Do darkmen even work?

Frenchfag here, on my tout to work.

Only white men and women in the bus, not a single nig, nor do I see any shitskin.

So, is the final answer that only white people are working at all?

How do we get THEM to be productive ? Soylent Green?

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Damned autocorrect, I'm on my WAY to work.

They have cars and dont use public transport like a little cucked white boy

Public transport is a common commodity around, you bike seat-less rider






We never said they should not be working, pretty much any left-controlled ad campaign proud themselves on how the great migrants are working hard to integrate

I-I'm sorry Merkel! I swear I prayed this morning ! Entering Subway!

Fuck off filthy nigger or antifa cuck

Try getting the bus from the ghetto, then maybe you'll see some going to work.

Nah, I used to take it to university the previous years because it's impossible to drive in my town in the morning without being jammed.

Still didn't see any dark skins but old mamas in their burqas

No one likes your silly french bus.

They're working hard at becoming like the french majority, aka unemployed I don't see any problem here

Second bus(they drive on separate roads from cars, therefor no trafic jamais).

Still no brown skins


Never refer to them as "men." They want to push the narrative that they're "black men" and we're "white boys." Call them blacks or black guys to normies (guys sounds more thuggish), darkies or shitskins to the redpilled, and ALWAYS say White Men when referring to our group.

Language is important, they use it as a tool against us so we must utilize it too.

They're ugly but comfy, at least

Kek'd. You may be right

for top lols call them black boys

Try métro during the day toulousefag especially around Arenes and patte d'oie

I just didn't bother writing those, I'm still sleepy and the autocorrect keeps messing words up.

But yeah, we usually call them Mamadous and Rebeu around here.

Already did, as stated previously I use Public transportation to avoid trafic jams, and I took the subway all the way through Arènes All day every day. Still didn't see any suited for work

Toulouse bus?


The city got invaded in the last 15 years. Fucking parasites.

>In 2005, there were 2.3 million immigrants in the working population, of whom 43% were women (a rising rate).

>The rate of unemployment of immigrants is twice as high as that of persons of French origin (19% against 10% in 2003) whereas that of the second generation is between the two. Immigrants who have acquired French nationality are less affected by unemployment (16% against 21% for those who have maintained their original nationality). North African nationals are the most heavily penalised aeuro" around three out of ten in the working population - irrespective of whether they are immigrants or descendents of immigrants - are unemployed.

Sad! It's a good thing we're now in the First economic région, they'll be replaced by more productive persons any year now. It already started

How about it was about my specific City?

Niggers are animals my baguette friend

True that. The only good ones are black Christians and slutty beurettes.

Black BOYS!
Good job user, I will spread the word.

>going to work in early february and sun is already up

pretty sure ur a shitskin as well

I'm from Normandy Ahmed

Don't forget our black French people from overseas territories. Some of them are certainly as "French" as you and me.
Once again, good and bad people on all sides. Some are based, some are drones, some are thugs.

Oh they work alright. They work hard to please your women frenchie

Most of them are bad to be honest.

Still, black boys around here tend to work WAY harder than the average rebeu

Cucklord. Only girls that have AIDS, beurettes and antifa queens love darkies here

>Expecting mudshits to actually work

Come one user,have you been paying attention at all? This is the the cultural enrichment we should cherish. White people working so Ahmed and Fatima can keep pumping out kids.

How else do you expect to reach the goal of having Eurabia by 2040?

Your mileage may vary my friend. I'm in my late thirties, been all around our territories, but haven't met them all in person to have a definite statement like this yet. The only truth I have is blacks are already grown men at 14 physically, and more testosteroneous hence natural aggressivity. But they are noticibly more prone to blind faith (so are Melanesian and Polynesian people btw) and it might have helped calming them down in the past.

I arrive at work, time to stop posting !

Have my puppers and let it dieu!

Even your autocorrect smells of bigotry!
Have a pious and hard working day my friend


Will do! Godspeed Friend!


this is why I come to /po/ sometimes I just need a good laugh.

>How do we get THEM to be productive?


Fuck off, fucking nigger.


Same in London, and if you walk around or take bus etc during a working day suddenly everyone is black or brown.

I was in Normandy like ten years ago and I distinctly remember seeing a negro on the beach with a bunch of white women.

This was at Juno beach so there were no tourists (no one cares about Canadian military history).

Bayeux was pretty French though.

Honestly I found your country more multicultural than Leafland. Only Toronto surpasses what I saw. Even the soldiers seemed at least half black or Arab.