Aus/pol: shit's fucked but it's not as fucked as i thought it was edition

you know what? it's a friday, trump is president, it's hot as fuck, and we're australian. why don't we have an uplifting aus/pol/ thread for once, with some good news?

NAB refunds 35 million in fees related to a stuff up

Danny Green is going to clobber the fuck out of Mundine

A program called Mayhem that is designed to detect flaws in programs might be deployed on the internet to stop hackers

Airbus is going to build an actual flying taxi

pls no bully

Other urls found in this thread:

cant wait til that fuckhead mundine gets his teeth knocked in tonight
too bad its $60 to watch tho. anyone know any livestreams?

Are you guys excited for the racism thing on SBS?

>mom got on my computer while i was in the bathroom taking my nightly poop

>she saw all of the tabs i left open, all the freaky porn, the Sup Forums posts, she went in my files and found all of my memes and all of the fucked up porn ive saved over the years

>she hasnt spoken to me all day today

What is One Nation's stance on immigration other than meme positions like stopping Muslim refugees? Do they actually want to reduce immigration numbers and end this ponzi scheme? I've never heard Pauline talk about this.



I wish I was Austrina

Remember when this man, who set up strategies to ensure that Australia was the only country in the world that made it through the Global Financial Crisis completely intact, and who promised a nationwide broadband network with super-fast speeds that would cost approximately 31 billion U.S. dollars, was stabbed in the proverbial back by his own political party, after which his party lost the election to a government that offered a heavily "watered down" national broadband internet network...

... and, 9 years later, the NBN Corporation working on this inferior network, had to be "bailed out" by the same government that offered the "watered down" version, to the tune of over 14 billion U.S. dollars, causing the single-worst infrastructure disaster in this nation's history, a project that has now blown out to more than 35 billion U.S. dollars while still unfinished...

... while a significant proportion of households in rural areas have to put up with approximately 5mbit connections and frequent disruptions (with a permanent latency of about 0.6 seconds because the technology that NBN Co. is utilizing for rural residents is a SATELLITE)?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

What could have been ;_;

it's her fault mate, she was the one intruding into your privacy.

if she brings it up, or ANYONE even HINTS that she's talked, tell her off about how she shouldn't have gone through your shit and she's the cunt for it.

it's what i did mate, my mum went through my computer when i was 17 because i told her off (she had gone running to my doctor because i went to check out a UTI that i was concerned might have been an STD privately, she thought i couldn't have possibly been angry over it for a legit reason and thus decided that obviously those people on 'the internet' were to blame and went through my shit), and after she screamed at me over my choice in porn i just said 'fuck off you dumb cunt, it's none of your business' and she fucked off.

Don't do that. It's annoying as fuck and only appeals to

Just a friendly reminder, is all. One of the greatest leaders in the history of the world was stabbed in his proverbial back by "allies" who didn't want to keep up with his extraordinary work ethic, and Australia has subsequently become more of a third-world nation than a first-world one.

Shoot the messenger if you must. I merely illuminate injustice, not cause it.

yeah but he was mean to people :(

Boyos how do we do further the work of making Australia based again?

Is there some sort of irl action group?


Always remember to lock your computer with people around.

Not that it would matter around my parents anyway. They can't work a computer.

He wouldn't have gotten through the next election. Gillard barely did and she was more popular. They did what they had to do to retain power.

Yeah, I always shut mine when I'm not around. Don't want my brother to see the weird pics you fags post.

Way to respect your mum dipshit. I slammed my mates brother for calling his mum a stupid, fat cunt in front of me once and then telling her to fuck off.

She was a stupid, fat cunt but I cannot fucking stand pricks who disrespect their parents.

lebs > gooks

remove chink

anyone here from newcastle?

im moving there tomorrow

He was more popular than Gillard, which is why they tried to bring him back to run against Abbott, unfortunately it was too little too late and Abbott was running under the 'our party isn't fractured enough to drop democratically elected PMs' (lel) argument.

He did alright for his comeback but I'm pretty sure Kevin Rudd just went 'fuck this shit' and now only gives a shit about his home town.

