planning to prevent any more world wars between white people by destroying the cultural identity of individual countries and preventing cohesion of its citizens. At the point where no group makes up over 30% of the population, cohesion becomes impossible.

Furthermore, the whole concept is exasperated by the fact that when such a broad range of individuals make up the country (through massive immigration), uncontrollable amounts of the population would defect in a time of war if it were against their ancestral homeland. This destabilizes the very core of the war machine: the people.

Globalism leaf

They consider themselves white when it is convenient, and are Jewish when being white is not convenient. White=European Gentile if they identify as that they are white (heavily mixed like you said so they won't identify with their Jewish side), but that is not the case when most Jews say "I am white", that is a subversive tactic.

You say it like universities are some evil brainwashing machines, turning everyone into a gay transgender agekin. It's not an elementary school, it's attended by people over 17, most of which already have some resemblance of a political stance.
Would you become a liberal if some "teacher" with dyed hair kept chanting about the acceptance of those mentally ill attention whores on gender studies lessons? I doubt it.

I don't dent that critical theory or critical race theory exist rather that as I said

>Perhaps that they aren't a single unified movement or philosophy but rather individual groups, movements and individuals addressing different problems over a long period of time

the groups that Sup Forums rails against (feminism, civil rights groups, environmentalists, etc) all have their own independent histories and leaders.

buying into the belief of a single cabal is only a tactic so that it's easier for you personally to dismiss their arguments with addressing them individually or on their own merits.

I can agree with that. My friends are exceptions.

Comes from the Frankfurt school. It's communist.

No just the social "science" wings, literary criticism, whiteness and gender studies parts

The hard sciences and business are based

it comes from postmodernism, a demented iteration of marxism that hates reason, science, and humanism. this book explains the whole thing.

Foucault and his frog hordes

It comes from universities, then spreads through social media. Academia is full of yuppie (basically proto-hipsters that even hippies hated) faggots from the 60s and 70s that have been spewing this shit for years, but thanks to tenure they practically run these places and no one is allowed to stop them or replace them.
I live in a college town and constantly overhear the students regurgitating SJW shit they pick up in mandatory "diversity" classes crammed into the curriculum. On multiple occasions I've heard young men unironically use the phrase "I consider myself a male feminist."
I think another issue is the modern student seems to treat everything they're taught as some kind of irrefutable holy gospel. They don't focus on what they need to for their major and filter out the junk stuffed into the curriculum, or their "major" is some liberal arts shit that consists of nothing but that trash. 20 years ago we had similar shit in college, but everyone just screwed around during the fluff classes (they require ZERO effort to pass, you could even get away with skipping them fairly often and the faggy professors would let you slide since they don't want to be the "bad guy" in any situation) and worked hard on the shit they cared about. The modern student is sold the idea that everything bad in life comes from rich white men, including the bad things in the lives of other rich white kids. I can't even count the times I've heard trust fund kiddies whine about how many meds they have to take because of things like Trump being elected. It's pathetic and disgraceful.

>I think a lot of the reason the alt-right has taken off is becuae that you only ever discuss these ideas (racial equality, gender equality, democracy) in relation to those as you call them

I would dispute that the so-called alt-right represents a cogent ideology, but accepting your premise for a moment, perhaps the most common tactic is the use of the same identity politics framework that the left have been using.

>We're never going to see anyone on Sup Forums

Sup Forums is not alt-right. It is no one thing, much less an ideology. It is an anonymous message board. Get a grip.

>The alt-right lack any sort of real capacity to examine anything of any depth.

I reject the premise. Also, more generally, those on the have been contributing to the Great Conversation since antiquity, whether you acknowledge it or not.

in addition you can read this book, which explains postmodernisms counter enlightenment roots:

Strange that the correct answer always coincides with you not having to read things or do anything that might require real effort.

>the people who do are un-reachable and small in number.

cite your source. or would that again take too much effort?

I don't hold all Jews to what I said. Living in Upstate NY 2 of my friends were Jewish (only ones in town). They would do all the things me and my friends did sports, hunting, fishing, dirt biking.
Then I moved downstate and my view of Jews completely changed. And that was before I found out about their heavily involvement in pushing for destructive movements.

Or this this is a funner:

Again, there is no Sup Forums.

Do some satirize as such? Might others actually believe some of what is posted? Do some po-mo it up as a performance art project? Do others still lack enough historical knowledge to even understand the references?

A resounding yes!

Sup Forums is far more than you think it is.

As someone who considers himself leftist I can answer this question. It all started in university. I took history, not realizing it was african american history. I failed that class. It really wrecked my GPA. But I learned some things from it. I basically had some white lady who was like that one lady who does the blue eye vs brown eye experiment. Although I was not black, and black ppl were very mean to me at my last school. I felt black ppls despair. I put myself in their shoes. I understood why they were angry.

And using that same logic I have finally put myself in your shoes. I get it now. Youre just as mad and afraid as they are. The reason is because you are albinos, and when you race mix, there genetics take over. The problem is you dont know its albinism, your scientists lied to you and filled your head with all kinds of nonsense. Its albinism, the same shit that exists in every other species of animals. But I get it now. You want your own country and such, because as albinos, your recessive genes cannot compete with dominant ones. It is okay. I will let you covet this disease and deficiency.

You can keep your disease. But the second you convinced, your diseaed leper people, they are better than my true human brothers and sisters. Perfect human beings. That is when you have betrayed me brother. As nature dictates, we have the dominant genetics. We have the power in this relationship. So either you will learn to respect us and our power. Or we will breed you out. If you are not a threat to us, if you learn to love and respect us. Then there is no reason we cannot do the same. But supremacy shit aint gonna fly.

they are people who reject personal achievement, they reject betterment of the self and humanity, they blame everyone but themselves, rely on everyone but themselves, the ultimate cancer

I come from a east euro jew family. I call myself white usually but when I argue with libcucks I'm a jew.

Pretty useful trick actually kek

Cultural Marxism aka Sabbateanism.


Either the caste system dies, or you do.

Why did they do this?

It all makes sense aside from motive.

I cannot imagine a non-greed driven reason for this train of thought.




Woogie boogie nigger

Go back to Africa

It's marxism. Marxism is a shit idea and everyone watched it fail hard in the 20th Century, so no one's interested anymore. Plus it turns out the white working class isn't interested in uniting with the workers of the world either. However, certain people, mainly Jews like the original communists, are still obsessed with destroying Western civilisation in revenge for 2,000 years of persecution at the hands of white Christians. So they repurposed marxism by inventing a bunch of new classes by importing millions of third worlders and turning nice clean white children into feminists and LGBT+s and agitating them all using identity politics against fucking white males. This is unironically what happened.

Because the secret is out in the age of information. Its just a matter of time.

They all have ties to the Frankfurt school. They all stem from leftist Jewish teachings (movement were almost Talmudic in nature as well with a Rabbi like figurehead that's gospel was not questioned). Many "SJW" principles can be found in Bolshevism (another Jewish led movement).