Yeah, it's shit, why I came to America.

>sorry day
no melbourne, just no.


mate, that woman beat me daily for as long as i can remember. she is not my mother as far as i'm concerned. i give more respect to the old lady down the street who bakes nice cookies than that shit stain.

Went to Centrelink today for the first time. Shit was more depressing than Vicroads/RTA

Can we make a irl organization or something for meetups? I hope you lot aren't a bunch of fat shut ins.

Just fuck off and die you sad cunt.

>Went to Centrelink
is it all dindus? I've never been

>Went to Centrelink today for the first time.
I've never been, and I never want to go. I'd rather die.


Mostly bogan trash but depends where you live. Saw lots of people in their who were clearly mentally fucked. Stuff like people mumbling to themselves.

Saw a women rock up in pajamas, really don't want to go back. At least the staff were friendly.


I would never meet up with anyone from this website, I'd probably get better conversation from a wall.

Zero net immigration. If one Aussie moves away, one non-Aussie moves in.

Medicare is just as awful.

Yer but at least when you have a medicare card you don't need to worry about em anymore.

Fuck off Labor shill.

Stop immigration. Send back work visa faggots. Gentrify shitskin areas. Bring back some industry. Reduce the prices of, or cut completely, the cost of tertiary education while dropping fucking useless meme degrees. Actually support our farmers instead of shipping of our top notch food and importing sewer water crap from Vietnam. Dismantle Lab and Lib, they have outlived their usefulness to this country and are now an aggressive cancer. Enforce some standard of academic achievement in our youth (we are the dumb cunt generation). Enforce fitness standards in our youth. Mandatory short military service for males. Illegalise coorperations and ngo's from lobbying our government. No foreigner can own a home on our soil. Pop that fucking housing bubble. Stop the raping of medicare. White guilt needs to go. Piss off data retention and public spying laws as well as all online filters. Cut Melbourne off the energy and water grid and declare martial law against any who smuggle in food or water for charity or profit. Sink asylum seekers on sight. Ban Islam. Ban everyone. Ban anime.

My sister disrespects my mother all the time, am I supposed to tell her off? They're both women so is that different?

Nah. Notice the words in brackets.

"One Nation believes in balanced, zero net immigration (subject to review depending on economic conditions) "

Dodgy. Very dodgy.

Looks like we've been had.


You must take after your mother fagt

in the sense that i see her as a subhuman and have separated myself from my entire extended family, on both sides, to get away from that cancer, yes i do take after her.

in every other sense? no.

you try getting beaten every single day for 18 years and come back to me with your thoughts.

Complete zero-net immigration would be terrible. We just need less than what we have now. A lot less.

Depends. If you have a cool mum who won't sell you out for her precious little vagina, next time she does it, slap the cunt.

Also get in your mums ear about disowning her. She sounds like she will drag down your family so best to cut her off.

Thoughts on the LDP?

You have my vote.

perhaps they're trying to be moderate. You're dreaming if you think Pauline's stopped hating immigrants after 20 years of being fucked over for their sake.
they're just vying for your attention.
>beaten every single day for 18 years
hahaha you're a faggot cunt as if you'd let a woman slap you around for that long without showing her who's bodd


Sounds like an ugly girl with a hot sister, and her sister is the main character in the fairy tale.

Australia fucking sucks. Everyone hates it over there. Literally no one goes there because it's fucking boring and irrelevant as fuck. Just empty space and shit. Seriously, name one thing you idiots contribute to the rest of the world. Exactly you can't. You're not funny, your shitposts never get any replies and everyone on Sup Forums fucking hates you and calls you out on whatever you post, even if they agree with you. Why don't you just leave?

You Chinese people are really bad at this.

>implying it was just her
cunt my brother used to body slam me and throw me into walls every day. it's a wonder i wasn't killed by those animals.

Yeah this looks great for the country doesnt it

>‘Influence has grown’: Chinese developers buy one-third of Australia’s sites in 2016

Cant wait for this shit to burst, fuck these chinks out of the country NOW REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Wi-Fi and this (You). You're welcome.

Sick bants against your piss poor excuse for a country leaf cunt

Canada needs to not exist.

Everyone does hate it here but we have a right to complain, everything else you mentioned is BS.

If she genuinely abused you and you weren't just a disappointing little poof, then you should have just kept your shit to your self and not bragged about it online. You are a man.

Normally the disrespect is mutual. I've had many people tell me about how horrible their parents are to them then actually seen for myself how they treat said parents.

>I hope you lot aren't a bunch of fat shut ins

Fucking chinks are the worst. But no one will do anything about it because datz wacist and muh money.

we invented the ute
fuck me cunt thats hectic. Yo're the user that posts your domestics on aus/pol/ every so often ay?
why is your family o fucked?

Well I agree with them in some ways. Government is way too big and the nanny state way too pervasive.

But I don't know it seems they would want an American style health system and much lower wages for most people.

Stop being a fat shut in.

Kek that and "Timmy you're little brother has Autism" always cracks me up.


nobody under 30 is benefiting from this though we are priced out of the housing market and rents are RIDICULOUS

Yeah I agree.

Our political scene is fucking retarded.

Yes user, it really does suck when no political party in Aus really aligns with what you want.

I like some ideas from the LDP but I still want some form of healthcare system plus free education.

Mostly I just support their stance on firearms and self defense.

Even Americans built utes you faggot. They're like pickup trucks but instead are based on a sedans body.

Wow I wish mummy beat me so I could be a big man like you

Fuck off leaf, the only thing your country makes is bacon maple syrup and Cucks

lol no?

Is there a cure for shitposting? I can't stop.

Leave Australia

Any party that is sane is totally ignored by the media like AIDS so the big two can keep majority power.

We basically have fascism right now which is why I couldn't give a fuck if Trump turns out to be an actual fascist.


they're quite good in those regards. Independants definitely need to garner more support and need to gain more power in both the lower and upper house.
How do we help this?


first for finding a hole in Mayhem and exploiting the fuck out of it

That's a holden you humongous cockgobbler

Sustainable Australia is pretty good. Shame that they are literal whos to most people though.

remember when kevin rudd while prim minister set up a meeting with john podesta?

He gave this speech about strenghening relation with Aus after backing out of the TPP. If he keeps his word, I might consider a move. If we keep importing Chinese and due to our geographic location, we are fucked. I'm not having kids that will treated like fucking Tibetans.

Either US or Czech Republic.

I lived there when i went to UoN.
>the uni is comfy
>beaches are nice
>i once saw an irl whale off bar beach
>weird hippy drum circle faggots everywhere
>cunt tried to bash me at king st maccas because i didnt have a lighter
>raymond terrace is worth a drive to watch some action

Thats about it. I honestly couldnt wait to move back home to wagga.

It's a chevy el camino.

Yeah they get totally ignored by the media because they're normal intelligent people.

I've been buying for 5 years now and couldn't agree more. It has to give sometime soon.

These measures must be adopted to ensure this once great country's future.

We need a nationalist leader.

Please do tell, i only own a place because i inherited it off my mum.

Whats the market like?

I reckon that's a pretty good idea. Australia is run by thieves for thieves these days. Honest work is for suckers.

Expensive. There's lots of talk about a crash but it hasn't happened yet.

People were talking about it as far back as 2014....


so when do YOU? think it will happen?

I think when china starts WW3 their economy will tank and we'll get big daddy usa to fuck them up

This word is a red flag. I won't support anything that smells like Agenda 21 shit.

As long as the immigration ponzi scheme keeps going, the housing bubble will stay.

Assuming there will be a ww3, that would certainty do it.

But in all honestly? At least till 2020 and beyond.

Don't be so paranoid. Sustainable in the sense that they want to keep Australia's population sustainable (i.e. under 30 million by 2050). They want to cut immigration from 200,000 to 70,000 per year.

The government and banks will do everything they can to stop it from crashing because they both make billions out of. They don't care one bit about the effect on our country or that average Australians will not be able to own a home